Friday, February 26, 2021

Brahma Puranam

        Brahma Puranam

·         Brahma Puranam is called as Adi Puranam or Pradhama Puranam or Adi Brahmam. Brahma is narrating to Mareechi. Since Surya Prayer is explained in detail – it is being called as Soura Puranam as well. Another two Puranas what Brahma narrated are Brahma Vyvartha and Brahmanda Puranams. (Middle and Last ones in the series of 18 Puranas). This Purana has 14,000 slokas. Puranas classified as - Vishnu (Sathvika) Puranas, Brahma (Rajasa) Puranas, Siva (Tamasa) Puranas. Vedam, Sastram, Puranam (mythology), Ithihasam (Epic) – very fundamental for Indian culture.

·         24 Avatharas of Bhaghavan 1) Koumara Sargam (Sanaka, Sadananda, Sanaathana, Sanathkumara) 2) Varaaha 3) Narada 4) Nara Narayana 5) Kapila 6) Dathatreya 7) Yagna 8) Rishabha Deva 9) Pruthu 10) Mathsya 11) Kachhapa 12) Dhanvanthari 13) Mohini 14) Narasimha 15) Vamana 16) Parasurama 17) Veda Vyasa 18) Ramachandra 19) Balarama 20) Krishna 21) Budha 22) Kalki 23) Gajendra Moksha Datha 24) Hamsa. Infact most of places Hayagreeva is listed and Budha is rightly removed in the list.

·         Originally Vyasa told this Puranam to Suka maharshi. Lomaharshana Maharshi went to Nymisaranyam as Satra yagnam is taking place near Saraswathi river. Yagnam and Sandhya Vandanam (to ensure surya gamanam by removing obstacles of demons) both are for Loka Kalyanam (public prosperity). Vedam srvanam, Go dust, Homa dhumam (Listening to Vedas, Cow dust, Yagna sacred ash)these three are very sacred and if we touch, get punya and difficult to get this punya. Nymisaranyam is having full of trees, all caste people are there following their customs, Having all resources. Deekshithas greeted Lomaharshi. They asked him to talk about creation. Then he decided to tell them about Brahma Puranam. Prayed to Vishnu, Vyasa and started.

Aadi Sarga

·         Whole creation is originally filled with water. Madhu, Kytabhas formed from Vishnu. They wanted to fight with Brahma. He tried to wake-up Lord Vishnu, but He was in deep sleep. Then He prayed Jagan Matha. Vishnu woke-up, defeated both Madhu-Kytabhas. Brahma first created Appulu i.e., Nara i.e., water i.e., Narayana. In that he left Srishti samkalpam (sperm). That became egg. In that Brahma himself created. Tatvam – Divam and Bhuvam – In middle created Aaksam – 10 directions – Time, Manassu, Vaak (Speech), Kama, Krodha, Rati – From Rosham Rudra - Saptha Brahmas i.e., Mareechi, Atri, Angirasa, Pulasthya, Pulaha, Krathuvu, Vasishta (7) – Mansa Putras (4) – Lightening, Thunders, clouds – Rainbows, Birds – Vedas, Bhuthas etc., born.

·         Brahma made himself two halves – One half male, another half female. Created Manuvus. There are 7 Manuvus for each Manmantaram as head. In each Saptahrshis change. 1. Swambhuva 2. Swarojashasa 3. Uthama 4. Thamasa 5. Raivatha 6. Chaakshusava 7. Vyvasvatha – Now Saptharshis 1. Athri 2. Vasishta 3. Kasyapa 4. Gauthama 5. Bharadwaja 6. Viswamitra 7. Agiras. These Saptharshis vary for each Manvanthara.  

Aditya Uthpathi

·         Kasyapa with Daksha sutha, Adithi, had son, Vivaswantha (Sun). His son only Vyvasvantha. Sun married to Sangna. Their Children are – Sradha Manuvu, Yamuna and Yama (Twins). Unable to bear heat – Sangna i.e., Sowmya (D/O Thwashta prajapathi) created Chaya, exact replica of her. She left telling her to take care of children and husband, also not to tell her husband. Sowmya went to father’s place. But he advised her to go back to husband place. Unable to go back Sangna went to faraway place, converted herself to a white horse.

·         Sun is spending with Savarna (Chaya) and had children, Savarna Manuvu, Sani. She started showing step motherly treatment. Yama got angry on her. Chaya cursed him to get infect liquid to come from his feet. Then Yama and Sun realized something happened. Chaya finally told the fact. Sun went to his father-in-law place, from there went in a horse form. When he reached Sangna, could recognize each other because of their breath-in-out. Then Ashwini Gods have been born. Then Sun reduced his hotness.


·         Athri did 3000 years Tapassu – Tejassu (Charishma) from him is Soma rupam. That has fallen on Earth. Brahma took him (Soma) on his chariot. Soma did 21 pradakshinas to Vasundhara. His tejassu entered to earth as Oshadhis (Medicines).

·         Soma has done Rajasuya yagam in which Brahma has taken Dakshina (Donation) . Brahma, Athri, Brughuvu have been rithviks. Hari has been a member. Cine, Kuhuvu, Dhyuthi, Pushti, Prabha, Vasuvu, Keerthi, Dhruthi, Lakshmi have served Soma. After getting so much aiswaryam (prosperity) he has become avinaya (disobedient) and nanaya (corrupted). He kidnapped Bruhasptahi’s wife Tara. Then Sukrudu came from Bruhaspathi and fought with Soma along with Gods. But in vain. Brahma mediated and made Tara to be handed over back to Bruhaspathi. But she was already pregnant and delivered Budha (due to Soma). Bruhaspathi disowned her.

Puru Dynasty

·         The order of kings, Santhana (Ganga) – Devavratha, (Kaali) – Vichitra Veerya – Dhrutha Rakshta, Pandu Raju, Vidura.

·         Dhrutha Rakshtra – Duryodhana & Co – 100. Pandu Raja – Dhanunjaya – Subhadra – Abhimanyu – Parikshith – Janamejaya - ……Kanakudu-Krutha Veeryudu – Arjuna (Kartaveeryarjuna).

·         He ruled 7 Dweepas. He has 1000 hands. Brightening like Sun. Worshipped Dathatryea. He has been blessed with 1) 1000 hands 2) Protecting good people from adharma 3) Propagating Dharma 4) Winning wars and finally being killed by a better warrior. He has been annexing kingdoms like Maahishmathi which is being ruled by Nagas. Oceans, rivers, wales etc are used to be afraid of him. He used to play and stop those waters with his hands, divert them. Narmada river used to flow in reverse being afraid of him. He even tied down Ravana Brahma and jailed him in Maahishmathi. With the help of Agni and Varun, he burnt mountains, forests, ashramas. Apavudu, a muni cursed him that a more powerful person will kill him soon. His name is Ramudu (Parasu Ramudu) son of Jamadagni. He has 100 sons


·         Krishna Kathamrutham (from birth to niryanam) detailed. Vasudeva has 14 wives. Pouravi, Rohini, Madhira, Aadi, Vysakhi, Hathra, Sunamni, Sahadeva, Santhideva, Sri Devi, Deva Rakshitha, Mruga Devi, Upa Devi, Devaki. Others have total 9 Children including a daughter Chitra (Called as Subhadra).

·         Prasena and Satrajith are brothers. They are surya upasana believers. Satrajith got Samanthakamani from Sun and took it into his neck. He was shining like Sun. It gives daily huge amount of gold. The Kingdom becomes wealthy. One day Sri Krishna asked for it. He did not give. Then Vinayaka Story. Lion Kills Prasena, the brother of Satrajith. Finally, Krishna reaches to Dwaraka with Sathyabhama and Jambavathi. But left the Mani with Satrajith only. Satrajith has 10 wives, 100 sons (Bhangakarudu, Vatapathi, Vasumathi) and three daughters. Eldest is Sathyabhama. Other two (Vrathini, Prasvapini) were also married to Krishna.

·         Sathadhana (Used to ask Sathyabhama to be given in marriage), killed Satrajith and took Samanthaka mani and kept at Akroora, a strog Kirshna devotee. Sathyabhama asked Krishna to take revenge and bring Mani. Sathadhana got afraid and ran on a horse called by name Hrudaya. Krishna who went along with Balarama reached Mithila. Krishna went on foot and killed him. But he could not get Mani. Balarama got doubt on Krishna and he went to Mithila.

·         Akroora, meanwhile used Samanthaka mani, done many yagnas, done donations. No limit for his prosperity. Everyone got doubt on this. Meanwhile all invited Balarama to comeback to Dwaraka, he also softened his stand and went back. Akroora got afraid, stopped yagnas and went to Mithila, then rains stopped. All requested and asked him to come back again. The rains came again. Krishna realized through his yoga gnaana that Mani is with Akroora. He called Akroora told to exhibit the Mani in sabha mandapam and to get relieve him from the bad name of 60 years with his brother. Akroora with shy, did the same. Finally, Krishna got relieved and gave back the Mani to Akroora only.

Paatala Pramaana Kathanam

·         Earth is 70,000 yojanas area. Height is also same. Each Patala is 10,000 yojanas. Atala, Vitala, Nitala, Suthala, Talaatala, Rasaatala, Paataala. Narada says these are better than heaven. These have Ratnas, Naagabharanas. Sun and Moon shows lightening, but have no effects of hot and coolness. Bhakshya, Bhojya, Lehya, Paneeyas always abundantly available. Rivers, Lakes, Gardens are there. Danavas, Dhythyas, Nagas live here happily. Below Paatala Sesha will be there. He kills asuras. Carries Nagali (Plow) and rokali (Wooden pestle). Goddess Vaaruni (Naaga Angana). He is so powerful. None knows about him. Garga prayed him and learnt many Jyothisha Chakra secrets. The moment he wakes up and rises the earth shatters. He is called as Anantha.

Konadithya Devalayam (Konark Temple)

·         Bhakthi, Sradha, Dhyanam – Three important. Patram, Pushpam, Thoyam important. White puja things are important. White jilledu (swallow wort) flowers. Bhanu Sapthami is very special. No patients, No poverty will be there. Lamp should be with Cow ghee or til (gingelly) oil. No eyes problem.

·         Sun was first in Srishti creation. Aditya, Indra (Ruler), Dhatha, Pradhynnudu (Rains), Thwashta (Oshadhis/Vanasptahis), pusha (Takes care of people), Aryama (Entertains Gods), Bhaga (As prana vayuvu in our body), Vivaswantha (Providing food for jeevis), Vishnuvu (Kills demons), Anshuman (Good sparsa / Touch), Varuna (Rains), Mithra (Loka Hitham / Public interest) – Dwadasa Adithya murthys.

Marthanda Keerthana

·         Brahma is saying, Aditya is moolam (basis) for this world. Agni Ahuthi is Surya, from him Rains, rains give crops, food and population. Dhyana, Moksha, Tatvam provider. Kshana, Mhurtha, Divasa, Nisaa, Paksha, Maasa, Year, Season, Yuga etc time calculation. Seasons colours: Vasantha – Kapila Colour, Greeshma – Golden, Rainy – white, Sarath – Pandu, Hemantha – Copper, Sisira – Red.  12 general names are Adithya, Savithru, Surya, Mihira, Aarcha, Prabhakara, Maarthanda, Bhaskara, Bhanu, Chitra Bhanu, Diwakara, Ravi.

·         Brahma started creating Srishti again. First Budhi (mind) born. Then ahamkaaram (ego). Then Mahabhuthams. Then Egg. All lokas in it are there. Trimurthis are there in it and praying Eeswara. They could see Surya as Vignaana swarupa in dhayna yogam. Then they prayed in the form of stotram. Gods praised him so as he reduces his Tejassu and becomes normal to be seen. It is Pavithra to be seen every day in the morning.

Uma Maheswara Kalyanam

·         Brahma is conducting the marriage as a priest. Shankara told Brahma that He will do whatever He instructs. Saila Putri came with Mangala Instruments. Brahma did Yoga Bandham of both of them with Darbhas (Sacred Grass), Agni is ready with open hands to take Havissu, all Gods were eagerly watching and got blessed. This is one of the best pious one to see and listen.

Purushothama Kshetra Varnana

·         Once Sridevi bowed and asked Vasudeva Jaganntaha - It is not that easy to take birth in Karma bhumi of Bharath. She also asked His advice how to get moksham (Salvation) from Birth and death. Then Deva Deva is telling about greatness of Purushotham Kshetra. Once Srishti creation done by Brahma, He prayed Vishnu. He wanted easy way of Moksham rather than Yagnas etc., Vishnu was telling. It is in South sea. 10 yojanas to it Banyan tree is there. This kshetra will not destroy even in the kalpanthara. Will get rid of Brahma hathya if one takes rest under this tree. One who makes Pradakshina to this tree will go to Vishnu Loka. This is Indra neela Prathima. Yama prayed and requested him to withdraw this as none is sinner and everyone is going white house of heaven. Hence there is no respect to him. Then Vishnu hidden this Prathima under sand. Indra Dhymna, the King saw the city with full of prosperity, male and female with perfect shape, bugnlows are beautiful, sweet and melodious music through out the day.

Prathima Avirbhavam

·         He decided to construct prasaadams (Architectures) and did aswamedha yagam. The king was sleeping on darbhas in anxiety. Vishnu appeared in his dream, on Garuda in Vanamali rupam, with 8 hands. He told him to go next day to sea side. Look for a tree which is both in earth and water. To cut that without hesitation and bring that log to make Prathima. He was surprised, kept on chanting Vishnu prayers, in the dawn took bath, went alone in search. Could see the sacred tree. It was in red colour, shining, but unable to know which type and category it belongs. Then he cut the tree to make into two halves. Then two brahmins (Vishnu and Viswakarmas) came like twins and asked him why did he cut the tree. King explained to them in detail and that it is for Loka kalyanam.

·         Vishnu was happy and He told him that the other Brahmin with him is a sculptor equal to Viswakarma and can do all three pratimas he is looking for. He asked him to come from the sea shore. He asked the sculptor to do as follows 1) Tamara reku (Lotus petal), Srivatsa, Kausthabhams in chest, four hands Sankha (Conch), Chakra (Wheel), Gada (Mace), Padmam (Lotus flower). 2)  Swasthika Mudra Nagali (Plow) – white anantha murthy 3) Golden colour Subhadra with Vasudeva rupam. Viswakarma instantly did all the three. 1) Balarama Murthy – Sarathkala Chandra Bimbam White – Red Eye. Big body. Snake padaga 2) One kundalam (ear ring). White tamara (lotus) eyes. Black cloud. Blue body. Peethabaram stomach. Sri vatsa lakshanam. Chakrayudham – Sri Hari murthy 3) Golden body. Ratna haram. Vichitra Bhushanam. Kamala (lotus) eyes. Vichitra clothes. Subhadra murthy. Seeing them Indra Dhyumnu got astonished and asked them whether they are Gods? Vishnu? Aswini devathas?

Purushothama Varnana

·         Then Bhaghavan Blessed the king, told that his kindness will be with him, He will live with 10,900 years. This lake will be Indradhyumnu lake. Those who take dip here will have 20 generations heaven luck. There is a banyan tree in South side in South Eeastern side. There is a mandapam and a mogali poda (fragrant screw pine) here. So many other flowers are there. Ashadha Sukla Panchami., Magha star pray Balarama and Krishna. Those who see them and pray will have residency in Vaikuntham for 10,000 years. After that they will born as brahmins as crorepathis and chaturvedis. Then Hari and Viswakarma disappeared. King took three prathimas, did yagnas, established in sacred place. Thus, the king finally attained Vishnu padam. Jyeshta Sudha dasami fasting and Jagannatha Darshan will give 70,000-year tapassu phalam.  

Markandeya Vata Darsanam

·         In Kalpantham – All lakes, rivers will be dried up. Roudragni, Kalpagni – sruthis will be audible. It will shine with crores of Sun. Only Markandeya maharshi will be in dhyana mode as per veda, as he will be controlled by Indriyas. He will go to Banyan tree which is protected from Pralayam. He will sit there and eagerly waiting to have a glimpse of Purushothama.

·         Then thunders with different colours started. Heavy downpour for 12 years started. Oceans flooded; mountains smashed. Earth has been submerged. One Banyan leaf is there on which Vishnu was sleeping. Markandeya is praying Vishnu. He noticed that earth is submerged, moon and sun not visible, he tried to swim in the dark, seeing his efforts Purushotham was very happy and called Markandeya in singular tone as a Kid. Markandeya got agitated and wondered how come such a reputed Maharshi of his nature is being called like that. Then he saw Banyan tree. He saw on top of it a beautiful Bala Krishna. Seeing Him, who is like Surya, he got astonished, could not see him directly. The kid asked him to come towards Him. To enter into his stomach.

·         He entered into the kid’s womb. He saw entire Bhu mandalam, saw 7 oceans, dweepas, Meru, Kuruskehtram, Human beings, villages, cities, 14 lokas, God blessed him, told him to open his eyes and to see Him. He started praying paramathma. Save me who is crying. Afraid of fire rains. Suffering from hunger. I am surprised and sorrowful seeing your stomach with complete viswam in it. You are pancha bhuthas, Prakruthi, Guna Thraya.

·         Markandeya asked Vishnu who is He and to explain His tatvam. Vishnu said even Gods does not know who am I, you are pithru Bhaktha, I am Jagath karana, I do not have destruction. My face is agni, Sun and moon eyes, earth is leg. To have Siva Kesava abhedam – establish Linga temple here. Construct temple of mine in your name. North to this Markandeya hrada theertha will be famous. He disappeared.

Samudra snaana vidhi

·         Pithru, Tarpanas. During Sradha, (Homa time one can do with One hand) Tarpana should do with both hands. Devatha tarpanam should not be done standing in water and at bank side, or standing at bank side and in water. Pithru tarpanam should not be done in water. Should be done in neat place at the bank side. Should not be done with one hand. East side Darbhas for devathas, South for Pithrus.

Vishnu Lokam

·         Beautiful Gardens, Women, Lakes etc. 7 Prakaras – Swarnamayam, Marakathamayam, Indra Neelam, Maha Neelam, Padma Raga Mani, Vajram, Vydhuryam. Four Dwarams with twin dwara palakas. After that Vykuntha Loka. In that Srihari Sri Devi will be there. Right Hand Sudarsanam, Left white Sankham (Pancha Janyam), Right Hand Kaumudi Gada. Apsarasas, Devathas, Bhakthas (Devotees) will be praising and praying Vishnu. None will have any health, hunger, weather issues. Those who die at Purushoththama kshetra will reach here.

Anantha Vasudeva Mahathyam

·         Brahma asked Viswakarma to make Vasudeva Pratima. He has done Vanamali rupam. Brahma installed in Amaravathi. Indra prayed him went back to his place killed asuras like Vruthrudu, Namuchi. Ravana did severe Tapassu. Brahma pleased and gave him a boon that he will not be killed by anyone except Manushya and Vanara. His son Meghanatha occupied Amaravathi. Ravana wanted to take all properties of Indra Loka, but by seeing Vasudeva Pratima, he left behind all and took it away. Vibhishana got astonished seeing it, took it from Ravana. With Bhakthi, did Puja for 108 years and got Dhanya. Then when Rama killed Ravana, He made Vibhishana the King of Lanka, took the Vasudeva Pratima, surrendered it to Vishnu Loka through Samudra after ruling Ayodhya for 11,000 years. Dwapara yuga He has been born in Vasudeva family. Later in Purushoththama kshethram raised from Sea waters. Those who pray here will give moksham for 21 generations. Will go to Vishnu lokam.  

Hari Amsavatharam

Rama Krishna’s Leelas

·         Once Krishna said we are all cow shepherds and why we need to do pray to Indra. We need to do puja to Cows, then to forests which control these cows, then to mountain which control these forests. Even Farmers need to do Puja to Nagali (Plow). This was liked by all; they did the same. Krishna made all flocks to be worshipped, made them to do Pradakshina for Govardhana Giri. After that all of them took back their Cows to their Go sala.

Gopika Parithaapam

·         When Akroora came and taking, Bala Rama and Krishna to Madhura, On the way Akroora told them that he will have Sandhya in Yamuna.  By the time he took water in his hands he saw Adi Sesha naga, then Vanamali swarupa Vishnu with Sankha, Chakra, Gada. He could realize that these both are none but Bala Rama and Krishna, but got wondered how they could reach to Yamuna from the chariot. But Krishna did not allow him to express the doubt. He prayed the Achchyutha.

Devaki – Vasudeva discussion with Sri Krishna.

·         Krishna being Yadava, cannot become King due to Yayathi curse. Then they went to Avanthi and joined Sandipani Gurukula to learn formal education. In just 64 days he learnt Dhanurvedam. Guru-Sishya relationship is an ideal one between them. As a Guru Dakshina, the muni asked to give rebirth of his son who died in Lavana samudram in Prabhasa theertham. They went and asked Sagara the same. He told that a sankha form Dhythya by name Panchajana took him. Krshna defeated him, took the pious Panchajanyam. Then they went to Yamalokam, fought with Yama, got relieved the boy who is suffering with punishments, made him to the original form and gave back to Sandipa. Then they went to Madhura.

Rukmini Kalyanam.

·         Bheeshmakudu – Vidharbha King. Daughter Rukmini. Son Rukmi., Poundrukudu, Danta Vaktrudu, Vidhuradhudu, Sisupala, Jarasandhda, Salva, etc., Kings attacked the Brothers. But Krishna also defeated him. Made Rukmi head half shaved. Krishna got blessed Pradhymna as a child as Manmadha amsa.  

Pradhymna Story

·         On 6th day of birth, One Kala Sambara kidnapped him as he came to know that he will die due to that kid. He threw him in the ocean. One fish ate it. The fishermen gave that fish to Sambara. He gave it to his wife, Mayavathi to cook. When she cut, she saw the beautiful kid, Narada told the story. She protected him and grew him up with care and love. As he grown up, Mayavathi fall in love with him. Pradhymna became angry on her as she is like mother. But she narrated the whole story and she said he is like Vishnu kumara. He got angry and attacked Sambara and killed. Krishna and Rukmini came, saw him. Narada told the entire story to them and told that he is Their son only. Mayavathi also actually not Sambara wife, but Manmadha wife born again, hence will be daughter-in-law for Them. Thus, all of them went to Dwaraka happily.

Anirudhdha Marriage – Rukmi's Death

·         Rukmini had 7 sons. Charumathi is the daughter. Krishna has Kalindi, Mitravinda, Sathya Bhama, Nagnajithi, Jambavathi, Rohini, Seelamandala – another 7 wives. In addition, He has 16,000 gopikas as wives. Pradhymna married Rukmi daughter. Son is Anirudha. They asked for him Rukmi’s granddaughter.  For the marriage all went to Bhojakatakam. In the marriage time, they started doing gambling (Joodam). Rukmi won day by day against Balarama. Kalinga king laughed opening his teeth, Rukmi said Balarama does not know anything of gambling, but playing. Balarama became angry and bet it with 1 crore and won. Rukmi bluffed that he did not agree for the game. But Akasavani told the truth. Balarama became angry started hitting the kings who were supporting Rukmi, Kalinga etc. He hit and killed Rukmi. Later all went back to Dwaraka with Anirudha couple.

Banayudha Varnanam

·         Bana was eagerly waiting to do war as he has 1000 hands and Sankara blessed accordingly. He came back home and saw Anirudha having romance with Usha. He was brought by Yoga sakthi from Dwaraka. Then war took place. Anirudha defeated them. Bana started doing Maya war and made Anirudha arrested. Then Hari came with his troops. Then Maheswara Maha jwaram after touching Krishna body, taapam generated. Bala Rama closed his eyes seeing this. Maheswara jwaram has been knocked out from Krishna body. Brahma requested Hari to for give it. Krishna forgave it and made it to layam in Vyshnava jwaram. Then Banudu, Sankara, Kumara swamy fought with Krishna. Gods thought it came for Jagath pralayam only. Hari made Hara to fall down, Garuda made Kumaraswamy to bleed. Bana came to do war with Krishna. Then Balabadra, Anirudha, Krishna did fierce war. Krishna decided to kill Bana and released Chakra, cut the 1000 hands of him. He was bleeding. Sankara came to the rescue. He pleaded with Krishna that He is the killer for Demon, but He gave assurance to Bana to protect him. So, requested Him to leave him. Then Krishna pardoned him and told – Sankara we both are abhedam, do not want to create any difference, hence leaving Bana. Then Anirudha got relieved of the snakes tied around him. With the new couple, Bala Rama and Krishna, returned to Dwaraka puri.

Krishna Niryanam

·         Vasudeva left his humanly body and attained Trimurthy body. Thus, He merged His own Athma into His own Athma – a rare one.

Yagna Varaha Murthy Swarupa Varnanam.

·         His four legs Vedas, Kora Yupa stambham, Krathuvu – Hands, Aswinis – Face, Agni – Jihva, Darbhas – Hair, Brahma Sirassu, Day and Night Eyes, Vedangas – Karna Bhushanas, Ajyam – Nose…. He took the earth on His kommu and reformed Vasundhara.

Dathathreya Avatharam

·         To protect Yagnas, Chatur Varnas He has taken birth. He has given boon to Kartaveerya rjuna to have 1000 hands and to protect and rule entire Vasudha.

Parasu Rama avatharam

·         He killed Kartaveerya by throwing him from Chariot, cutting his 1000 hands. He attacked 21 times across prithvi to eliminate kshatriyas. As a prayaschitha he did aswametha yagam. He gave the Bhumi to Kasyapa that he has won. Later he went to do Tapassu for loka kalyanam

Kalki Avatharam

·         In Sambala village will be born as Vishnu Yasassu. By praying Him, pithru devathas will be pleased. Will get rid of sins, attain bhogas and moksham.

Yama Lokamaartha swarupa Varnanam

·         East gate is only for Deva rishis. North Gate entrance is for those who did service for parents, talk sweetly, do guru seva etc. West Gate is for those who are devotees, dies for cows, friends, burnt in fire, tapodhanas. South gate is for all wicked persons who do all mis-deeds like harassing women, parents, anti-nationals. Kill cows and Brahmins. Yama king. He will be black, infact He is Dharmathma. He will be with full hair, red eyes, looks as if he can swallow whole ocean, black yama bhatas accompany him. He looks angrily towards sinners. Chitra Gupta addresses the jeevis as “O siners, you did sins on earth and came here. Where are your kingdoms? Wives? Properties? You deserve the ultimate punishment” Then Yama asks to list down their sins. Accordingly, Yama lists punishments. He will order Chanda and Maha chanda to execute the punishments.

Sraadha Vidhi Varnanam

·         Darbhas from Vishnu hair, Til from his sweat, mixed with the liquid in a patra (vessel) and made teertha. Mixed Gandha, flowers – done proskha with kusa. Akshathas generated from all Gods. He called Viswe Devas. He started doing Pithru Tarpanas. Kusa, Gandha, Pushpa, Tila mixed. Done argya tarpanam – to pithamaha, Pritha maha, prapithamaha. Also, matha maha. Then with Aditya Vasu Rudra mantra Ghee, til, darbha – make three ahuthis to Soma, agni and Yama. Then made Amrutha samana annam, honey with full items served by Vishnu to Brahmins. Then asked if they are happy with the meals, they said yes. Till then Brahmins who are in mounam (silence) left it and finished it with utharopasanam.

·        All four varnas should do Sradha karma. Sudra and women should do without agni hotram. Pushkara teerthas, pilgrim places, mountains, sacred rivers, lakes etc., suitable places for Sradha. The places where should not be done – Kiratha, Kalinga, Konkanam, North of Sea / Sindhu River, South of Narmada. Every year should be done. With mantras only non-sudras should do. When Surya enters in Kanya Rasi 15-day Sradha is Good to be done. It will fetch tithi-wise from Padyami to Pournami/Amavasya as follows: 1) Money 2) Animal property 3) Children 4) Enemy destroy 5) Prosperity 6) Becomes Loka Pujya 7) Ganadipathyam 8) Gnaanapradam 9) Women labham 10) All ambitions 11) Becomes sarva veda rich 12) Jayam 13) Children development, animal prosperity, long age, aiswaryam, 14) Those who died because of weapons or at the young age will get satisfied 15) Will attain sarva kama and reach heaven.

Kanya Ravi (Mahalaya) Prasamsa

·         One should do sradha to parents, children less father’s brothers, elder brothers. Every year pithru devathas, Viswa devatha should be done. two Brahmins should be prayed in the place of Deva pithru places. Brahmins become Suchi after 11th, Khsatriya 13th, Vysya 16th, Sudra 31st day. Ekodishta Sradha should be done on 12th Day, Tripaksha day. Every month masikam. Then sapindikaranam also should be done. In this Viswa Devathas will not be invited. Brahmins will be in odd number. No need for children less women. For such women anniversary should be done by Gnathas, if not, brothers, or Grandson (daughter’s son). If none is there King should do for any caste as he is the relation for all castes. Then Nithya Sradham should be done for Pithru, Pitha maha, Pra Pithamaha + three more generations – thus including the yajamani it relates to 7 generations. Thus, by doing this he will satisfy all. Whatever births they would have taken (Birds, animals) will be happy.

Maha Pralaya Varnanam

·         In Krutha yuga 12-year Tapassu equals to 1 year in Tretha – 1month in Dwapara – 1 day and night in Kali. Krutha – Dhyanam, Tretha – Yagnam, Dwapara – Archana, Kali – Keerthana. Brahmins should be satvika, adhere to Vedas, do rituals. Sudras should respect Brahmins. Women should respect husband and they go to heavens only because of that.

Srishti Upsamhara Lakshanam

·         Three types of Pralayams – Nymythikam (After Brahma’s ayuh kalam), Prakruthikam (for every 2 pararadhams once happens), Athyanthikam (Jeeva moksham). 100 crore crores is parardham Double of it is dwiparardham Hence whatever pralayam happens for every dwiparardham is called Prakrutha pralayam. One eye lid time is Nimesham – 15 such – kashtam – 30 such = 15 kalalu nadika. 2 Nadika = 1 muhurtham. 30 such = 1 day and night. 30 such = 1 month. 12 months = 1 year. 360 years = 1 Devatha year. 1200 Devatha years = 1 chaturyugam. That will be Krutha Thretha Dwapara Kali yugas. 1000 such = 1 Brahma dinam i.e Kalpam. After Kalpam end – including Brahma nymithika layam happens. During Nymithika time after 1000 Chaturyuga – heavy rains, downpour takes place, all will be submerged, Vishnu will become like Rudra and in Sun’s 7 rays He will appear and dries out all, 7 Suns will appear in all directions, all water dependant animals die, whole world dries up, becomes like back of tortoise, gradually fire generates, burns the entire universe till heaven including trilokas, with nowhere to stay Brahmins run to Maharloka, then to Jana loka, then Vishnu forms dark clouds, heavy rains continue for 100 years.

Nymythika Prakrutha Pralaya Kathanam

·         First water swallows prithivi’s ghandha quality, then prithvi takes water form. Then fire takes away rasa quality of water, then it becomes agni tatvam and everything becomes fire. Then Vayu takes away agni’s rupa quality, then all becomes vayu. Then sky takes away sparsa quality of vayu, then entire thing becomes sky. It becomes sunyam. Then trigunas will be in equal state. For Vishnu Dwiparardham is equal to one day. For Him there is no day and night. Only day.

Athyanthika Laya nirupanam

·         Jeevi will recognize doshas and dukhas through Adhyathmika, Adi Bouthika, Adi Dyvika and become vyragya. Then he becomes laya and attains moksham. Getting physical problems like fever etc and mental problems is Adhyathmika. From animals, birds, reptiles’ problems – Adi bouthika. Bhuthas – pranis problem like heat, cold, rain – Adi Dyvikam.  

Yoga Vidhi

·         Yogis will be like fishes who breaks net and go back to water, animals like who break zoo and go back to forest. This is because they achieve yoga bala. They should eat suji, telaga floor. Should leave oil, should eat only once in a day. Drink watered milk. Fasting in a month. It is like the ability to walk in a thick forest of wild animals, with no proper road and no light – but still able to walk steadily, with no fear and correctly.

Samkhya Vidhi

·         Samkhya yogam – Dasa guna sathvam, Nava Guna Rajassu, Ashta Guna Tapassu, Saptha Budhi, Shashta Nabassu (Sky), Tri – Tamassu, Eka Guna sathvam leads to moksham.  Jeevi should be in sathvika guna, eat limitedly, should forefeet kama krodha. Should know that sukham is like a bubble, Rajo and Tamo.

·         Lomaharshana concluded the Brahma Puranam. He told that Vysaya concluded the Brahma Puranam to Munis. Lomamaharshana took leave of the munis and left the place.

        🙏 Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti! 🙏

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