Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Naayanaars & Siva Bhakths & Sanathana Dharma (Maha Siva Puranam)


Naayanaars &

Siva Bhakths &

Sanathana Dharma

    (Maha Siva Puranam)

Pravachanam By Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu


This is as part of Maha Siva Puranam Pravachanam. This details about the Naayanaars and other Siva Bhakthas stories. Few points on Sanathana Dharma as part of Brahmasri’s pravachanams.    



                                    Idols of 63 Nayanaars

·         There are total 63 Naayanaars as per Tamil Periya Puranam. They are all staunch Siva devotees who lead a pious life and unified (Aikyam) into Siva finally.

·         Kalai (Kalasha) Naayanaar used to go to samadhi stage by putting Resin (guggilam – Dhupam). This he took clue from Saint Markandeya who sang “Sungamdhim prushti…. “ Markandeya used to go to Samadhi stage in the similar fashion by praying to Shankara.  Once Shankara tested Kalai by taking away all his properties. The entire family starving for days together. His wife gave gold ornament for sale for survival purpose. Then Naayanaar went to market with the gold. Siva came as a seller of Resin (guggilam) with a huge cart load of it and Naayanaar purchased the entire stock. He burnt the entire Resin (guggilam) in a temple and went into Samadhi. He did not come back home and the entire family went into fasting and hungry stage. Siva finally stepped down, ordered Kubera to make his house fully prosper with richness. Siva appeared to Naayanaar to make him break the fast. Henceforth he has been called as Guggilam (Resin) Naayanaar.

·         Paralelly – at the same time near Kanchi there a Siva temple – a girl wanted to garland Siva Linga. She could not do it, as It was tall. She started crying and seeing her cries the merciful Siva linga bent itself. Then the girl garlanded cheerfully and happily, went away. Next day priest saw the bent linga and informed the king. They thought it was a sign of calamity and wanted to set-right the bend portion of Siva Linga. They tried many methods and could not set-right.  Finally, they tied the Linga with Iron thread and pulled with elephants. Guggilam Naayanaar came to know this and started crying feeling something untoward has happened to Siva. As a salvage, he tied the iron thread to his neck and pulled severely. As a miracle – the Siva Linga set right itself, which the mighty elephants could not set right.

·         Sakkiya Naayanaar was living in Kanchi. Those days Siva Lingas were abandoned by the rulers as they converted to other religion, and were kept in road side. It was forbidden to do Siva Puja. He used to cry for not able to do puja. He used to pickup a stone and throw it at Linga and assumed as if it is a flower. One day while taking lunch, he suddenly rushed to Siva Linga and threw four stones and said he could not do anything more Siva Puja. Then Siva appeared as Nataraj and unified (Aikyam) him into Him. This shows that the Bhavam is more important.

·         Rudra Pasupathi Naayanaar – stays near a village Tirumalayaar. He is chanting rudram. (Even Sanyasis have to chant Rudram). In which it mentions that everything is Eeswara. So, he wants to realize Eeswara. He went in the early hours and dipped in a lake, he felt as if Eeswara held him tightly in the cold water, he could see Eeswara in trees, clouds, mountains. Started chanting Rudram. He did the same in the noon, evening. Thus, as days passed, he started seeing Shankara in all, in air and even in thief. Then Shankara decided to unify (Aikyam) him as nothing else stops him now.

·         Dandi Arigal Naayanaar. He has no eyes. One day he came to know that the lake of Siva temple is being covered up with mud, by opposite religion people. He started uncovering the soil throughout the night. As the sunrise happened, the opposite people came and laughed at the blind person. The Naayanaar felt angry and said that if Siva were to be there by the next day when they come again for covering the soil, he will have sight and those enemies will become blind. That night he started uncovering soil again, the sunrise happened. He got sight as Siva has no other option rather to bless him. The opposition people lost their sight. King came to know his mistake. He stopped the closure of Siva temples and sent away the people who provided the wrong information to him out of the kingdom in an exile.   

·         Amarneeti Naayanaar – He served Bhagavathas more than God. He has constructed a choultry, providing free food and cloths daily. One day Siva came as a bachelor. He came with his own two Dhotis. One wet one he has given to Naayanaar and said he is going for bath, meanwhile to make it to dry. The Naayanaar did the same. By the time the bachelor came the dhoti disappeared. Siva started blaming him as a cheat, argued, demanded him to provide equivalent wealth of his Dhoti in the balance, no wealth could compensate for his old, torn dhoti. Finally, Naayanaar put all his family of four in the balance and said to all that if he did the service till now honestly – the balance will tilt to his favour. It really happened and is side tilted. Siva appeared in original form along with Parvati and unified (Aikyam) the entire family into Him.

·         Murthi Naayanaar – Those days other religion people used to be dominating and attacking Siva Bhakthas. They opposed Sivarchana. The king ensured that no sandalwood is available so that Siva Linga cannot be decorated. As no sandalwood is there Murthy Naayanaar used his own hand as sandalwood. Blood started coming out as he started trying to take dummy sandal from his hand by rubbing. Siva appeared and showed mercy and ensured that Sandalwood will be available plenty and Sivarachana will be continuing as usual. The King died in the sleep that night itself. As he has no successors, elephant with garland used to select the successor. It selected Murthy Naayanaar as the successor. He became King. His royal ceremony was performed with Vibhuthi abhishekam and he wore Rudraksha crown and ruled the kingdom very well.

·         Nandanaar Naayanaar went to Thirupungur Siva temple. He could not see Siva as Nandeeswara is obstructing. Nandanaar prayed Siva. Siva asked Nandi to move away so as to give clear cut darshan to Nandanaar.

·         Enadhinadhan Naayanaar – He applies Vibhuthi overall the body. He is a Sword war teacher. He used to teach even kings. One day Athisurudu came and challenged him. Both gangs fought each other. None could stand before Enadhinadhan. Athisurudu then applied fully Vibhuthi and stood before him. Enadhinadhan did not fight with him as he considers him pious with vibhudhi. He just used Daalu (Shield) to save himself whenever possible, but finally could not survive much and died. Siva saw this and unified (Aikyam) into Him. Even today many Tamilian families while sending their girls after marriage, put Vibhuthi in odiganti (a knot in saree used to hold generally sacred rice to carry to in-laws house) .

Siva Bhakths


·         Avvaiyar (meaning respectable elderly woman) is an old lady, devotee of Ganesha. Kshera king and Sundara Murthy Naayanaar – together came and asked her if She will come to Kailasam as they are going with life. But she said she is doing Vinayaka puja and cannot come. Later she repented for not going to kailasam. Knowing this. Vinayaka took her through His Trunk and put her in Kailasam instantly before the King and Naayanaar arrival. Since she is old and felt as if daily doing praying to Shankara, she felt homely, sat on the floor of kailasam and stretched her legs. Parvati felt bad seeing the Granny sitting like carefree. Meanwhile the assistant of Parvati came and told in the ears of granny not to keep her legs stretching like that. Then she requested the assistant to tilt her legs in such a way that where Siva is not opposite to her. Accordingly, the assistant tilted her. But surprisingly Siva also rotated. Any number of times she is tilting, same thing happening. Siva got irritated and told to the lady assistant how many times she will make him to be rotated like that. Avayyar knows that Siva is everywhere, but not the assistant of Kailasam herself.

·         Maanadu along with his wife, used to feed anyone who used to come to their house. As days passed his property faded away. They were happy that their property gone and no worries left. For few days heavy rains were occurring continuously. They were fasting with no food. Siva came as an old Brahmin and requested for food in that rain. Maanadu went to the field to get the grains which he has seeded for cultivation. He knows if he takes them there will be no crop for the whole year. As he gone out of his house, his wife stood out of the house and allowed the old Brahmin to stay in the house. Maanadu came with grains back home. As no dry fire sticks available, they pulled the hut sticks, knowing pretty well that the hut will collapse soon for the heavy rains. They lit the fire and made rice podgy and offered to the Brahmin. He asked them will they not take. They said they will be happy by seeing He taking the food. Then Siva appeared along with Parvati and unified (Aikyam) them in Him.

Sanathana Dharma

Panchakshari – NaMahSiVaYah. Though Vedas are four, they are called popularly as Trivedas. Upanayanam is needed to study for first 3 vedas. For the fourth one i.e., Adharvana vedam second time upanayanam is needed again. Rudraadhyaayam says (forecasted well in advance) Siva with two forms will be there 1) Siva with Jatajootam and 2) As well with fully Bald. The second one is none other than but forecasted form of Adi Shankara, who even forecasted by Vyasa as a person with orange cloth with four disciples, in Chinmudra. Guru Parampara is nothing but starts from Siva/Vyasa/Adi Shankara…

·         Bhishma challenged that he will ensure that Krishna will take weapon in the war. Same thing happened, when Bhishma injured Arjuna severely. Krishna jumped from Chariot - took the wheel and wanted to Kill Bhishma angrily. Arjuna then pacified Krishna not to do so. Otherwise Bhishma and the entire kauravas would have been killed by Krishna in one second.

·         Bhishmashtami (Next Day of Rathasapthami). Tarpana should be given to Bhishma by everyone. Bhishma’s gothra is Vyaghra gothra.

·         Yenamadurru (7 Km from Bhimavaram, AP) – Siva here will be upside and down (Sirshasana). Once Yama came and asked Parvati to accompany him so that he can kill demons. But that time, Siva is in that Yoga nishta, Amma is giving milk to Subrahmanya swamy. She would not want to disturb Siva, hence She rushed like that only carrying Siva and Subrahmanya. That’s why Siva is like Sirshasana, Parvati is like in the posture as if giving milk. Once 200 soldiers of another religion came to destroy Siva Linga with a sword, then Parvati threw big stones, smashed them and killed all of them. Nothing happened to Linga, not even a single scar. Even today villagers consider Amma as a powerful goddess of protection. 

·         Mandapaka another village nearby. Amma here again considered powerful form. Once Chandrasekhara Acharya came to Tanuku and wanted to go away without visiting Mandapaka. Amma came in the dream of Paramacharya and asked him to come and do Kumkukma puja by Himself. Acharya immediately rushed by walk. There is a custom for the temple, priests will do Kumkum puja outside of the Garbhalaya. If it is done properly, the flowers vessel placed side by Amma will automatically tilt and rain them on Amma head else will not. Hence priests will repeat the Archana till such time the flowers rain. 

·         Srunga giri. Srungeri: Adi Shankara saw a thirsty frog unable to jump in a hot sun., then a Naga snake came and gave a shadow to it so that frog can get cool and jump to the nearest pond. Then Shankara realized that it is the place where Rushya srunga saints did tapassu. Then he decided to put his first Peetha there. That is Srunga giri. Srungeri.

·         Jambukeswara Temple – where Jambu maharshi did tapassu, Once Neredu (Apricot) tree here got dried up. As a last resort priests did Eka Dasa Rudrabhishekam to that tree – then it started becoming green and grown up. Below the tree Sri Kalahasthi type story happened. Spider and Elephant are both devotees of Siva. They became envy of each other – daily used to spoil the puja of each of the other one. Because of the quarrel and fight– both died one day.  Spider in the next birth born as King Kochchanga choludu. He renovated 700 Siva temples so that elephant cannot enter. Even in Jambukeswaran temple also – elephant cannot enter. Thus, he carried previous birth’s qualities.

·         Unmatha pancha Sathi was a poetry written by Appayya deekshithulu when he created himself in a madness state for couple of hours, intentionally.  This was a test done on to himself by him so as to see how much real love he has on Siva even in improper mental condition.

·         Muthu Swamy Deksheethuru is a blessed scholar, musician born, grown, lived because of Subrahmanya Swamy only.

·         Once – a scholar studied all epics and finally felt that nothing would have been left in the Library of Saraswati. So, he wanted to apologize her that nothing is left in the universe for him to read. He peeped into Her library. But still there are crores of books inside. Then he felt ashamed for his agnaanam. He realized that gnaanam will not come from reading many numbers of books, but will come from obedience.

·         If Tulasi is there on Saint’s/Guru’s Samadhi – It is called as Brundavanam – Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Samadhi is called Brindavanam. If Siva Lingam is there on Samadhi – it is called as Adhishtaanam – Ramana Maharshi Samadhi called as Adhishtanam.

·         One should put one Namaskaram per day to parents and should not seek any wishes from them during that time. In Sivalayam – 4 or 5 Namaskarams should be offered. 1st One - Manasika Namaskaram should be offered.  2nd one standing in the main entrance, 3rd one seeing through Nandi Horn, 4th one in the main temple, 5th one after coming out. You can request any wishes to Siva. To Sanyasi we should offer four Namaskarams (since they are in 4th stage i.e., Turyam) and should not seek any wish from him.  

·         The sequence of respect as an example – the levels of Gurus in ascending order 1) Student – 2) Teacher – 3) Ashram Guru – 4) Mantropadesa Guru – 5) Parama Guru. Each below order persons do sashtanga pramanams to the next level. 

·         One should not imitate Gnaani (should get inspiration only) and at the same time should not follow foolish fellow. Otherwise, you will get confused, you should take truthfulness

·         Ten Vayus will be there in any humanly body – Prana, Apana, Vyana (Unable to bend), Udana (Viswakarma) – capability to change some of the organs of the body so as re-produce of the same form/race (like man-man, dog-dog, parrot-parrot etc..), Samaana – Equal growth of the body to balance (like both hands, legs, body parts within a man, or within a dog or within a parrot etc.), Naaga – Gas which comes when one’s stomach is filled to give indication that it is full or excess, Kurmam – It is in eyebrows helps to close as an unintentional reaction, Krukaram – which senses when one is hungry, Dhananjayam – generates when body dies, which makes the body to be swollen so that the body breaks , if it is left as is and all the pancha bhuthas unifies the body,  in to them respectively, Deva Datham – Yawning which enables you to take rest.

·         Agni – Havissu, Pithru devatha food, First food provider in the house. Vayu + Agni together are very dangerous. But because we do pray Siva, Bhima is controlling them.

·         Ishta Purtham (Capability to Donate, Capability to do service for God).

·         Moksham can be achieved through 1) Saivam 2) Saaktheyamu 3) Gaanapathyam 4) Koumaram 5) Souram 6) Vaishnavam – Shanmatham. In Puja 1) Siva 2) Sakthi 3) Vishnu 4) Surya 5) Ganapathi Panchayathanams should be there.

·         When Manassu goes into Aathma it is Sukham. Puja should start with Vishnu naamas (Kesava, Madha…). Day should close with Siva chanting 11 times. That means you are going to spend with Siva in kailasam. First look after waking up should be on favourite God, then chant “Samudra tanaye…”. Then touch earth, bow down to Guru.  

·         In house puja mandiram, Vayuvya North Eeast – Kula Devatha should be as Simhasanam. Wife gets punyam by serving / offering to husband and also gets half of Punyam from Husband serving / offering to the God. Gruhasthu wants to get rid of three difficulties – 1) Adhyathmika difficulties – health related (family + animal) 2) Adi Bouthika difficulties (Materialistic things). 3) Adi – dynika difficulties. Pandemic.  

·         Nava Randhras – 2 each – Eyes, Ears, Nasika, Mouth, Mala, Muthra, many other sweating holes.

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