Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Dwadasa Jyotir Lingas (Maha Siva Puranam)

 Dwadasa Jyotir Lingas

(Stories Behind Each Kshetra – Sthala Puranam)  

Maha Siva Puranam

Pravachanam By Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu

This is as part of Maha Siva Puranam pravachanam. This details the Stories behind each Dwadasa Jyotir Linga i.e., Stahla Purana of each kshetra. This article covers more about story than the place itself (This is not a Travel Blog).

🙏Om NaMah SiVaYah🙏

1. Somanatha - Saurashtra – Gujarat


Daksha Prajapathi has 27 daughters. They are 27 Stars and married to Chandra (Moon). But Chandra likes Rohini more and spends more time with her. Rest of the wives complained to their father. Daksha prajapathi came to Chandra Loka and warned Chandra not to differentiate between his daughters. But Chandra did not change. Then Daksha became angry and he cursed Chandra to suffer with Kshaya (Tuberculosis (TB)). As Chandra is suffering with disease, Chandra who generates Oshadhis (Medicines), not able to generate and these Oshadhis spoiled, no havissus are being offered to Gods and hence Gods are suffering. All of those Gods went to Brahma. He advised Chandra to go to western side Sea (Arabian sea). He advised him to do Panchakshari Maha Mantra and to align it with Maha mruthyunjaya stotra, to do Japa of Lord Siva. Finally, Lord Siva appeared along with Uma. Chandra requested for remedy of TB. To balance Prajapathi curse and Chandra wish, Siva said 15 days still kshaya (decay i.e., Krishna paksha) will be there. But another 15 days will be Bahula Paksha where he will be growing back to normal full moon shape. Further to bless him He said He will bear him on his head. Thus, Siva became Chandrasekhara i.e., Sasi Sekhara. Chandra became a strong devotee of Parvati. Then Chandra prayed Siva to be there as a lingam. Sa+Uma+Natha Lingam Thus, it is the first Jyotir Lingam. It removes diseases, current ones and future probable ones as well. As it is, Ganga is there on His top of Head, which is cool, added to that another cooling Chandra added, in addition to this entire body of Siva is with snakes whose bodies are cool, to get relieving from this what Parvati can do?  As her body itself is cool (since she is daughter of Himavantha!), that too she is Dayardhra.  Added to that Bhakths pour abhishekam, sandalwood on Siva– He should be suffering with severe cold. But the hotness of Bhakths difficulties do not make him feel cold!!!


2. Mallikarjuna - Sri Sailam – Kurnool (AP)


It is Swayambhu Jyotir Lingam. Sandhya is the middle of between two significant time Changes. He is Mallikarjuna who resides in Sri Giri. One lady devotee wanted to become as the hill. It is called as Sri Saila srunge. All Tri-sakthis are here. It has many oshadhis trees. In Kailasam Ganadipati contest was happening between Kumaraswamy and Ganapathi. Kumaraswamy was entering into each temple, saw Ganesha leaving already before Him. Finally, Siva declared that Ganesha has won the contest. Ganesha was made Ganadipati. Then Kumaraswamy felt sad and left Kailasam, reached Sri Giri / Sri Sailam area. To bring back Kumara, Siva also came and sat under Jasmine (Mallika) Tree. Hence the Siva here called as Mallikarjuna. Parvati also accompanied him. To pacify Kumara every no moon day Siva visits Kumaraswamy and full moon day Amma visits Him.

·         Sakshi Ganapathi is the place here, where one should tell their gothra naamas. Dhooli darshanam is very much appreciated by Siva. That means visiting the Siva directly as we arrive the place, without getting fresh-up. Siva symbolizes Fatherliness. Every day, asura Sandhya time Siva comes in Nandi vehicle to this place.

·         Deaf Mallana (Cheviti Mallanna)– story goes as follows: An innocent devotee repeatedly requested Mallikarjuna for his wish to be fulfilled. Not sure of Mallanna listened he shouted “O Deaf (Cheviti) Mallanna! Are you listening?” So, the same phrase continued by the tribals.

·         Sikhareswaram Chara Nandi. Spray til (seasamum) here. See the Sri Saila sikharam through Horns of this Nandi and then there will be no re-birth. In olden days Chara Nandi is used to be tilted towards the direction of pregnant ladies and ill-health persons – in case of midnight or odd hours, to shower the blessings of Siva and save the mother or patients. Once Siva and Parvati came as old couple to the Sikhareswaram area. The old man acted as if he has fallen into a pond and the woman requested for help. But She has put a condition that only those who did not do any sin can save him. Everyone moved away saying how can anyone be there without doing at least a sin. Then a prostitute came to help saying all her sins have gone as she has seen Sikharam through the horns of Nandi. Thus, it is the faith, which is more important. Only such devotees will not have rebirth.

·         Hatakeswaram near Srisailam having Phaladhara (Coming from Siva’s Lalatam) and Panchadahra (5 – Dharas, Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Chandra, Deva). This is the place where Adi Shankara recited Sivananda Lahari and Goddess Brhamarambika appeared to him. Chandrasekharendra Saraswati wanted to settle here. You will be able to listen Bhramari Nadam behind the main temple – if you listen peacefully. Even AIR recorded. Bhraamari killed Arunasura demon. Veera badra murthy of here is powerful to cure blood related diseases. Chandravathy a princess, her father himself is a villain. She took shelter in the temple. She put Jasmine garland on Siva and requested for help. Siva (thus became Mallikarjuna again) cursed the King to become “Pachchala Banda” (Green Stone).

·         One more Siva linga called as Old Mallikarjuna (Vruddha Mallikarjuna) Maheeshwara Maharaj has a daughter. The girl wanted to marry Shankara. He came in her dream and told her to come to Sri Giri where He will be sitting under Jasmine Tree. Parvati wondered how come He is marrying a girl, then Shankara said he will do a test and infact he wanted to unify (Aikyam) her in Him – not literally marrying her. By the time she came, she saw, Shankara became 90+ year old man and He pleaded to the girl that he indeed only is Shankara. The girl still was ready to marry him. Shankara obliged her and unified (Aikyam) her in to Him. That’s why in that area Vrudha Mallikarjuna Siva Linga (old Siva Linga) is there and every year Kalyana (wedding) ceremony being conducted.

·         Once a Kapali (Wicked man-eater) wanted the head of Adi Shankara. Then Shankara said he does not have any issues, but disciples may be having objection. But still told him to come to Patala Ganga next day morning, where-in he will be doing Tapassu. Then he can cut his head. Next day by the time the Kapali was about to cut the head of Adi-Shankara, the disciple Padma Padaacharyulu, who was far at some other place, got some bad instinct. Since there is no time to rush, he started chanting Narasimha mantropasana. Then Lord Narasimha appeared, be-headed the kapali. Then Adi Shankara chanted Narasimha stotram. This shows that Siva Kesava are abhedam.

·         Krishna river here is called as Patala Ganga as river Ganga could not get separated from Siva, came in the form of Krishnaveni. Sanagala (Bengalgram) Basanaa is the Bull in the entrance of main temple. Sivaji Gopuram is constructed in memory of Sivaji’s prayer to Bhawani Bhramarambika.

·         Sri Sailam Ragada is a Sri Giri Yatra representing Manasika Srisaila yatra. Visualize Bhramaramba with two hands – One Hand carrying Payasam (Milk rice) in Golden vessel, another hand carrying diamond studded theddu (Paddle) to serve.


3. Mahakaleswar - Ujjain (MP)


·          Old name of Ujjain is Avanti. Its meaning is woman or Elder Sister. There are 7 Moksha puris in India. Ayodhya, Madhura, Maaya (Maayapuri or Haridwar), Kasi, Kanchi, Avantika, Dwaravati (Dwaraka). If Laya karini is woman – then called as Maha Kali. Akaala (untimely) and Apa mruthyuvu (Tragic death) should not be there. That’s why everyone should go there. Hence it is exactly in the middle of the country.

·         This is again a Swayambhu Lingam. In olden days a brahmin by name Veda Priya was there. He has four sons of good character like father only. Deva Priya, Priya Medha, Sukruth, Suvrath. Once a demon, Dooshana, came and threatened these sons for doing Siva abhishekam of parthiva (earthen) lingam at Ujjain. The demon put a sword on their neck. Siva came from the same linga with anger and burnt the army of demon and Dooshana into ashes. He saved all the sons. Thus apa-mruthyuvu was avoided. Then Gods prayed him to be swayambhu. He became Maha kala lingam. It is in three storeys. Bottom is Maha Kala, middle is Omkara, top is Naga.

·         Chandra sena a king of Ujjain, is a Siva devotee. Mani Bhadra a Siva close associate donated him a Mani (diamond) which can turn any metal to Gold, thus it made the country prosper and fertile. All other kings became enemy and wanted the diamond. They all united, planned and attacked Ujjain. Brahmin always should be happy with the education, whatever he has and Kshatriya always should be happy for war. King kept faith on Siva and went to temple to offer prayers. While he is doing puja – a Yadava boy also visited the temple along with his young mother and got inspired seeing the King’s puja.

·         He went back home. Took some stone, put leaves on it, started chanting just Siva naama. He went into deep meditation. His mother came, tried to call him. He did not respond. She forcefully dragged him for the food, she threw Linga and Leaves away. The boy felt bad, cried and fainted. Lord Siva blessed with an instant temple then and there itself, made the boy to wore silk cloths. The boy is doing puja with golden flowers, to Linga. His mother came back and realized the great fortune happened. Lord Hanuma appeared before them and blessed the mother and child. He says after 8th generation Nanda will born in their family, who will be the father of Krishna. The enemy army came to know the power of Yadava boy and realized the greatness of the people of Ujjain themselves. So, they returned back with fear. Maha kavi Kalidas got Beejaksharams here only from Maha Kaali. Two Deepa jyotis are there eternal in this temple. Bhasma mandiram (from Cow dung) in this temple is a famous one. Bhasma will be sprayed entire temple not only on linga. In the early hours’ priests bring fresh bhasmam from burial ground. Near the Maha Kaala linga another one Koteswara Linga will be there. This will go on Uru-Erigimpu in the evenings.


4. Kedareswara Lingam - Kedarnath (Utharakhand)


One will get moksham if one sees Kedareswara Lingam or dies on the way going there. Nara Narayanas made Parthiva lingas. The same became Kedar Lingam. Once Pandavas visited this place after war. A Mahisha (Goat) came suddenly – they realized it as Siva. They tried to catch hold of the feet. But they could not. Finally, they could touch its tail. Siva finally blessed them by leaving the tail. The tail is nothing but the current Siva linga itself. Hence one should get the realization that Siva is everywhere. This is the place where Adi Shankara left his Satya Danda. Kedara lingam should not be seen directly. He Should be seen through a circular body shaped object (preferably a copper one) and the same should be left there.


5. Omkareswara - Mandhata island, Shivpuri, MP


Two Swayambhu Lingas in one place. These are called as Omkara Amaleswara Jyotir Lingas Vindhya mountain became proud before Narada maharshi. He asked him is there any great mountain than him. He said Himavath/Meru mountains are there as Navagrahas do pradakshina to it. Narada advised to pray Siva to be better than Himavath mountain. But Vindya does not know what he wants to be better than Meru. Vindya started doing a severe Siva Tapassu. Siva appeared. Vindhya did not know what he wants. Siva says he knows what to be given. He says Navagrahas are the Kavachas for Him, they are tied to Him. I am giving blessing to you by myself sitting on you. Thus, no need to worry that Navagrahas are not doing Pradakshinas to Vindhya. But do not again be proud of being more powerful than Meru. He came as two Lingas on the mountain. Omkara Lingam – Moksham. Amalesa Lingam – Having no malam - Aaanava in body (soil and 5 bhuthas) malam, karmika (sins) malam, Mayika malam.


6. Bheemeswara - Khed Taluk, Pune


Once upon a time two demons were there. Karkathudu and his wife pushkasi. They have a demon daughter – Karkasi. She is married to a demon Viradhudu. Rama killed him. Then she went to Kumbhakarna as she knows he is enemy to Rama and complained about Rama. Kumbhakarna showed sympathy to her, but forcefully had a child with her, Meanwhile Kumbhakarna also died. Karkasi wanted his son to take revenge on Rama and hence she wanted him to be very strong and hence started calling him Bhimaha (meaning very strong / big). Once he grown-up, wanted to kill Vishnu as Rama became Vishnu. Not able to find him, he started killing the devotees. In due course he defeated the Kamarupa kingdom king – Sudakshanudu, He jailed him. Sudakshanudu daily used to do Parthiva Shankara puja through Manassu. Then Bhima came to attack Siva linga with Chandrahasa on the linga – Shankara came from the Linga and killed Bhima. Then Siva told him that “I am the Bhima and not you”. Siva has been formed as Bheemeswara there permanently.


7. Thryambakeshwar - Nashik


·         Here River and Siva linga both have been created (Avirbhavam). Gauthama used to do pray for Sambhu Linga. Once severe draught came in the area as no rains were there for quite long. Generally, if there is no water it leads to Adharmam (immorality). People started leaving the place. Gauthama prayed Varuna and wanted rain. Then he said he cannot violate Siva order, but said he can give endless water in a pond – so that Gauthama’s couple (Wife Ahalya) can carry through a pot, to water the field for cultivation, take water for cooking needs of entire ashrama people. Gauthama was very happy that endless water is made available and it is at his disposable. Variety of fruits, vegetables, green leaves, roots, rice, pulses, flowers, are grown by the couple. 1) Indriya Jayam, - Control on desires 2) Dayalu - Merciful 3) No Ahamkaram – No Proudness 4) Upakari – Helpful Only these four will make the earth to survive.

·         One day Gauthama asked his disciples to bring water from the pond for his Sandhya vandanam and Abhishekam needs. By the same time other Saints wives came to take bathing near the pond. Disciples requested them just to wait so that they can carry water first for their Guru Gauthama. Those women became angry and shouted at the disciples questioning the urgency and greatness of Gauthama.  They wanted to rush to their husbands. Disciples got confused what to do, so they went to Ahalya without carrying water and told the entire incident. First, she rushed to the pond, took water from with the pot and gave it immediately to Gauthama. The women further became angry for Ahalya not consoling them and asked their husbands if they are like begging people.

·         Those gang of saints started Ganapathi homam (Makham). Ganapathi appeared before them. They wanted him to ensure that Gauthama should be sent away from the Ashrama. Ganapathi got surprised and wondered how they can do this to him, who fed them till now. Even after preaching they did not listen and hence, he agreed to make it happen. Ganapathi came as an old cow and started eating the crop of Gauthama. He just used a dry thin grass and threw it on the cow to make it ran away. The moment he threw it, the cow dead. The saints waiting for the situation, came running, made big mess of cow murder and they forcefully sent away Gauthama, Ahalya and disciples out of the ashram. Also, they warned him not to do any rituals as he did murder of cow. Gauthama went and roamed for a month. But he could not get any peace.

·         So, he came back to them to tell him what he should do to get rid of the sin. They told him to make three rounds across the earth by walk and while doing for each step to repeat aloud that he has done the sin of cow murder, and do Chandrayana vratham i.e., which is generally done by Tamasa people to get rid of those bad qualities. Eat one Kabalam (one wristful of rice) on Sukla padyami and increment gradually one per day, then decrease during Krishna paksham, finally do fasting on no moon day. This will make to remove the fat in the body. Then do 101 pradakshinas for Brahmagiri. Then put one crore Siva linga and do archana. If you cannot do these – do tapassu of Shankara and ask for Ganga, then do one crore Siva linga, archana. Gauthama preferred for the second one.

·         He made parthiva linga, with panchakshari mantra and did tapassu of Shankara. Siva appeared. He prayed him to get rid of sin of cow murder. Siva consoled Gauthama and told him that he did not do any sin, infact the other saints are sinners. But Gauthama says they had helped him in deed as because of them only he could see Shankara. Siva pleased and asked what he could grant. Gauthama wanted Ganga to come once from Jatajootam so that he can be pure. Immediately Ganga jumped and said she will be more than happy to make him happy. But Gauthama wanted Her to flow for quite long. Then she put a condition that Siva also should take a form of Linga there, Thryambaka Lingam (three eyes – Sun and moon – Kala, Agni – Kama thus Siva is Kala and Kama hara) and so many Gods should be there surrounding the banks where she flows. Siva agrees for the same. Bhima requested that all Gods will come once in a year and during Pushkara entire year they will be there. The river name is associated with the maharshi as Gauthami.

·         Again, saints and wives started to take bath under the river. Then the river disappeared as a protest. These saints not repented for their mis-deeds. Gauthama requested Ganga-amma to come again. So, she came with pity - mercifully. The disciples of Gauthama became angry seeing Saints ehaviour and not repenting, still requesting Gauthama to seek forgiveness. They cursed them not to have Siva Bhakthi. Thus, they became rotten.


8. Kasi Viswanath – Varanasi


·         Kasi kshetram itself is great. Another one is Arunachalam. Without Eeswara daya (mercy) no one can enter these two pilgrim places. Nirguna to Saguna sakara happened in Kasi so that Bhakths can focus and can concentrate. Ardhanareeswara tatvam came here for Srishti for the first time. They are Narayana-Narayani swarupam. In similar to Nadopasana of – Raga arohana – avarohana form. First word what Siva told after coming on to earth i.e., earth is “Tapinchu” – meaning “Do Tapassu/Meditate”. He created first city i.e., Varanasi for the same purpose. Thus, it is mokshapuri. That’s why those who enter in this Kasi –will have no sins at all. All the past sins done unknowingly, without aware of Siva tatwam, will be eradicated. One should take care not to repeat any sins further. Once Lord Vishnu was doing Tapassu, then Varanasi has been submerged in water. Siva saw this and to save the city, He lifted the Varanasi land with Trisula. While doing so His ear ring fallen in that water at a particular place. That place is nothing but Manikarnika place (popularly called as Manikarnika Ghat, that’s why it is considered as pious to take bath in this ghat).

·         From the nabhi (navel) of Vishnu, Brahma came here. Ganga came into main stream here. Hence Siva announced that even during Maha Pralayam Varanasi will remain intact. Varanasi is nothing but the sangamam of Varuna and Assi rivers. Prajapathis, Vasuvus and many other Gods came, praised Him. Siva is white and Amma is Red. Amma came as Annapurna to cater to the entire world with food and to eradicate hunger. In River Ganga – sinners poured water on themselves, dipped, took holy dip thrice and went to upper lokas, Gods came down to take bath here. Thus, this is the only Holy reiver and Holy place where Gods come all the way down to earth to have a holy dip. Ganga is a symbolic here as well for life, let us see - as Ganga flows from North to south till here, from here it goes back North side – thus indicating that birth ends and starts fresh again here. When Adi Shankara came to take bath at Kasi Ganga – Ganga was happy as it felt that it became holy. If one can not go to Ganga, during the death time – manasika (Virtual) bath itself will make one a holy.

·         Siva has four wives (Anuragam) – Gowri, Akasa Ganga, Kasi, Dakshina Kasi (Daksharamam). Once Vyasa came to Kasi and stayed. He did not have food for seven consecutive days. Along with him 300 disciples were suffering with hunger. He wanted to curse three generations of Kasi with no food, no education, no moksham. He took water in his hand and about to curse. But suddenly an old lady came from a house. She is looking like a pious suvaasini. She preached him not to be so angry. She said She will offer Food for him and for his group. She told him to get ready by having bath and do their Puja. He came with the disciples completing all formalities, but they could not see any preparations. When they were doubting, suddenly the old lady served their leaf plates with all items. Like miracle, whatever they wanted in the mind – it used to come in the plate. After lunch the whole team was taking rest. Then the old lady came with the husband. The original form of Amma (Annapurna) and Siva appeared. Amma is in Prasanna (peaceful) mood. Siva is in angry mood.  He ordered Vyasa to move away from Kasi along with his team. He ordered Vyasa not to enter Kasi again.

·         Vyasa said that Amma is internally happy because Vyasa was against her Sapatni (as Kasi is considered one of the wives of Siva). Amma said that Vyasa did mistake by rather seeking Moksha he mongered for hunger in Kasi. Amma advised him to go to a place where he will get equally Moksham i.e., Daksharamam i.e., Dakshina Kasi. Kala Bhairava (Kshetra palaka) is the main God in Varanasi. Once upon a time story – Brahma has five Heads like Shankara, He became proud and felt that he is equal to Siva. Siva created Kala Bhairava. Then Kala Bhairava nailed down one of the Heads. Brahma sheltered his four heads under the four hands of Amma (equating her four hands as lotus hands – He being born from Lotus). So, one should have the darshan of Kala Bhairava first in Kasi even before Siva.

·         Another temple Lolarka Kund / temple. This is opposite to Tulasidas Ghat. Dedicated to Sun God. Another temple is Varahi Temple – devotees cannot see the deity directly. They have to see through holes. Even priests will do puja early hours of the dawn and rush back out of the garbhaalaya. They also will not see directly. Varahi will roam around in the city in night and sleep in the morning. Adi Kesava temple – Vishnu.

·         Dhundti Ganapathi (Trunk tilts left side, a unique one). Father of Kavyakantha Ganapathi used to pray in this temple daily, while his wife was pregnant. One day while he was praying, at a particular time suddenly a small kid came from nowhere and sat on his lap. Later the kid disappeared. He got a hint and rushed back home, exactly at the same time his wife delivered. Hence, he named his son after Ganapathi. When Ganapathi became elder, he became a very famous scholar. The people in Varanasi used to respect, gradually it has been turned to worship, the devotees became so blind that once they put him in Ganesha pandal and did puja for himself instead of Ganesha. By mistake one priest did puja for udwasana (Nimajjanam) for him as well like an idol. Gnapathi laughed and exactly like Nimajjana time He passed away.

·         Dandapani another Kshetrapalaka – He will be having cane in his hand. Mukthi mandapam is in south side of Visweswara Temple – one must sit here and narrate a Siva story. One must have bath in the Manikarnika ghat.  A story goes like this - Mahanandudu did many sins. The entire family in next birth born as Hen in Varanasi. They reached Mukthi mandapam and got salvaged. It is called Kukkuta Chatushtayam. One should see any of the 5 Kasis at least 1) Varanasi 2) Kedaram 3) Sri Sailam 4) Sri Kalahasti 5) Pattisam (Veerabadra temle, EG Dist., AP). This exemption is given only if original Kasi can not be visited. Another temple is Visalakshi, which is part of Ashta Dasa peethas. Sri Chakram on Siva Linga near Visweswara temple – done by Bhaskaracharyulu who has written Bhashyam for Sri Lalitha Rahasya Sahasra Namam.  

·         Finally, if one dies at Varanasi – Moksham is guaranteed. During the death time, Amma comes with smiling face and provides air with her saree like fan, Dhundti Ganapathi provides healing touch of air with his trunk to the nose. If it is sweating Gangamma comes with white clothes and wipes the body. Bhrungi puts Vibhuthi on Lalatam and says that you are unifying (Aikyam) into Siva, there will be no rebirth. One will be hearing Bells, fragrance smells. Amma’s pamita (pallu) will be laid on him. With maredu (Indian Bael Leaves) Siva will be coming. Jeevudu (the dying person) will be ready for sleeping peacefully keeping right ear opening. Then pranavam will be heard. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa realized this process through Dhyanam many a times.


9. Vydhyanath – Deogharh, Jarkhand


·         Eeswara is first Vydhya, Doctor. Education is for Vinayam and removes Bhavarogam. Ravana does Trikala Sandhya, read many epics, does linga archana but not considered as an educated one. He did Tapassu with foolish determination (This is Rajo not Satvika Tapassu) – aligning Pranavam with Tapassu. Both are wrong. Siva did not come. Ravana became angry. He cut nine of his heads and put in Agnihotram. Siva still did not come – then he is ready to cut his 10th one also. Then Siva by force came (not for the true Bhakthi) and he gave his nine heads back. Ravana wanted two boons. He did not realize his mistake. He wanted the ultimate strength. He wanted Siva to come along with him to Lanka. Siva said that Linga himself is He and told to take Linga with him. As Ravana is proud person, he was satisfied with Linga, took it and was going back to Lanka. On the way he wanted to go for Urinals at Chida bhumi – so he wanted to hand it to some one for some time, he catches hold of cow shepherd, handed it to him.

·         The Linga became heavy and the boy could not hold. He laid the Linga there on the ground itself. So, Linga got settled there. Ravana came back and became wild. He could not move the Linga as it became heavy gradually. He left it there and went to Lanka. This is known as Vydya Lingam and became famous for curing diseases and solving health issues. All others, Gods started praying this Linga. They requested Narada to do a help, so that Ravana will not obstruct them and they can continue their prayers for this Linga in future. Narada went to Ravana and Ravana narrated the whole story. Narada questioned him, created suspicion in the mind of Ravana - if it is not the drama of Siva. Also asked him to check even the strength given to him real or fictitious? He told him to go to Kailasam and to move Siva so as to test his strength. He went and tried to move Kailasam. Parvati provoked Siva sarcastically that such a great disciple is doing such a great deed that too after taking two boons. Siva became Rudra. He cursed him that his Madam (arrogance) will be go away soon. Accordingly had Ravana went first in war with Rama – all rest would have been saved – but because of his madam all rest have been killed.


10. Ramanathaswamy – Rameshwaram, TN


·         Rama prayed Siva here so that He can bless so that He will not show excessive anger on Ravana’s Kingdom. Siva appeared and blessed Rama. Rama prayed for victory and requested to be here only. Rama while returning back after killing Ravana showed Sita - Rama setu and Rameswaram, where Mahadeva blessed him. Another story is that Rameswaram happened while returning of Rama and Sita, after killing Ravana. Sita requested Hanuma to bring One Linga from Himalayas, but it was late, hence Sita made the Lingam with Spatikam.  Hanuma’s Lingam is called as Viswanatham Lingam as He brought from Varanasi. Spatika lingam will be brought in the morning in Abhishekam time by priests in the temple from inside. It is pious to pour water from River Ganges on Spatika Lingam. Chandrasekharendra Saraswati analysis. Ganga (Gnaanam) pouring on Ramanatha Lingam.

·         Once Gods came Rameswaram. They wanted to know Samasam of Rameswaram. One section said that Rama is (Cheatha) doing Puja of Eeswara – hence Shahsti purvaka, but others said Rama himself is Eeswara (kalavadu) - hence Bahuvreehi. Infact it is not samasa war it is a fight between Vishnu and Siva followers. Then they went to Siva to get clarity – Siva said Bahuvreehi is correct (Giving Vishnu upper hand), Siva followers are not satisfied. Then all went to Vishnu – He said it is Shashti Poorva (giving Siva upper hand), as usual Vishnu followers did not like this. Hence all of them went to Brahma. He laughed at them and said both are same there is Abhedham between Siva and Kesava – it is Eka samasam. To show that Rama and Siva both are same Rameswaram came into existence. One should do Gnana abhishekam to realize this. There are total 21 (20 In Temple premises +1 as Ocean) wells in the Rameswaram temple premises. One should take head bath from these. If one decides to go to Rameswaram and does not go it will be a Sin. Hence it should be always told that “Hope Eeswara will enable me to take to Rameswaram”.  


11. Nageshwar – Dwaraka, Gujarat


This Jyotir Linga represents Sadbhakthi and mukthi. Even demons pray Siva and Parvati as Jagath’s pita and Maatha. Once there used to be a demon couple by name Daarukudu – Daraki. They reached nearby ocean and started harassing Good people. Those people surrendered to Maharshi Aruvudu and detailed their difficulties. He cursed not only the couple, but the entire demons that they will die if they do not reform on the earth. The demons got angry. Daruki said she had Parvati mercy and can move away from earth, and can live peacefully on ocean. They started attacking people on ocean. A merchant by name Supriyudu, was captured by these demons. They started harassing him. They put him in Jail. He was doing puja to Parthiva Linga. Darukudu took a sword to cut his head in anger, Siva appeared and killed the Demon’s army.  Since He came in ardhanareeswara, Parvati stopped him and wanted to protect Daruki and her children. Her argument is that She has blessed the lady demon in the past. Siva then agreed to leave them, but to ensure that they will not turn back evil again and harm the innocent people – they both should be here as Jyotirlinga. Hence, they took the names of Naganatha and Nageshwari.


12. Grishneswar – Auragngabad, Maharashtra


·         Once – In Devagiri – Sudharmudu, a Siva devotee lived. Sudeha is his wife. They have no children. He was not feeling bad and was living happily. But she was repenting as neighbours were teasing them daily. Then he got fed-up and wanted to test before Siva, whether they will have kids or not, he tested before Siva by putting two garlands. Then Siva touched a garland indicating that they will not have a kid. But his wife forced him to marry another girl to have kids. He was forced to marry Grushna, younger sister of Sudeha only against the warning of her husband. Grushna, a staunch Siva devotee, used to do Abhishekam for 101 parthiva lingas daily and immerse them in a big lake. She did for 3 years continuously like this. Finally, she became pregnant and delivered a son. He started calling Sudeha as Amma. Grushna started doing puja with much more vigor.

·         The boy got married. But his In-laws started giving respect to Grushna only, Sudeha started feeling envy. As she was unable to bear the differentiation, one day she killed and dissected the son, immersed in the same lake, where Grushna does Siva Lingas immersion. She came back and cried innocently along with daughter-in-law. Grushna was not weeping, but doing puja peacefully. As usual she went and immersed the 101 lingas in the same lake. She said if it is Siva order for her son’s untimely death– She cannot do anything. Seeing this Siva himself felt stunned – He made her son alive and the son came back again. The son told that Peddamma (Aunt) only killed him, but mother forgave her own sister. Siva became angry and told Grushna that He will kill her sister. Then Grushna said “Siva because of her only, the whole world, came to know of your power, I could see You as well, so please show mercy on her and reform her. You be here forever. That is only my wish”.  As per her wish and His boon He became Grishneshwar Linga in that place. Elder sister also has been reformed and started praying and doing daily Siva Puja along with Grushna.  

The total 12 Jyotir Lingas are located as shown in the below map (1 in TN, 1 in AP, 3 in Maharashtra, 2 in Gujarat, 2 in MP, 1 in Jarkhand, 1 in UP and 1 in Utharakhand