Thursday, April 22, 2021

Mooka Pancha Sathi


Mooka Pancha Sathi

Pravachanam By Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu

·         The story goes as follows: Once Kamakshi Amma comes in Sukravara (Friday) Mantapa of Kanchi. Two people were sitting. One was sitting for Amma Darshan after having anushtanam (Vydhika Prayers). Another one who is dumb just sitting to next to him without any intention. Amma came walking, making sound with her toe anklets (manjeerams). Both came out of their dhyanam (meditation). One saw her as Suvasini (Esteemed woman) and another as Goddess. She offered Betel Gulp (Tambula Prasadm) to the pundit first, he rejected treating Her as ordinary woman. But the Dumb person accepted it as blessing and took in mouth.

·         The moment he took it – he started chanting Mooka Pancha Sati. There were no witnesses to it. None scripted it. First, he chanted 1) Arya Sathakam – 100 slokas about Amma’s Speciality and Vaibhavam (Greatness) as a whole.  Next 2) Padaravinda Sathakam – Amma’s Feet 3) Stuti SatakamPraising Amma, 4) Manda smitha Satakam – Chanting about Amma’s Smile, 5) Kataksha Satakam – Chanting about Amma’s blessing looks. Each satakam is having 100 slokas. Thus, in total he chanted 500 slokas.   He chanted whole stuthi within 2 Hours.

·         He is dumb, Hence Amma only made him to Chant like this. After chanting this, Amma asked him what he wants, he asked Her to make him dumb again so as he will not use his mouth for the worldly things. She blessed him accordingly. Later he became the Head of Kanchi mutt and called as Mooka Shankara. He had his last breath near Godavari river. If one chants this Pancha Sati Amma will be walking-thru their life. There will be no other Kamakshi Amma in Kanchi. All other religious processions as well make round of this Amman Temple.

·         Below Few Important slokas from each Satakam are being explained.


1.  Arya Sathakam - Goddess Kamakshi and Her Temple

Sloka 2:  This is Dhyana / Prardhana slokam. There is a very special thing in Kanchi. There is none equivalent to this. This Goddess carries Kodanda (Bow), Arrow, Pasam (Cord), Ankusam (Goad). She is bending because of full heavy chest. She is provider of Jeevanmuktham i.e., liberation.

·         Another meaning is considering this as Tree. There is a special Til (Sesame) tree in Kanchi, which has been bent because of heavy fruits and providing the shelter to the devotees who are sitting at the Root. It is providing fruits as well. Thus, it is protecting from enemies with its branches which are like Kodanda, Arrow, Pasam, Ankusam. I am catching such root.

·         If the whole Kanchi is a woman then Amma is like Tilakam (Bindi).

Sloka 62: Here Amma is being praised by different names. Premavathi, Ekaambreswara Consort, who resides adjacent to Kampa River. You will be in stable position in Yathi’s (Yogis) Manassu. Bhomavati – Bhumandala swarupini i.e., Bhuvaneswari rupam. You are mother and I am son. Sathya Gira Samavathi i.e., in Vedas Sama veda rupa – Sama Gana Priya (music embedded). Amma likes songs with music. She is Kavyalapa vinodini. One who wear Chandrarekha on the head is Somavati. Hymavathi – Daughter of Himavantha who repeatedly born many times to different fathers but married only to Siva every time. (Katyayani, Girija etc.,). Though Amma is Ardhanareeswara, Siva Tejassu and Chaitanyam are Amma only.

Sloka 99:  Manmadha’s vehicle is parrot. Once he was searching for it and found by its voice that it is in Amma’s house. But he was hesitant to ask Amma directly. The voice is coming from Amma’s mouth. He is one of the upasakas (worshipper) of Amma. To get it back, he wanted to offer the parrot a fruit i.e., fruit of Bryonia (Bimba phalam). He took it to the near to the mouth of Amma. That fruit is nothing but Amma’s lips.


2. Paadaravinda Sathakam - Lotus Feet of the Goddess

·         Feet are Lotuses. Eyes, Shoulders etc everything are Lotuses. Panchaindriyas + Manassu = Shadpadi. If we do dhyanam (Meditation) with concentration on feet then like bee, we enter into Lotus, in the night the lotus gets closes, we also get salvation there at the feet only.

Sloka 69: Mooka Sankara is blaming Amma in first three paadas (lines) and wondering in fourth paada. Your feet have done blunders, which should not have been done by anyone. But how come peaceful munis (saints) are always praying and keeping such feet in their Manassu.

·         Your feet have done droham (Betrayal) to King of elephants. Your walking is making elephants to feel shy. You are being called as Gajagamini. The devotee who has seen this is the most satvika one.

·         Amma Your feet are making Lotus to be differentiated. They became envy of you and quarrelled with Your feet

·         While all are hating Manmadha, You keep him in Your Hrudayam. But You know whatever Manmadha has done it is for loka kalyanam (worldly prosperity). Because of You, we are doing Dharma (Charity) Ardha (financial) Kama (Desires) and achieving Moksham (Salvation).

Sloka 92:  Amma your feet are being prayed by Gods with flowers. Your feet always get smelled with those flowers’ fragrance. In fact, my forehead is touching Your feet, hence Your parani (Feet Henna) is touching my forehead. Always offer namaskar to Kamakshi, wherever you are, she will fulfil your desires.

·         Amma I am praising You with so many names till now, but keep it aside those names. Seeing Your feet now You should be called as Surabhi (Another meaning as well Kamadhenuvu, Good smelling). Your feet itself is Cow. The three qualities of cow are same as Your feet (Takes care of the Health of the Individual, Provides Good smell in all parts (even from the dung and urine), Healing Touch across the body). You are like Vasantha season

Sloka 94:  My Manassu is like baby parrot. Of all living things, birds will have more hunger. Like baby parrot eats broken rice, my Manassu gets tempted with five Karma Indriyas. That baby Parrot does not make sound and keeps sleeping, I do not pronounce God name and having kick of worldly things. Like people keep the baby parrot in cage, I will also be kept in Yama’s cage.

·         So Amma use your mercy net like the catcher, catch hold of the baby parrot (me), keep in the cage near your feet. There also I will eat, but eat as prasadam (offerings), remain in cage but listen to your keerthanas, see all the things as positively.


3.  Stuti Sathakam - Praising the Goddess

Sloka 67: A new Godess is there near Kampa river, by name Karunya Lakshmi. There is a black cloud, in that there is mogali reku (Screw Pine sheet). This is similar to Amma with Tadiya moon. Amma black hair is Pavitra. It only makes you to realize that beyond time, the advaitha gnaanam. 

·         How come black hair can remove black agnaanam (foolishness)? Only through dhyanam can be known. It will remove re-births. Hence, I am seeing not Kamakshi, but new Karunya Lakshmi.

·         There is a lightening in the sky, there is a black bee group in that (Bee cannot come when the lightening is there). Here the lightening is Amma smile. The black bees are Amma’s looks. The devotee who has seen by Amma in that light and who has seen Amma is really blessed.

·         In the pond – there is a lotus which has expanded and giving music. Here the meaning is Amma’s feet is nothing but Lotus, the movement of the feet is the music.

Sloka 69: There is a dark cloud, in that Red lotus, in that red mankena (Pentapetes phœnicea) flower, in that white jasmine light is coming. In that Veena tune is coming. All this is happening in Kanchi Nagaram. This is nothing but the Eesana’s wife’s magic.

·         Amma hair is looking like black cloud, while everyone’s hair is the least respected one, but Amma’s is the most sacred one. Kamakshi is nothing but Lalitha swarupam. Hence though Kamakshi, Parvati, Narayani is Black – here being described as Red. Red is symbol for Change, signifying removal of agnaanam (foolishness), further Amma’s lips are Red, smile is like white light (sacred and clean). The veena sound is Amma voice. She is prosperity of Eesana.

·         Everyone wants to see the magic irrespective of the age. This is never ending program. Where it is happening? It is happening in Kanchi. Which is Truth? Magician i.e., Kamakshi is Truth. Her Maya is magic.


4.  Kataaksha Sathakam - Glance of the Goddess

    Amma is showing Short sight i.e., Kadaganti sight (from the end of eyes, closing little bit of eyelids)

Sloka 20:  Vindhya mountains got Envy and proudness. It compared with Meru. It is proud because of its height. But envy as Navagrahas and Sun makes movement around Meru. So, to obstruct movement, Vindhya increased its height till the sky. Thus, kalachakram (Time) stopped. Entire Goddess worried. Bruhasptahi prayed Agasthya to bless the world, to leave north and to reach South. So, he left Kasi. Seeing him coming towards him, Vindhya became flattened and put namaskaram. Agasthya told the Vindhya to be like that only till he comes back. But he never returned back. He spent rest of the life in South. He was in Daksharaamam. Thus, Agasthya has bent the proudness of Vindyagiri.

·         Similarly, we also get rid of Samsara chakra (Family burdens) like Vindhya. The three sins because of Body, Manassu (1000 times), speech can be resolved only by Human. Siva’s courage is Amma’s control (avuposana – sacred swallowing of water drops). The same short sight of Amma makes Siva to sit as He is ensuring this world to sustain, so that we are getting mercy.


5.  Mandasmita Sathakam - Smile of the Goddess

Sloka 45: Your smile can not be compared with Amrutham (nectar). Though Amrutham has been drank by Gods and no death for them, at the end of Pralayam they have decay. Even demons like Rahuvu and Kethuvu also drank this Amrutham. It cannot be compared with Ksheera sagaram (Milk Ocean) as it has been churned by Gods and demons with Vindhya mountain and it got suffered a lot. It cannot be compared with pious Ganga river as it has proudness in it and thought Siva cannot hold her. Even it cannot be compared with Moon as his character is not good, he has decay for every 15 days. Your smile is supreme and incomparable.

Sloka 75: How can I talk about the greatness of Your smile? Seeing the children Ganesha (Heramba – who always sits next to father, for that matter He is in mooladhara of Siva as well) and Guhecha (Protector of Deva sena and killer of Rakshasa sena) i.e., Kumaraswamy, You get vatsalyam (affection) with happiness. The love between You and Siva is Great, the killer of Marudu. You did all these simply with smile. Those are all great persons; Hence You use Your mighty energy to bless those ordinary devotees who bend before You. Thus, Your smile gets satisfaction and I cannot describe the greatness of such smile Kamakshi!

Sloka 81:  Amma! Pasupathi (protector of pasus, agnaanis – Animals and foolish people) – without rest, always thinking of the ankuras (white light) coming out of your smile. I am getting doubt, why Siva always engages with these things such as – He wears Moon (who has done major blunder carrying on his head). Siva carries white Akasa Ganga on His head. He is wearing white garlands of Tummi flowers, white in colour, but not having fragrance. In addition to this, He wears white Bhasma (Sacred Ash) in the entire body. Now I know why He does all these white things. He is trying to imitate your white smile, but none is equal to Your smile. Hence, He is wearing all these and sitting next to You.



🙏 Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti! 🙏

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