Thursday, December 24, 2020

Maha Siva Puranam

 Maha Siva Puranam

Pravachanam By Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu

In this Maha Puranam many of the incidents may look cris-cross because of Siva-Parvati Leela, because of which there is no particular defined sequencing to the entire story to the Great, one and only one full-fledged God’s family i.e., Siva, Parvati, Ganesha, Kumarswamy (Parents with Children).

·         Amarakosam is written by Amarasimha (Some say he is a Jain scholar). He was defeated by Adi Shankaracharya in a competition and he got repented and burnt all his great works. Shankaracharya felt very sad. Only Amarakosam could be saved. This is the epic which details many nama rupas, especially Siva.


Main Contents:

1. Few Namams from Siva Ashtothara sata nama stotram:

2. Govinda Bhagavtpadacharya – (Reincarnation of Patanjali) – Adi Shankara Guru:

3. Narada curse to Narayana:

4. Three things Siva Bhakths to follow:

5. Parvati Kalyanam – Girija Kalyanam:

6. Gowri Incarnation and Gowri Puja Significance:

7. Markandeya Maharshi:

8. Siva Swarupam:

9. Ganesha Charitham:

10. Brahma-Vishnu Samvadam:  

11. Kalabhairava:

12. Ganga Avatarana:

13. Skandotpathi:

14. Kiratharjuneeyam  - Arjuna Tapassu-Pasupatastram:

15. Nandeeswara:

16. Chandeeswarudu:

17. Siva Ratri Mahatyam:

18. Haalahalam (Poisonous Ball) – Neelakantha:

19. Sukracharya - Mrutha Sanjeevani Mantram:

20. Tripurasura Samharam:


1. Few Namams from Siva Ashtothara sata nama stotram:

·         1) Siva శివోఓం శివాయ నమః - Om Sivaya Namaha He who is peaceful i.e., Shankara. Another form of the same namam is Sivaa meaning– Parvati. Both stand the meaning as - Vikaaraatheeta, Niraakaara, Niranjana, Paramaananda, Chidaananda, Subham. Mangalam. Sobhanam. Kalyanam. Siva is not just moksha provider but prosperity giver for those who keep Him in their Hrudaya Lotus.

·         2) Maheswara – మహేశ్వర - ఓం మహేశ్వరాయ నమఃOm Maheswaraya Namaha He who is the greatest lord is Srishti, Stithi, Laya kara. Sarvaswatantra, who can make and enable our punya.

·         3) Sambhu – శ్శంభుః - ఓం శంభవే నమః - Om Sambhave Namaha He who is Shambhu. Put Vibhuthi/Sindhuram. Do not get attached to materialistic things. Be Sam-Bhava-Ithi. Kamakoti meaning – Providing all desires in this earth, giving moksham, making desireless, finally making no re-birth.

·         4) Pinaaki – పినాకీ - ఓం పినాకినే నమఃOm Pinakine Namaha He who holds the bow called Pinaka. Generally, Lord Siva does not hold any bow while killing demons unlike Lord Vishnu. We should request Lord Rudra to hit us with happy arrows, not with unhappy arrows. (Aghora and Ghora). Like father will hit the son, Rudra takes care of punishing bhakths. Meru mountain is like bow. There are total 3 sleeps 1) Nitya (Night Sleep), 2) Athyanthika (Removing obstacles for achieving moksham – siddha purushas attain this) – this is step by step process, 3) Maha Pralayams (by force Rudra unifies (Aikyam) jeevas in Him).

·         5) Sasi Sekharaha – శశిశేఖరః - ఓం శశిశేఖరాయ నమఃOm Sasi Sekharaya  Namaha He who collected the moon. Appears like Rabbit. Time elapses very quickly when we are happy, but ticks slowly when in difficulties. Sukla Paksha (when Chandra kala increases) and Krishna Paksha (when Chandra kala decreases). But Chandra kala is permanent on Lord Siva. Time is Ornament for Siva and He is beyond time, thus he is moksham provider, but we are slave to Time.


2. Govinda Bhagavtpadacharya – (Reincarnation of Patanjali) – Adi Shankara Guru:

·         Dancing form of Siva is Nataraj (Chidambaram)– Only these two will be like spectators - Vyaghra Pada (Head is like tiger), Patanjali (Snake) i.e., Adi sesha – Head is snake. He teaches grammar to 1000 disciples through 1000 tongues. He puts a curtain while teaching to prevent the disciples being hurt, as through his mouth poisonous gas will come. He also puts a condition that, if any one leaves in between the teaching that student will become Brahma Rakshasa. But one of them goes outside just before starting of the class for a relaxation so as to join back. By the time class started, one of them in a curiosity opens the curtain to see what is actually happening in between the class. The poisonous gas comes and all 999 die. All the ashes are visible. The 1000th student who went out for relaxation came and Patanjali gave him boon of the entire grammar. But he became Brahma Rakshasa as he went out of the class.

·         This Brahma Rakshasa went to Patali putra, Vindhya mountains. There he started questioning Brahmacharis and if they answer, he used to take them top of tree for further teaching and eat them else he used to eat them then and there only. Then he used to sit back on the tree for next target. To avoid the crisis – Patanjali came as a disciple in the name of Chandra Sarma to this Brahma Rakshasa. Chandra Sarma answered to him logically and then he took him to the top most place of Raavi (Pipal) tree to teach him further. As nothing is available – Chandra Sarma used Raavi (pipal) leaves, its sticks, his own blood as ink to write notes for 9 Days and 9 nights. Then Brahma Rakshasa’s curse got liberated and then he got Vyragyam (Detachment) also. He took Sanyasasramam from Sukha Brahma and he became as Gauda Padacharyulu.

·         Then Chandra Sarma left the place and slept in the forest as he was tired too much. A goat ate the portion of Grammar book. With the left-over writings he reached a near by place and there the daughter of a Vysya person saved him from almost dying status. She wanted to marry him. But he objected saying he is not interested in marriage. Vysya person took him to King. Seeing Chandra Sarma, King also wanted to give his daughter in marriage to him.

·         Then minister said a Brahmin can marry non-brahmin girls only after first marrying a Brahmin girl. Thus, though Chandra Sarma was pleading that he is in Vyragyam – none listened to him. But he took a promise from the elders that he will give birth to one child to each wife and then will take Sanyasaasramam. That was agreed by them. So finally, forcefully he was married to three girls. They finally blessed with three children in total. Chandra Sarma left for Sanyaasasramam to Sukha Brahma. He was named as Govinda Bhagavtpadacharya. Sukha Brahma told that going forward 72 Avydhika religions will come to destroy Vydhika rituals. To save them Parama Siva rupa Shankaracharya will born and he will be Guru for Him.

·         Parama Siva 13th form is Hari-Hara murthy (Ardhanareeswara). Parvati asks Narayana how he could get this chance. Narayana says that it is all due to praying Siva Ashtothara satha naama stotram. Parvati also does the same and she also becomes half of Siva – thus it is 14th form.

·         Maya is due to Siva, which makes him not to be realized. This leads to Kama, Krodha.


3. Narada curse to Narayana:

·         Narada was doing Tapassu under Himavath mountain where river Gangess flowing. Manmadha under the instruction of Indra tried to disturb him. But Narada successfully completed the Tapassu. He went to Lord Siva to whom he did Tapassu. He went to Kailasam and boasted himself as he won on Kamudu. Lord Siva told him not to tell this to Narayana. On the way he met Brahma and told that he won over Kamudu. He advised him not to tell like that as there is nothing great of him. Brahma said that it is not his credit, because Shankara did Tapassu there already, he burnt Manmadha there when he came to disturb and thus the place is fool-proof from Manmadha. But Narada did not listen to him.

·         Sambhavi maya (Parvati) and Vyshnavi Maya both same. Narada was attacked by both mayas. He went to Vykuntham and told the same narration to Narayana. Narayana sarcastically praised him and sent him away. From there Narada went to a kingdom where King Seelanidhi is the ruler. His daughter is Sreemathi. Narada saw her hand and predicted that she will marry Narayana. But Narada was fascinated by her beauty. He wanted to marry her. So, he went to Vykuntham and requested Vishnu to give his rupam. Vishnu obliged, told him that he will give double Hari rupams and gave his rupams. One rupam is Body Hari – another rupam is Head Hari (monkey). Without noticing the head, Narada went to the swayamvaram. Princess during swayamvaram did not marry him. Everyone is making fun of Narada. Meanwhile Narayana came and she garlanded Him. Narada rushed to vykuntham. There he cursed Narayana that he will be born as Human, will get separation from wife and need monkeys help only to get back his wife. Narada then realizes his mistake and repents.


4. Three things Siva Bhakths to follow:

·         Everyone should do puja in the morning. Siva prayer should be done in Linga form. These Lingas should be made of the material as per the yuga dharma. In Krutha yuga it should be made of Diamond, In Thretha yuga – Gold, Dwapara yuga – Mercury, Kaliyuga – Parthiva (Soil) Linga Three things needed which Siva Bhakths should practice. 1) Bhasma – Vibhuthi should be applied on lalatam with three horizontal lines. Both men and women must apply. 2) Rudraksha should be wore 3) Bilwapatram (can be stored) should be used for Puja. The comparison is - Siva Namam is – Ganga, Bhasmam is – Yamuna, Rudraksha is – Saraswati. Those who see such a Siva Bhakth (after performing such Siva puja) will get punya of taking bath in Triveni sangmam. Till bath is taken, one should not eat or drink anything. If one cannot avoid of eating or drinking in emergency, those sins of violating will be eradicated, by doing regular Gayatri / Ishta God prayer (those who are not eligible for Gayatri). In case in emergency, one has to go outside, they can wear dry Vibhuthi.

·         Those who put Vibhuthi does not mean that they are all Saivites. It is symbolism of Vydhikam. After bath – put vibhuthi in left hand, put drops of water in it, close with right hand, pray Vibhuthi sloka – then take on lalatam. Brahmachari should take by doing mruthyunjayam stotram.  Or by chanting alternatively proper slokas. Finally, the least alternate put by chanting Siva Siva Siva. One should not apply Vibhuthi by using three middle fingers. Use Mrugamudra (like deer shape, holding thumb pressing it with middle and ring finger) to apply Vibhuthi. Touch Vibhuthi with 2 fingers, and then with them touch thumb. Put the two fingers from right side to left side on lalatam keeping middle space for Thumb finger. Once it reaches at left end. Then in reverse direction press the thumb and pull from left to right. Thus, it is called thripundrams. Public chanting of Bhakths together is called “Pundarikam”. It is originated in Pandaripuram. Chanting together Govinda Govinda…. Namah Parvati pataye… etc.  Vaishnava Naamam called as – Urthava Pundram. Vibhuthi Pundram is another form of Pundram.

·         Bhasma – Means one which can take out the sins (Bha) and makes God Smarana (Sma). Three types of Bhasmas 1) Pralaya Bhasma -arise at the end of Pralayam. 2) Man Made Bhasma – by frying Cow dung, 3) Yagna kunda Bhasma. Vibhuthi is Maha Aishwaryam. – Namam, Rupam, Colour. It will help to get rid of Kama, krodha and leads to peaceful appearance.

·         Rudraksha – Came from eye drops of Siva. Nepal Pasupathinatha tmple has Eka to Ekadasa Rudraksha.  Shanmukha rudraksha of here is considered as Subrahmanya only. Rudraksha controls the body parts even with sweat and during the bath water. It has lot of power. It is the only seed which can be made as garland.

·         Maredu (Indian Bael Leaves)– Has no flowers. It gives direct fruit. It’s Tridalam is powerful. Lakshmi is in 5 places – 1) Papata 2) Cow Prushtam – Cow tail, 3) Lotus, 4) Elephant Kumbha stalam (Elephant Aquarius) 5) Maredu. If the dalam edge touches Linga – one gets aiswaryam, if it touches on reverse side one will attain gnaanam. If you serve food under Maredu tree to a sacred priest formally punya will be attained.

·         Ashtamurthy Siva Lingas: 1) In Kanchi –(Earth) Prithvi Linga in the Ekamareswara Temple. In the entire Kanchi – Amma will not be there in any temple except Kamakshi temple – even mosques yatras also do pradakshinas to Amma, 2) Jambukeswara –(Water) Jala Linga – But this water will not be used as sacred water for sprinkling on devotees, it is meant for Siva Linga only. 3) Chidambaram – (Sky) Akasa Linga – There is a competition between Siva Tandavam and Kali Lasyam. There will be a wall as Siva Linga, which is considered as Akasa Tatvam. That is all. 4) Sri Kalahasti – (Air) Vayu Linga – There are Two Jyotis in the temple with fool-proof from air. Even without air they continue to glow. Siva will be western side. 5) Arunachalam – (Fire) Agni Linga. Actually, it is Gnaanagni, 6) Konark (Sun) Surya Linga, 7) Sita Kundu – (Moon) Chandra Linga 8) Katmandu – Pasupathi nath – (Human) Yajamana Linga. 

·         Chidambaram – Nataraja swarupam is explained as, One Hand having Damurukam - Damaru (Srishti), Another hand Agni – Fire (Layam), Under one Leg Demon (Maya) will be there and another Leg will be Up (Brahmam).


5. Parvati Kalyanam (Girija Kalyanam):

·         Any human being should be Apthakaumudu i.e., life should start with desires and end with moksham. A student is called as Vineyaha (One who has great Vinayam). Each student can have different skills, capabilities – but should be having Vinayam at Guru/God. Padmapadaacharya (disciple of Shankaracharya) – wrote a sloka on his Guru Shankaracharya – Ashta pada dala stotram. Compared Guru with Padmam and disciples with bees.


5.1 Satra Yagam

·         Once Satra yagam being done by Brahma. Shankara also came. He was seated with respect. Anytime Guru comes, one should go and bow down to him. Daksha Prajapathi came with 1000 suns brightening. He was born from the thumb of Brahma. He was expecting everyone to standd-up and respect him. All stood-up except Brahma and Siva. Daksha expected Siva to stand-up as He was his son-in-law (wife SatiDevi). (Two general curses – anyone gives) 1) Not to have Siva Bhakthi 2) Jilledu (Swallow-wort) tree grow up in the house. Once Durvasa has been given Amma’s (Parvati) pushpa hara. He took with Bhakthi. He went to Daksha Prajapathi house. Amma is in Sati-Devi rupa in his house that time. He wanted the Pushpa mala as it is smelling with fragrances.  He has given to Prajapathi. Bhaghavan garlands should not be re-used. But he decorated in his Bed room and enjoyed that night. Thus, he deemed to lose Siva Bhakthi. That implied curse now is haunting Daksha, hence he started talking low of Siva. Daksha started cursing Siva – Digamabraudu, Maanaheenudu, Unmathudu, Unmatha Priyudu, Bhutha pretha surrounded, Kapali dhara, having no soucham, lives in graveyard, etc. He wondered how come he is being called Siva (Managala rupam). He walked out of the yagam. Meanwhile Nandeeswarudu and Brughu got angry, fought each other as Siva Vs Vishnu.

·         (Shankaracharya writes a sloka why Siva is being given his Daughter Siva (Mangala rupa), Bhava (because of whom partner gets respect), Sakala Bhuvana Bandho (Entire world relation), Sachchidananda Rupa (always happy) – do not feel that my daughter is coming as a competition to Gowri. She will serve to both of you. She is none but my Budhi).


5.2 Daksha Yagnam

·         Daksha decided to do yagam i.e., vajapeyam as Nireeswara (with no involvement of Eeswara). He called all Gods except Siva. So, all went as everyone afraid of Daksha. He is felicitating all, but everyone commenting for not calling Siva. Parvati is seeing many aeroplanes going over Kaliasam for this event. She repented for Siva being not called. Siva forgot and did not tell the episode what happened between Him and Daksha. Nandeeswara intentionally did not tell as He was feeling ashamed. Any girl wants four things 1) In maternal house she wants to be as Free as possible 2) She should not cry 3) She should carry Kumkum and turmeric back to her in-law’s house, 4) Have a nice word in the farewell by parents/brothers. Narada told Parvati about the episode. Told her that Daksha is doing bad yagam.

·         Parvati went to Shankara. She told him that Daksha (Called by name) is organizing a yagam without calling and offering Him. She said every husband went to the bad guy yagam. She said she also wants to see the yagam. But wanted to go along with Siva so that She can see the rest of her sisters and their husbands as well. She also says that “Do not say that we have not been invited”. To four places we can go without invitation 1) Parents 2) Guru 3) Best Friend 4) King. Siva says infact one can go without invitation, but those who do intentionally to shame us, will not be happy seeing us, in deed they will be angry seeing us. He will not be able to see goodness in us. Why the demons are always angry on Vishnu – reason is the same. Bad people cannot see the Goodness in Good people. On the Satra yagam day though I have not put namaskaram to him (as I should not do to him as it will increase his proudness), I bowed to Vasudeva in his heart in my mind – But Daksha did not notice it.

·         So finally, Siva said Her not to go. But Parvati did not listen and went ahead. She went crying with tears as she knows that it will be the last glimpse as Sati Devi. Pramadha ganas headed by Nandeeswarudu also followed. Satidevi saw Daksharaamam below. She got down there. None spoke to her except mother, younger sisters of mother, brothers. Father saw towards her with irritating face. She spoke to her father questioning for shaming Siva. She was praising Siva – wondering how come Daksha is not respecting Him. She says Daksha is doing sins day by day. She says, Brahma takes the Dhuli of Siva on His head. She says Daksha’s tongue should be cut off for his misbehaviour. I am ashamed that I am your daughter and being called as Dakshayani.


5.3 Dakshayani - Agnisamarpanam

·         She sat in Padmasana and left one after the other Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana, Samana vayus from Muladhara to Brooh Madhya – till Sahasraaram – generated Agni hotram in the body. She did dhyanam of Siva’s Pada Padmams from Brhoo madhyamam. As everyone seeing She burnt herself into ashes. Then all stood up and cursed Daksha for continuing the Yagam, cursed him saying that he will get worst name. Rudra Ganas woke-up and wanted to attack Daksha. Brughu maharshi is happy and did Abhichara yagam. Bughaiva sena created and they chased away Pradhama ganas. Narada went to Kailasam and told Siva about the whole incident.


5.4 Veerabhdra Vinyasam – Daksha Yagna Dwamsam

·         Siva became angry. He shaked his Jatajhootam and hit the ground. Veerabhdarudu was created with Rodura swarupam. He has 1000 hands and holding 1000 weapons. He is shivering. Shankara instructed him to destroy Daksha Yagnam saying Daksha is the reason for the burning of His mother. He did Pradakshinam to Shankara. Lot of dust generated in the yagna area with the entry of Veerabhadrudu.  Now onwards His vinyasams (Manoeuvrer) start. He is appearing with terrifying form. All are running away Indra, Sun, Agnis. Bughaiva sena, Yama, are being attacked by Him. He saw Saraswati – and removed the nose, caught hold of Brughu – removed beard, moustaches. He was started bleeding. He removed Brughu’s eye balls, damaged the mouth and teared it off. Then He Broke the teeth of Sun – thus making him not able to speak properly, thus the days of wrong speaking started from that day. He caught hold of Moon, beaten him in the stomach, saying how dare he has jumped out of Siva’s head and came to yagam. As he kicked moon, Amrutha dharas came out of him and did Abhishekam to Veerabhadra’s feet.

·         Finally, he took out the head of Daksha and called Agni to lit the fire, He put it in the fire. He called Pramadha Ganas and to urinate in the yagam. Veerabdhadrudu with pattisam (weapon) having bleeding marks everywhere, washed in Godavari. That is the place of Pattisam, Godavari River Bank side, EG Dist., AP.  (At Daksharamam for Siva’s festivals - Vayu’s wife will sweep, Lakshmi will pour Honey from Lotus flower, Akasa Ganga and Tamra Parni will put Rangoli, Yama wife – Dhoomra varna will do Dhupam, Naga Kanyas will keep lights for Bheemeswara).

·         All Gods went running to Brahma. In Kailasam Siva is in peaceful mode along with Sanaka Sananda – doing Gnaana bhodha as Dakshina murthy. All Gods requested His mercy. He told them that all will be restored to their normal status. Goat’s head will be put to Daksha as a symbolism for timidness and weakness. Daksha now prayed for His mercy. They completed the Yagam. Vishnu and Brahma also came. Those who read or listen of Daksha yagna dwamsam – will get all benefits – will get eradicate sins, will get keerthi, get health, get gnaana. Angry and Revenge are Sisters.


5.5 Himavathi / Parvati / Girija Birth

·         Gods started praying for Amma to come again. She said she will be born to Menaka and Himavath. Reason being once Menaka seeing Shankara and Sati together in Madaragiri, wanted Sati like daughter. Prajapathi’s daughter Swadha married to Pitru devatha – They have three daughters Menaka, Dhanya, Kalavathi – they are all almost equal to Ayonija. They have Brahma Gnaana. They went to Vykuntham one day. At the same time Sanaka-Sadanandas are going inside. These three did not stand up even after seeing those Brahma gnaanis. They cursed them that they will be born as human being. Sanatha kumar told the remedy of the curse - that these three respectively will be wives of Himavath (Vishnu amsa), Janaka, Vrushabhanudu (Vysya). These three will give birth to Parvati, Sita and Radha Devi. These three will get as follows no moksham, Vishnu lokam, Go lokam respectively at the end of their lives.

·         Menaka used to do special pujas on Ashtami. Jagadamba has appeared. She wanted 100 sons and a daughter like Her, or literally Her only. She agreed for the same. Since She is the daughter of Parvatha Raja – She has been called as Parvati, since Himavanth’s daughter – also known as Himavathi, Since the daughter of Giri Raju – Girija, since black in colour – Kali, since sister of Narayana – Narayani, During Kalyanam for Siva his sister Saraswati will do make-up. Mynaakudu is the original brother will carry Parvati in the basket.

·         Himavantha has the rarest luck of holding Chin, legs of Parvati as the father, pleading her to eat, drink, do Puja. Narayana and Narayani take avatharams for loka purpose. Only Siva does not take any avatharam. Do dhyanam of Amma assuming Her with Black Hair. Himavantha was praying her in similar lines to Lalitha Rahasya  Sahasra Namam. Mother also pampered her and said that She is lucky to have her as daughter. She has grown to youthful stage. Shankara is giving gnaanam in Dakshinamurthy form.


5.6 Birth of Kuja

·         Once a sweating drop from Siva dropped on Earth, Earth took it and a Child was born. He will not have Adi-Bhouthika, Adyatmika, Adi-Dyvika -taapams. He will be considered as Son of Earth. He went to Varanasi and did Tapassu to Siva. Siva granted a boon to him as Kuja - Mars (above Sukra - Venus) as part of planet (Angaraka). He can enter into Angams. He is a paapa (Dushta – Bad) graham.  Kuja Dosha will be calculated from Lagnam / Moon Rasi / Sukra Raasi in Jaatakam.  if Kuja enters in 2,4,7, 8, 12 places – it is called as Kuja Dosham.  Spouse will die or divorce or ill-eligibility for married life happens. Gives problems in Land, Brothers, strength, War. Those who hear Kuja avirbhavam – Kuja dosha will be reduced to some extent. Siva went to do Tapassu (i.e., enjoying oneself inside).


5.7 Siva Tapassu

·         Shankara was doing Tapassu in Himagiri. Himavantha took Parvati there to help Him. Siva was in deep dhyanam. Slowly He opened His eyes. He blessed both father and daughter. He was not disturbed. But She is not able to change her eyes. Himavantha told Siva that Parvati will serve Him by arranging flowers for Puja (She will not wear those flowers), She will apply sandal to your body (She will not do the same for herself), She will make you to wear silk cloths and she will not wear those sarees, She will not speak anything just will do puja, will not seek any boons for the services, only wish is to do service to You. You can ask her to do any service. He left Parvati there and left to home. Parvati doing the service, seeing Him indirectly, wanted to tell Him that She is Sati. But nothing resulted, everyday it passed like that, by evening She used to go home and next day morning She used to come back. She spent many years like this. Gods all went to Brahma so as to ensure Siva and Parvati kalyanam happens without further delay. 


5.8 Kaama Dahanam

·         Bruhaspati told that let Indra send Manmadha. He carries Cheruku Villi (Sugar cane Bow), Bees, Meenam (Fish) as symbol in Flag, one who can make kaamam in anyone. He was along with Rati Devi at that time, she also wanted to come along with him. But he declined and went alone to Indra Sabha. Indra ordered him to instigate Kaamam (love) in Siva, ensure Parvati and Siva marriage takes place, a Son should be delivered. Manmadha got worried, but Indra forced making it as an easy task. Manmadha indeed asked Indra – how come they are asking him to put arrow on Siva – it is going to surely destroy him. I am the son of Lakshmi Narayana – if I go and disturb Siva, my father will not tolerate me. Indra forced him and said that Siva will be happy even if he knows that you had hit him with flower arrows. He went and told Rati Devi, the moment she heard – she felt unconsciousness. She discouraged him not to go. But having no alternate he went to Siva to do war with Flower arrows. Sent Garvam (Proudness), Madam (Arrogance), Sampada (Prosperty), koilalu (Swallows), Bees, Parrots Chariot Vasantha, all birds and animals with mydhunam position, Air as coordinator. Finally, he went. Siva came bahirmukha, Parvati came to serve Him, Siva was seeing Her. Manmadha threw the flower arrow on His chest.

·         The arrow went and hit the heart of Siva. These arrows are invisible. Siva realized that someone trying to disturb him. Siva opened his eyes with burning eyes and agnihotram started coming from His third eye, Manmadha who was about to throw the second arrow stood standstill, without knowing what to do and the fire went through him, he became burnt to ashes. Snaathakam tells the rules to the bridegroom as – 1) Not to take naked bath. 2) Not to sleep naked. 3) Not to climb to the top most of the tree 4) Not going to fight with a person who is more powerful than oneself.

·         Rati was there nearby. She started crying. She is pleading for the life of her husband. She says she has done many vratams till now. Cried literally. Vasantha also came and cried. She requested him to put fire and she want to jump in to there. As per one epic Siva himself granted and told her that her husband will be born as Pradhyumna, Krishna’s son, till then he will be Ananga (without physical body) and hence she is not widow. As per another epic – Asareeravani told that Siva will soon bless her and Manmadha will come back alive. Till such time he will be ananga. Rati went back consoling herself. Siva seeing this – went away to Kailasam as His Tapassu got disturbed. Himavantha came knowing this and took Parvati back to his home.


5.9 Siva as Tribal Lady (Sodi Erukamma)

·         After many days Siva decided to put an end. He came as Sodi erukamma (Tribal lady) and went to Himavantha kingdom. Gowri called her to Anthahpuram to know the future of her days there. She asked Him/Her still how many more days She has to wait for Siva and when will He take Her small finger. Parvati brought manis (diamonds) and poured before Her. He made it three parts. Started telling Sodi. Told that Siva does not get attract by Beauty, but by Bhakthi. She will go to forest, do Tapassu, Sodi lady told Her that She has to do Tapassu, Siva will be blessing her, marry her, Kumara Sambhavam will take place and Tarakasura will die. Finally, Sodi says She does not want saree, nor money. She also wants the same what Parvati wants. She left the kingdom. Narada also came and told the same.


5.10 Parvati Tapassu

·         Parvati went and told to father that she will go and do Tapassu. With sorrow he agreed. But Menaka was feeling sad as a typical mother. She discouraged and told her to do the Tapassu at home only. But Parvati declined and went in Tapassi form. Menaka finally said “Uh Ma” i.e., means Do not go to Tapassu. Hence her name has become Uma. She objected even assistants. She did a severe Tapassu. In summer She stood in Hot stone, In Winter She sat in cold water, in rainy season She stood in severe rain, gradually She became lean – without proper food, finally She was not eating even leaves – hence called as Aparna. At last, Siva became merciful.


5.11 Siva as Bachelor - Brahmachari

·         He came down as Bachelor. He asked the assistants there who is She. As a bachelor one should not do 1) See the mirror 2) Hair cut 3) Take Tamboolam till snaathakam. He is telling that He has seen many ladies, but She is the most beautiful lady. Why unnecessarily She is praying for a Beggar, No one knows what is His age, He has no shape as He is Linga, He has no caste, no gothra as He is having no parents, He would have applied Maya on Her. He told Her to stop Tapassu. Do you think He will take your properties? He will not as He is very simple – as He wears Skulls mala, snakes’ ornaments, he will apply ash and not sandal, will take you to grave yard as home, if you give flowers for decoration – he will reject it and will put Chandra Rekha, if you are ready to go on Tiger on speed – He will say let us go on age old Bull. The Bachelor says to Parvati – to forget Siva and to come along with Him.

·         The assistants came to hold him as Parvati ordered them. Then He said Brahma and Narayana could not catch them, how they could catch? With severe tone He said He will marry Parvati and see how anyone can prevent?  When again Parvati became angry and ordered assistants not to leave him - suddenly Siva appeared with his form – Ganga on top, Vrushabha vahana. Parvati bowed down to Him. Parvati with anthah soundaryam – Internal beauty (Siva Kama Sundari for Siva only) attracted Siva. She is Amma for all of us. Siva asked Parvati to come to Kailasam. Parvati said as Sati Devi they did not marry along with Nava Graha and Dikpalaka Puja. Daksha himself gave her in marriage. Hence that marriage did not go well. But now She wants to see the marriage happening in a proper manner. Like elders (Saptarshis and Wives), Brahma, Saraswati, Narayana, Lakshmi – coming and requesting Himavantha for Parvati to be given to Siva. Then marriage taking place as per rituals with parents sitting on pandal and taking place for two days. Siva went back to Kailasam. Parvati went to Himavath mountain.


5.12 Parvati Kalyanam Negotiations

·         Father asked for the reason for Parvati being happy. The assistants told the entire story. He was happy for Parvati being able to get Siva as her husband. Meanwhile Siva called Saptarshis at Kailasam.

·         Those helping others can put namaskaram to those who are enjoying the help in two instances - if those getting the help are Guru or God. Saptahrshis came and requested Siva what they can do as a service. Shankara requested them to be mediators. He told them that they should be - One who talks skilfully, Nirmala Budhi (Clean mind), having sampada (Having respect). They told Siva that what a lucky we are – you should order. Siva told them to go and request Himavantha couple to give their daughter to Him, if needed put some money there, the girl is beautiful and ensure they give Her to Him. During nischaya tambulam one should offer Milk rice. Siva told them to eat the same there. Arundhati also was accompanying them. Siva told her to go and tell Menaka to talk about Siva god things.


5.13 Nischaya Tambulams (Confirmation of Marriage by Elders)

·         They went to Himachala. All neighbours are astonished seeing Saptarshis coming to Himavantha’s house. Himavantha was very happy seeing them and told them how come such great personalities came to his house, He himself would have come Had they ordered him. They told that Sambhudeva has sent them to request Parvati to be given as Bride to Him. Himavantha was so pleased, thought how mercy Siva was, infact Parvati is His only, temporarily She is in his house, what permission He needs to be given. Meanwhile the news went to kitchen house (Menaka). Menaka felt bit proud, of Her daughter as She is equally matching to Siva. Both mother and daughter came to meet Saptarshis. They stayed that night. They ate Paala koodu and woke-up in Brahmi muhurtham and did Devatharchana. The Couple gave cloths to these Saptarshis and Arundhati. They went back to Kailasam.

·         They Started praising Parvati. They described - She is very beautiful - though She is Black. People say Her face is like Moon, but it is bluff, Moon is nowhere before her face. She does not have even a single blackspot. She cannot be compared with Lotus as it is born from mud and Parvati does not have any single particle of spot in her body. Her eyebrows are like an arrow as Manmadha has been died and in his place – you will be using this. Face can not be compared with pearl, as they do not have the softness, cannot be compared with Manikyams (Diamonds) as they are all stones. Parvati cannot be compared with anything in this creation. Even Brahma having four faces cannot describe her beauty. Siva finally asked them if the couple agreed to give Parvati to him. They said yes.


5.14 Siva Wedding Preparation

·         Then He asked them to prepare wedding invitation and to finalize Muhurtham.  Brahma has fixed it. All are coming to Siva house. Indra with Sachi Devi on Airavatham, Yama with his Dandam on Buffalo came. Narayana along with Lakshmi on Garuthmanthudu along with Sanath Sanakananda, Brahma and Saraswati on Swan, Veerabadrudu, Nandeeswarudu, Dikpalakas, Narada etc are all ready to attend the marriage. Siva ready to go for marriage with all.  He wears new snakes and silk cloths, on it elephant skin. All lokas emptied. Gods meanwhile requested Siva not to give Moksham to the Himavantha couple after the marriage, as otherwise the earth will lose the Himagiri and will suffer a lot. Hence requested Him to make the couple to give Parvati with Half-heartedness. Siva agreed for the same.


5.15 Himavantha Couple Welcome to Bridegroom Party

·         Meanwhile Himavantha also prepared their Wedding invitations. He sent to all lokas, mountains to come along with their Children. The children are Rivers and they are getting married to Ocean. The cities and Kingdoms which are adjacent to these river banks are like assistants to the daughters. Forests are sons to mountains. The sons of forests are insects. All these went to the marriage. The Himavantha couple, Mynakudu (Eldest son), went to invite the Bride party on their arrival along with Big mountains. The procession came – Menaka was happy seeing all the Gods. As a last with Bhuthas, Digambara wearing skulls and dancing Siva came. Seeing Him she became angry and rushed back to her home. Complained to Parvati of Her bad choice. All other elder mountains are also disappointed. Arundhati tried to pacify her.


5.16 Siva at Vididhi (Bridegroom’s Guesthouse)

·         Meanwhile Himavantha took Menaka to Siva’s vididhi (Guest House) to give Him Madhuparkam. With no happiness Menaka was waiting. Siva coming out of Vididhi wearing astonishing silk cloths, beautiful, Moon and Sun giving sheltering, Ganga and Yanuna holding fans. Menaka astonished, but again has worried that, will He take the Digambara rupam anytime back. That is the trigunathmika reason for Himavantha to be remained in the earth. Meanwhile Narayana came to Siva. Because all Gods are here in North side, earth tilted and South side came up. Siva sent Agastya to South side so that he can balance the earth. When he was repenting for not able to see His marriage directly, Siva granted him a boon that he can see directly from there itself through divya drushti (Divine sight).


5.17 Wedding Day

·         Mangala Snaanams being done for preparing Bride and Bridegroom. Bride side people assembled to see Siva. They are saying – He posed to decline marry Parvati, burnt Manmadha, now He himself requested to marry Her and came all the way. They all stood on both sides of the path. One lady, who has applied   nice kaatuka (Eye Liner) in eyes challenged Siva that He will marry her seeing her eyes, He is puttu Bhogi. After seeing Him they just put namaskram to Him. The other side Parvati mangala snaanam (Sacred Bath) happening. Rangolis are there. She wears silk cloths. Menaka worried that Dishti (Bad sight) will touch Parvati and hence wanted to cover Her.

·         Siva is coming to mandapam. Parvati is coming along with Gods/Goddess. Narayana/Mynakudu brought Her in the Basket / Gampa. Everyone is so happy seeing both on Mandapam as if it is the life dream and desire. Himavantha first washed Siva’s feet. There is curtain between Siva and Parvati. The curtain is shining with crores of moon. Because of this it has been looking like transparent screen. So, people thought that they are seeing to each other though there is curtain. Both of them are eagerly waiting - when the curtain will be taken out.

·         Kanyadaanam (Bride being given to Bridegroom) is happening. Brahma is the priest. He asked to know the Pravara (History of Family with the names and Gotras, Rishis) of Siva.  Who can tell? They asked Narayana, He said He himself was born from the left side of Siva – hence He does not know Siva’s birth. Narada meanwhile started playing music with Veena, Brahma got angry and asked him why he was disturbing? Does he know anything? He said one crore years of Brahma is equal to One day of Siva. That’s why he wears Skulls, Sabdham (Sound) came from Him (Nada swarupa) – Hence what Pravara will be there for him Just say Nirguna (Having no material qualities), Nishkalanka (Spot Less), Niranjana (Pure) as Pravara. Thus, they proceeded.

·         On Sumuhurtham – Jeera and Jaggery applied. The curtain is removed. They have seen each other eye-to-eye.

·         They are ready to go for Talambralu (Sacred Turmeric Rice). That time Bridegroom requests her to consider him as 11th Son. To treat him like child at the old age as by the time 10 children would have been grown up. Talambralu scene is like the blessings to the universe.

·         Then Panigrahanam (Each Hands touching) taken place. If both left hands catch each other closely during the mantra chanting both Son and daughter will be born, if only fingers touch either Son or daughter only born, if partially touch, Sons only born.

·         The new couple came to Vididhi – did Lajala homa. Gods requested Siva to make Manmadha alive. Siva saw towards Parvati and made Manmadha alive. Himavantha took Parvati in his hands and shed Ananda Bhaspas (Tears with Happiness) while sending along with Siva. Menaka during Appagintalu (Sending time to in-laws) – behaved like Mother. Since no in-laws are there, she is saying that she is telling to Her only, take care of Siva. Should be aware of His feelings, be ready accordingly. No one is able to give any presentations to Siva as He does not wear any cloths, wears elephant skin, no sandals as he applies Bhasmam only, no silver plates as he eats in Brahma kapalam, cannot give ornaments – as He wears Snakses, Moon Rekha.

·         Still Himavantha sent Silk Sarees, Elephants, Horses, Pallakis (Palanquins), Ornaments, etc. On Vrushabha vahana Siva and Parvati started going to Kailasam. Saraswati as sister accompanied Siva along with Brahma. Narayana as Brother of Parvati, along with Lakshmi went. Other Gods also accompanied back. All were treated with respect at Siva house i.e., Kailasam. They all left from Kailasam to their respective places. Siva and Parvati settled there. Taking care of the universe and blessing the whole population. 

·         Parvati Kalyanam is a part of sanathana dharma epics and whoever reads/hears/recollects – gets the ultimate prosperity and moksham of the life.


6. Gowri Incarnation and Gowri Puja Significance:

·         Once Parvati and Siva are sitting Mandaragiri mountain. Gowri is black. Lakshmi (Sister of Brahma) and Brahma are Red. Saraswati (sister of Siva) is white.  Narayana is Black (Brother of Parvati), Siva, His Mountain, vehicle – Vrushabham, Bhasmam etc all are white. Process of reflection is White, Process of absorption is Black. Saguna aaradhana corresponds to Loukika desires. Nirguna aaradhana relates to Moksha/gnaana. Hence Linga is considered a step towards moksha only. It is called as Aruparupi. There are two Sri Sailams. One is regular Sri Sailam and another one is Thirumala. Once Siva turned towards Amma and called “kaali” (indicating a black woman). She became angry and got down from the bed. She said that she is feeling bad of her body itself as Her husband is not liking her. She said she will leave the body and will come in another body, which He will like. She seeks His blessings. She says She will do Tapassu. Siva tried to console her and even ready to touch her feet. But She is decided and ready to go and do Tapassu only praying Him.

·         She did bath in Akasa Ganga with a samkalpam that She wants to get the colour what Siva likes. She decides to do daily three times Siva Puja. One day a tiger came. It saw Amma and lost its Maya. It started protecting Amma. Brahma came to know her Tapassu and got surprised. He came and told infact He has a desire for her to come and kill Shummbha and Nishummbha. She said 1) Since Siva created the Loka and He created first you (Brahma) – you are like my Son. 2) But once the lokas started creating. Rudra came from your middle of eye brows – hence you are like my father-in-law. 3) Since I am daughter of mountain (Himavathraja) – Mountains are children to you. Hence you are grandfather to me. Hence, She has to oblige Brahma in any manner.  

·         Because of her Tapassu She turned to Yellow+Red+White colour like Kethaki (Mogali) flower– Hence She has been called as Gowri. Since everyone desires Her, she is also being referred as Gowri. Since she is Jagatjanani, also known as Gowri. She is Kausiki now. She went and killed Shumbha – Nishumbha and sat on Vindhya chalam. Brahma came prayed, donated Her a Lion as a vehicle. Now She went to Siva. Siva explained the whole Leela for Her. Gowri took Vyaghram to Mandara mountain. Siva gave it a Silver Cane, Golden Sword, appointed it as a guard and kept it before Gowri house. He gave a higher place of Nandeeswara and called as Soma Nandi and placed as one of Pramada Ganas. That’s why Gowri Puja in wedding time for Bride is very important. Palm leaves, Black beads both are important in the Gowri Puja. Wife should do puja to Husband. He should do puja to Guru and Eeswara. Wife’s greatness should be told by Husband none else.

·         Five things a woman should wear always 1) Mangala Sutram 2) Black beads 3) Sindhuram 4) Mattelu (Toe rings) 5) Flowers – One as 5 can be Thatankamulu (Palm leaves as ear rings) – this is equal to Mangala sutram. Ear rings also should be treated as Mangal sutram, while taking out

·         When Harischandra sold Chandramati by praising her. She said if She were sacred Agnihotram should get cool itself and it happened accordingly. When Lohitasudu (their Son) died and She took him to the graveyard and as she does not have money – Harischandra asked her to give Taali as mortgage, to burn the Son. Then She realized that it is Her husband only. After this a situation happened that She was charged with a theft – then Harischandra himself was assigned to cut her neck with a sword. Even that time She prayed that She does not want any Moksham – but wanted Him only as her husband in next births. Even Lohitasudu when he was bitten with Snake and about to die, he told the people surrounding to inform his mother about his dying status, but not worried for his death.

·         Netrarpaneswarudu is a temple in TN. Once Vishu comes with 1000 lotuses to do Siva puja. Siva steals one lotus. As it short of the count, Vishnu takes one of his eyes and does Puja finally. Thus, the name of the temple came into existence.

·         Kenopanishath – A kantipunjam was there originally. It was challenged by Agni. Agni tried to burnt a grass piece lying nearby, then Vayu tried to blew away. Indra went finally. Kantipunjam appeared as Ammavaru. She taught him gnaanam. Amma is Sakthi. Dedicate to her. Everything is Uma Anugraham. This happened behind Sri Kalahasti temple. Sukla Paksha Tadiya Chandra same as that appear on Parvati Siva crowns. Hence Siva called as Chandrasekhara.


7. Markandeya Maharshi:

·         Once Mrukhandu Maharshi was staying along with his wife Marudhwati in a Himalaya Ashramam. Many disciples used to be there along with them. Upanayanam (Thread Ceremony) is eligibility to go for education to a Gurukul under the guidance of an able teacher. The thread ceremony should be done by Father. Guru couple are like parents. Disciples bring bikshaannam (food got from begging from the sacred houses). Gurudakshina (fee to the teacher) should be given at the end of education, which in turn funded by kings. The couple were leading ideal life, they have no children, they are doing Sivarchana daily. Once he was entering into Brahma Sabha. But the gate keepers stopped him as he did not have children. He came back repenting. At the same time some wives of saints came to his house requested his wife to facilitate for their Puja followed by lunch. When the lunch was being served, they asked her children to be accompanied. The moment they came to know that they do not have children, they went without taking food. She started crying.

·         Thus, the couple started repenting, he consoled her. He said he will do Tapassu for a good son. Installed a Siva Linga in Maredu (Indian Bael Leaves) forest. He did severe Tapassu, at sometimes took water only. She served him and praying Pasupathi. Narada asked Siva in Kailasam why is he so strict for not showing mercy on them. Parvati was telling that “This Mahatma was not coming even though I am telling daily”. Then they left on Nandi vahana. Ganapathi, Subrahmanya, Pramadha Gana etc all came down. Siva offered him two options if he wants a son of 100-year-old life span with bad qualities or a son with 16-year-old of life span with good qualities. Maharshi preferred a son with 16-year-old life span. While his wife was crying, he consoled his wife saying let us pray Siva eternally.

·         They are blessed with a boy and he was named as Markandeya. He is growing day-by-day brilliantly and intelligently, due to God’s grace. They did Upanayanam for him and he went to gurukulam. Markandeya learnt many things at early age.

·         He became strong Siva devotee by practices. He learnt all dharmas, sastras. He was always chanting Siva Naamam and have confidence that if one believes Siva, he will have no difficulties. One day Narada came and reminded the parents that now the boy is 15 and exactly on the 16-year completion day – he will go away from the physical body. Both parents started crying. Narada told them let Markandeya himself do Tapassu. He also was confident and sought the blessings of parents. He left for Himalayas. He put parthiva linga in a small temple. He did Tapassu. The time for him has been elapsing. The Yama servants came to take the life of him. They wanted to through Yama Pasam (Yama Cord). But saw him doing deep puja dhyanam and could not throw any pasam. They took it back and went back to Yama Lokam. They said they could not take his life as he is doing Siva Puja and he is having Tejassu.

·         Yama got angry and he himself started to take away the life of the boy. He said who the great male will come to oppose him. Narada came and advised Yama, to forgive the boy. But he did not oblige and went to take his life. He went and asked the boy to come out of the temple. Yama said that, he requesting him itself is great for the boy. He will pardon him and take away his life simply without subjecting him to any suffocation. But Markandeya said the Lord is common to both of them. He says how dare he can take his life when he is praying the Lord. He wanted to live only to make happy of his parents. Yama became angry. Then he threw the pasam on his neck tightened it. But Markandeya without fear started praying Siva – hugged Linga – started chanting “Chandrasekhara …..”.. Chandrasekharashtakam Meaning – Yama cannot do anything, I am touching Siva’s bhasmas, fragrance of Siva, am seeing ardhanareeswara amma, Eight Stanzas. He praises Siva and challenges Yama – if he can dare to take him. At the end the pasam touches Siva linga and it breaks into pieces. Siva becomes angry and apears – then He kicks Yama with left Leg (Amma’s) and kills with Trisulam. Then He took Markandeya with two hands. He was granted with boons. But kind hearted Markandeya wished Yama to be alive again. Yama asked Siva what is his mistake for taking his life after 16 years, which is Siva’s order only. Siva clarified that He granted them forever 16-year-old-boy. Chandrasekharashtakam has been so poweful that Apamruthyuvu will be prevented. No death fear will be there, full life span will be guaranteed, provides prosperity, gnaananam, moksham and unifies (Aikyam) in Siva. This ashtakam in later days has become so much common among normal public.


8. Siva Swarupam:

·         Siva swarupam – 64 murthys. Brahma is only one form. Siva is Linga form. But with Parvati he comes in 64 forms. Ghora (for punishment) and Aghora (for care taking). All art performers should put Namaskaram before Ananda Tandava murhty (Nataraja). There are originally 650 dance forms. Only 108 survived. Only these 4 will see Ananda Tandavam - Nandeeswarudu, Brungi, Patanjali, Vyaghra Padudu. Two sandhyas namely - Poorva Sandhya (Sunrise) Uthara Sandhya (Sunset). He is King because of Dance (Nataraj). Rangaraj (Vishnu swarupam – Yoga Nidra).

·         Brungi says he will put namaskaram only to swamy. Not to Amma as She is lady. He did Pradakshinam to Ardhanareeswara the right side only. Then by becoming bee, he has put a hole in the middle of the ardhanareeswara, skipped Parvati and entered into the half of the body, completes the Pradakshina. Parvati becomes angry. Later both teach a lesson to Brungi and he becomes devotee to both. Patanjali head is humanly and body is snake (Adi sesha form). Similarly, Vyaghra padudu Head is humanly and body is tiger. 33 crores of gods participating in the dance program. Patanjali said that he is observing through his eyes (both seeing and hearing) the dance of Siva. He explained the same. The Srishti of letters is happening through Damurakam. Thus, Siva’s Ananda tandavam is Srishti. If it is stopped it will be laya. The ability to construct sentences is and to make others to understand is grammar. 14 Nageswara sutras came from Damurakam. Patanjali has written these sutras.

·         All puja samagri should be in the right-hand side. Damurakam is also right side.  Agnihotram should be left side. Bhogham in life should be till children’s birth only. The demon under the right leg is Maya. The left leg is in Brahmi state. Gandapenderam (to avoid gandam) should be put in left leg. Tat-wam-asi. Right side Abhaya mudra. Hence called as Hara (one who absorbs Harimnchu i.e., sin). Tummi (Leucas aspera) and Jilledu (Swallow-wort) flowers what Siva needs. Ravana also even wanted Ananda Tandava murthy form.

·         Once Daruka Vanam munis (Saints) were staying, were doing Siva puja. Their wives wanted Gnaanam. One day Siva came as a beautiful naked Bikshu (Beggar). Saints wives came and hugged him (meaning is they left their “I” and wanted to unify (Aikyam) into Siva, since they have gnaana). But for Munis since they are still attached to karma - they believed that He came to take their wives. They instantly conducted Abhichara Yagna. An elephant came (because of Sabdha balam) and they instructed it to kill Siva. Siva became urdhva Tandava murthy (like ugrava murthy). He hit elephant into pieces. Then next time they created beautiful deer. It went to Siva. He further beautifully saw it. It became mesmerized.  Immediately he catches hold of it with four legs. He did not do anything to it. Then they send Tiger. He killed it. That skin he covered as uttariyam. Then they realized and bowed before him. He advised them not just stick to Karma only. The reason for Siva holding the deer is – it represents its unstable moves here and there, Like Lion kills deer, elephant, tiger and shows its supremacy – Siva has done.

·         Why he catches deer and carries till now. Symbolic for us to pray Him in any form by any method and look to him. He will show mercy. Why dd he kill elephant. It is a symbol of agnaanam (foolishness). It does not look urdhwa (upside) as it cannot jump. That’s why He wears elephant skin. Tiger resembles for differentiation. It represents Kama, Krodha. Tiger hunts everything and anything. But Lion very selective. Hence, He is Lion. Lion stays in cave. Siva also stays in cave. Even if you chant with sarcastic – He will show mercy.

·         Imagination. One day Adi Shankara went to Shankara. He offered Adi Shankara to drink. Then he declined in the form of a prayer – worrying that it can be poisonous (Haala halam). He says he does not want even to be garlanded as Siva may put garland of snakes. Does not want a vehicle as a reward for touring across Bharath instead ready to go thrice on bear foot – as the vehicle could be the old Bull (Nandi). What all He wants is a merciful place near Shankara’s feet. Hara thus shows mercy on anyone.


9. Ganesha Charitham:

·         Jaya – Vijaya are assistants for Parvati. They said Nandi is more inclined and obedient to Siva, Brungi is known clearly partial towards Siva and against Parvati initially. They advised to create her own obedient servant. She made from body’s waste a boy and kept him at her gate as a keeper. She told him not to allow anyone inside. Meanwhile Nandi and Pramadha Ganas came. He did not allow them and started fighting with them. Assistants of Parvati told her that the boy needs some powers as He needs to fight with many adversaries. She has given her the same. Then the boy defeated the Nandi and co. Then Brahma and Vishnu came. Shankara also was not allowed inside. Shankara killed him with his Trisulam and cut off his head. He entered in the house.

·         Later during His discussion with Parvati Siva realized his mistake. He ordered the Gods to go in north direction and bring the Head as a replacement for the boy. They brought the head of an elephant. First Head Transplant in the world happened. The boy realized and bowed to Siva as his Father.  Subrahmanya swamy also born later. Viswarupa Prajapathi has two daughters by name Sidhi – Budhi. Siva conducted competition between Vinayaka and Kumaraswamy to do Pradakshina of Earth. He said that whoever come first will be winner and he will be made the head of Pramada Ganas. While Kumaraswamy literally did rounds to the earth, Vinayaka did 7 rounds to parents – hence Kumaraswamy was seeing Vinayaka before him everywhere. Thus, Vinayaka declared as winner and was also made eligible to marry the two daughters. 

·         Few questions to clarify – 1) How come Siva accepted Vinayaka as his son? 2) Why Siva chose Elephant Head? He could have chosen His original Head itself 3) How Vinayaka recollected his mother?  4) How he realized Siva as father now (with elephant head) and not in original form. (with human head). Siva is Parama Purush – Parvati is Parama Prakruthi. When She has prepared with Malam it is in trigunas (Sathvika, Rajo, Tamasa) – hence He is not gunaatheetha. He did not realize that Chaitanyam in him is Siva. Once Siva cut the head with Trisulam – his Triguna related gunas gone. With Gaja, Ga – Gathi – Ja – Jananam, He realized from where he is born and where he is going. Elephant head resembles Brahmandam – Human Body represents Pindandam. Both together shows – thatwamasi – with Siva as assembling at neck.

·         Vinayaka – Visishta Nayaka. Nayaka for Vignas. One who uses Budhi will get Sidhi (Wives names). Chaamari animal likes its tail, peacock likes its feather, Elephant likes its Teeth. Ganesha will be pleased with 21 Garikas. Likes Sindhura very much. Three things which make anyone energize – Moon (ahladakarudu), Ocean (Anandam), Elephant. That’s why Ganapathi, Hanuman liked by kids. Why rat is vehicle for such a Big personality of Ganapathi?  Rat resembles for thief. If we surrender to Ganesha – then we also will become thief like Rat and we will steal the hearts of many people positively. One day Ganesha went to Mena Mama house. He ate Sudarsana chakra. But Vishnu wanted the chakra back, Vishnu did gunjillu – first time Ganesha saw these and laughed, rolled and the Chakra instantly came out.


10. Brahma-Vishnu Samvadam:

·         Lingam for Nama rupam. Once Vishnu and Brahmam have a competition who is Brahmam. Siva appeared as Jyoti stambam – as blow-out. Vishnu went as Varaha into Patala to see the Adi the beginning and Brahma went on swan to top to find the end. Narayana realized that this is Brahmam as not able to find the Adi. Brahma while going with Razo guna up did not want to concede defeat, saw a flower (Kethaki - Mogali) coming down. The flower said that since many years it is coming down as it has fallen from the head of Jyoti as a Bhakth did puja and put it on Jyoti’s head. Incidentally it has fallen. Then Brahma wondered how tall the Jyoti would have been further. Brahma requested Kethaki to tell Vishnu that He has seen the top. A cow is also there. He requested it also to tell the same. It agreed facially by nodding though not orally. They went down and He bluffed that he has seen top. Kethaki vouched. Cow facially agreed it, but with tail disagreed.

·         Siva then appeared, declared that Brahma is telling lie – Then He cursed as follows 1) Brahma will not have any pujas on earth 2) But any priest doing rituals will be called as Brahma and he will be the final authority in any ritual. That’s why we call the priests in the ritual as “Brahma Garu/Ji” 3) Vishnu will be equally worshipped and his celebrations will be called as “Brahmotsavas” 4) Kethaki will not be allowed to be worshiped for me 5) But I love my Bhakths wearing it and it being used for my festival decoration. This jyoti stabmam is nothing but finally Arunachalam and this happened on Maha Siva ratri.

·         Various Linga Pratishtams 1) Swayambu – Done by Siva himself - No one does – Srisailam 2) Divya Lingam – By Gods – Kumaaraaramam – Samalkot 3) Maanusha – By human being – Many of the current temples. 4) Aarsha – By Maharshis 5) Raakshasa 6) Daivika – Originated by themselves – Due to natural process - Borra Caves As water drops the soil accumulated as Linga form.7) Bana Lingam – due to water speed at the River banks. Aruparupi (as it does not have proper form, but has form). Better than Saguna form. If this form becomes as Sakara rupam, then it will be Siva Parvati.

·         Pancha Samya murthy. It will be looking like a Cot with four directions as South-East (Agneya) – Chaturmukha Brahma, South West (Nyruthi) – Sri Maha Vishnu, North West (Vayuvya) – Rudra, North East (Eesanya)- Maheswara. As a Bed on top – Sadasiva will be there. Two people will be sitting on it – Both are red in color. Both have four hands, Round face, carrying same weapons – Siva, Sivaa – Hamsa, Hamsi – Bhairava, Bhairavi – Samaya, Samayi - She sits on his left lap. Tirodanam means – Agnaanam - not knowing where from came. Anugraham means removes agnaanam. One who does all five – Kameswara, Kameswari.

·         Which side does Linga see?  1) East – Tatpurusha – Vayu – Agnaanam. 2) South – Aghoram – Agnihotram -Laya – Gnaanam. 3) West – Sajjojatham – Earth. Srushti. 4) North – Vamadeva - Stithi. 5) Upside – Eesana - Sadasiva – Moksha. Entire loka is in Linga. In Sivalayam 8 pavitra things are there. One should not touch these. As they are Eeswara rupam. 1) Gopuram 2) Garbhalaya Sikharam (Soolam/Chakram) – Vimaana venkateswarudu is treated as same as main deity. Oorerengipu will be stopped there as equal as main God. 3) Praakaram 4) Balipeetham 5) Dwaja stambham 6) Maha Lingam – Main diety 7) Chandeeswarudu 8) Priest. The Gods should be placed in proper direction as follows: South East – Vnayaka. West – Subrahmanya. North – Chandeeswarudu. South – Dakshinamurthy. South East – Somaskandhudu (Sa+Uma+Skanda) North East – Nataraja / Bhairava. One should not do themselves their Abhishekam.


11. Kalabhairava:

·         As per the same above story a bit extension Brahma has - four Faces in four directions, fifth one is upwards. He said He is Brahmam. Then Vishnu said He is Brahmam as Brahma originated from His nabhi. They called Rigvedam to clarify. It Answered Narayana as Brahmam, Yajurvedam said Eeswara, Samavedam said Parama siva, Adharwana Vedam said – Three eyed Eeswara as Parama Siva. Finally, they called Pranavam (Omkaram) – It answered Saktheeswarudu – ardhanaareswarudu. Even after these many repeated answers – both were not satisfied. Jyoti swarupa appeared. Vishnu pacified. But Brahma still adamant and said that Rudra is born from his middle eye-brows and how can he be great. Then aggressive and roudra Kalabhairava rupam appeared. He cut off the fifth head of Brahma. Brahma realized his mistake and ran under Parvati and took shelter. Siva said Kalabhairava will have Brahma murder sin. He gave alternate to seek begging for 12 years with the skull. Those who oppose Siva – will be terrified by you. You will be Kshetrapalaka for all Siva temples. You will be named as Aavarthakudu. In the main north temples – priests will beat with a cane as a resemblance to remove sins. For Kasi he is the head as Kshetrapalaka. Everyone first should visit this God. Hence after visiting Kasi – on return people should perform Kasi samaradharana (Kasi tarpana) –that ceremony’s conclusion is putting Vada mala on the Dog.


12. Ganga Avatarana:

·         Kavya Kantha Ganapathi cursed Nasik to suffer with calamities as one priest mercilessly beaten, pulled him from a temple while doing dhyanam and blamed him for a theft. Similarly, Adi Shankara cursed (rightly) Kerala not to have any peetham as his mother died there. Kapila Maharshi got angry on Sagarulu (Ishwaka) as they destroyed his Ashram for mistaking him for their Yagna horse to be tied in his Ashram. The anger became agnihotram and they were burnt and they have gone to patalam. They will not get moksham with the normal water (tarpanam). Sagarudu could not do Tarpanam. The only solution is to bring Ganga. But he could not bring. Anshuman, Dilipudu also could not bring. Then in the same dynasty Bhagiratha came. He went to do Tapassu from Ayodhya. He did in Gokarna. The speciality of Gokarna is if one does Puja here means they must be having past births credit and will get punya.

·         (Soumini is a Brahmin woman, got married and became widow soon. She is very beautiful lady. Many men tried to trap her. In one weak moment she obliged. Her own relations left her. She started living with low quality man and started eating non-veg, drinking liquor. One day she wanted to eat non-veg in the midnight. She started eating her own goat, drank liquor. Infact she killed a black cow thinking black goat. Instantly she murmured “Siva Siva”. But she did not hesitate – she went ahead and ate. Finally, she died. She has many sins – so she faced punishments. But she has uttered Siva Siva what punya to be given is the point of discussion. She should be having re-birth with leprosy, blind, ugly form, stinking, people should hesitate to approach her. But be born in Gokarna. In the next birth - She was suffering with hungry and no one feeding her. Once she heard Bhajana group. She went along with them till Gokarna (Koti linga kshetra) on Maha Siva ratri. One person gave her Maredu Dalams (Indian Bael Leaves). She became anger, threw them – they fallen on Lingas. Throughout the night she woke-up and next day morning she wanted to move away, she became so weak, could not walk and finally died. Siva (Maha Baleswarudu) gave moksham to her).

·         Bhagiratha did 1000 years tapassu here. Brahma appeared. Then he wished two boons 1) Ikshwakas always should have children 2) Ancestors (Sagarulu) should get moksham – hence requested Akasha Ganga to go to Patala. But if Ganga comes to Earth, only Siva can withstand. So, Brahma advised him that he should pray for Siva to bear Ganga.

·         Again, he did Tapassu for Siva. Siva appeared and said that He will do what is pleased for him. He will bear the daughter of mountain with his full Head (Ganga dhara). Siva ready without untying his hair. Ganga ready to jump. But She is proud and thought She will drag Him as well. Along with water, huge water animals falling along with huge loud, all Gods seeing surprisingly. For years together it is happening. The water is accumulating in His Jatajootam. Nothing is falling on to earth. Ganga realized her mistake. Bhagiratha also did Tapassu parallelly for his Karya Sidhi. Then Siva allowed water to flow from his jhootam. Then first it has fallen at Bindu Sarovaram (Brahma’s Tapassu place). From there it split into 7 parts. Few flew into east side, few into west side. One part went towards Bhagirath side. Ganga became Pavitra by touching Shankara. It is going with Sound along with people sound. All people started taking bath. Sinners taking bath and becoming purified (punyathmas). Ganga reached Jahnu Maharshi Ashram. Wiped out it. Carried the Ashram along with it. Bhagiratha took the Ganga to Patala and Ganga flown through the ashes of Sagarulu. Thus, 1000s of sagaras went to heaven. Brahma hugged Bhagiratha. He told that if anyone tries to accomplish a tough task, henceforth in the world, it will be called Bhagiratha Trial. This Ganga river will be called Bhagirathi. Those who listen Ganga avatarana will be purified, get punya, will be having keerthi. Ganga avataranam is Ganga gnaanam.


13. Skandotpathi:


13.1 Tarakasurura Birth:

·         Skandotpati – Kumara Sambhavam written by Kalidasa. Subrahmanya has Kuja Graha control. He is Karma, Gnaana swarupam, Jyoti swarupam. Specially one should worship for children and their halth. Mareechi Maharshi Son name is Kasyapa Prajapathi – He married to 13 daughters of Daksha praja pathi. Dithi and Adithi are important wives’ names. Dithi had Hiranya kasyapudu (Killed by Narasimha avatharam) and Hiranyakshudu (killed by Adi Varahamurthy) as two sons. Rakshasas (Children of Pulasthya prajapathi) live on earth and Asuras/Daithyas live in pathala are different. Those born to Adithi are devathas live in heaven. The reason is Adithi is gnaanam oriented, surrendered to Husband. She does not demand. Whereas Dithi used to demand what type of children she wanted. She wanted Kasyapa to bless her a Child who can kill Indra. Then he advised to do Tapassu for the same. She did Tapassu. She became pregnant. Indra knowing this, came to serve her. One day She was sleeping in the afternoon and her hair touched her feet. This was a sin. Indra immediately entered in to her stomach and with his Vajrayudham dissected the fetus into100 pieces.

·         She repented and requested him to take care of them. He gave place to them in heaven and they were called as Maruthulu. Again, she sought husband to bless a child to defeat the Gods. Then he advised her to do Tapassu for 10,000 years for Brahma. She got blessed with Vajraangudu. She always seeks strong person, but never asked for Budhi. He always used to fight with Gods. He caught hold of Indra, Varuna and jailed them. Brahma came along with Kasyapa and advised him not to do so. He released them and told Brahma that Indra is not good as he killed his mother’s womb in the past. Father and Brahma requesting for such a person is not good. But he said that, he is not interested in Indra’s kingdom and property. He requested Brahma to teach him knowledge, did not want any property etc.  Brahma Created Varangi and conducted marriage to him. Then onwards Vajrangudu is always in knowledge mode and did not do any harm furthermore, but Vajrangi got wondered and she prayed and wished her husband, that he should be blessed with a son who can threaten all the three lokas. Vajrangudu felt ashamed for history being repeated. He decided to do Tapassu for Brahma and leave it to Him only. He revealed him up front the purpose. But finally, she got blessed with such a son only. All bad signs appeared when he was born. Kasyapa prajapathi named him as Taarakudu (Taarakasurudu).


13.2 Tarakasura Kingdom:

·         Only Varangi and Dithi were happy for the qualities of Tarakasura.. Since both of these did not believe in Father and Son duo– they asked Tarakasura to do Tapassu to get full strength. He started doing Ugra Tapassu. Stood on one leg for 100 years. Then on toe for 100 years, another 100 years in Upside-down mode – with One hand touching only.

·         Later he climbed Parijatham tree top, stood and did tapassu for 100 years, another 100 in between Yagna fire, another within water, around air another 100 years. It is creating burning air around. Gods requested Brahma to go and bless him. Brahma appeared. He wanted to defeat all Gods. He also knows someone surely will kill him. Hence requested who should defeat him. As he knows Siva killed Manmadha and he does not have Kaama. He said only the Son born through the sperm of Siva should be capable of killing him. Brahma prayed Sada Siva and granted the boon. Then Gods themselves surrendered to Tarakasura and made the emperor for Trilokas rather to fight.

·         He started demanding all great things of the universe. Airavatham of Indra, Nava Nidhis of Kubera, Uchchaiswaryam of Varuna, Kamadhenuvu of Rishis, Sun also gave valuable gift. He started instructing them as well – treating them like servants – restricting their freedom of powers. Vayu only to remove garbage – He cannot throw bad leaves, Varuna only to rain where it is needed, Agni to cook for him, Yama is security -he can not kill according to his wish – He will dictate whom to kill – thus Dikplakas powers downgraded. He has shown his sadism. Appointed Ashwini Gods as teachers, Kubera to give him the list of rich people and collect the money, handover him the collections, Tumbura should start singing praising him. Apsarasas should dance before him. Sun should control his temperature according to Tarakasura’s feeling. Moon should realize according to his feelings and appear or disappear irrespective of Krishna/Sukla paksha. Earth should cultivate itself. Indra should take care of thirsty of the people of the kingdom. All these went to Lord Vishnu to save them from him. He applied Sudarsana Chakra, but it became garland and landed on to the neck of Tarakasura. Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanathkumara, Sanath Sujatha – Brahma Manasa putras. Always in younger age. They are Digambaras with Brahma gnaanam i.e., Desireless. Aham-Brahmam.


13.3 Sanath Kumar as Siva Putra (Subrahmanyaswamy):

·         One day Sanath kumar doing dhyanam. Siva and Parvati – came to him. Siva wanted to bless him. Sanath did not want any boon. He said why does Athma need any wish. Then Siva pretends angry and says He will curse him. Then Sanath kumar is not disturbed and says – no issues as curse is to the body and not the Athma. Pleased with this answer Siva becomes astonished by Sanath’s offering that he will indeed grant a boon to Siva. Siva wants him as a Child. Then Sanath says he will be a son to Him only. Parvati gets surprised and says how can he be child to him only when there are many common things between them. Common thing between Siva and Parvati – Chandra Rekha, Third Eye and Manassu. Then Sanath Kumar says – She may become her mother but cannot be biological mother – as he does not like that process. That day he got a dream as if he became head of army of Gods and doing fighting with demons. He woke up and asked His father Brahma the reason for it and also getting a dream though being Brahma gnaani. Brahma explained that he used to be angry on demons, when he was studying vedas, as they lifted Vedas and threw it in ocean. He used to say that he will kill them. Hence Siva wanted to fulfil that desire. Now complex situation arised - Sanathkumar should born only to Siva, Will Parvati agree for this and Can Tarakasura death happen as he should die by the Son of Siva only.


13.4 Kumaraswamy Birth:

·         Brahma asked Manmadha to create Kama in Siva. Siva opened his third eye. Manmadha burnt and died. All others ran away. Rati devi cried, but she got a consolation that she could only see him in invisible form. Parvati is wife to Siva (Siva Kama Sundari). But for rest all - She is mother. She took cheraku villi *Sugarcane bow) and started doing Tapassu for Shankara. Siva came as a bachelor and started telling lies about Siva. Then Parvati became angry on him, then he showed his original form and married Parvati. Mydhunam started. 100 years happened like that. Siva maya spread on Gods. They started discussing along with Brahma – wondered what will happen if Siva Tejassu comes from Parvati – that type of son coming will be more powerful. They all went to Siva. He came to meet them and they requested the Adi couple to do Tapassu so as not to keep His Tejassu in Her. He agreed for the same. But said who will bear the current Tejassu which has come of the 100 years of the past. They said Earth will bear. Earth agreed and it has fallen on earth. But because of its (Tejassu) power, it has spread like wild fire. Gods got worried. They requested Agni and to take the help of Vayu to absorb this Tejassu. He did instantly. Parvati by the time realized what happened. She got angry over the act of Gods and cursed Gods not to have any more children. Also cursed Earth to have multi forms, multi-husbands, even to father and son she will be wife. For her only daughters will be born.  

·         The couple went to Himavath mountain to do Tapassu. The Gods later realized the mistake. They went again to Brahma. He got rid of Siva maya. They requested Agni to put Tejassu in Ganga and requested him to seek her help (as Ganga is Himavath’s unmarried daughter). He requested for Loka Kalyana – She should bear pregnancy. She agreed whole-heartedly. Fire and water is a rare combination, that too Parvati also should feel that He should be her Son. This is all possible by Siva only. Agni put Siva’s Tejassu into Ganga. Ganga said that She is unable to bear it as the water is boiling. Agni told her not to throw it away but to keep it in Himavath mountain. Again, it is fallen on earth. Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Tin, Lead etc minerals have been created from that Tejassu in that place. The whole mountain became Gold. In the past during Bhasmasura episode – Parvati changed her body as Saravana Tatakam (lake) in the Himavath mountain and it remained as it is though She became Parvati back.  Siva Tejassu now has also fallen in that tatakam.

·         Thus, Siva Tejassu from Siva Aakasam, fallen on Earth, then taken by Agni, carried by Vayu and later by Water – thus travelled through Pancha bhuthams – finally originated from Parvati. Kruthika Goddess (6) (actually these are Parvati forms) - are ready to give milk – but they wanted a wish that He should be considered as their Son as well. They got motherly-hood. The Son drank milk at a time from six women. Hence called as Shanmukha/Shadanana.  Since Kruthikas are mothers He has been called as Karthikeya. Since He is born with incomplete 12 months pregnancy has been called as Skanda. Since the entire world is happy for the birth of the Son of Shankara –He is called as Kumara. Also known as Paavaki (Since Agnihotrudu kept Tejassu in Ganga). Since He is Brahma Gnaani son – he is also called as Guha. Since he drank many mothers milk together – he became Young in a day. He was made Deva senani. 


13.5 Tarakasura Death:

·         You both may have two separate third eye, legs, but have common manassu – an example is Kumara swamy. They took him to Kailasam. Parvati and Siva put him on their Lap. Siva whispered in his ear “Ayushman Bhava”. Adi Couple given Him Soolam (Spear), Pinakini (Special Bow), Sakthi, Sambhavi Vidya – Brahma has given Veda vidya, Yagnopaveetham, Gayatri Mantram, Kamandalam, Brahmastram, Vishnua has given - Vyjayanthi Mala, Kantha Haaram. Devendra has given Airavatham, Vajrayudham. Varuna – Swetha chathram, Ratna mala. Sun – Mano vega Ratham, Kavacham. Yama dandam, Moon – Amrutha Kalasam, Agni – Maha Sakthi, Nippati – Swakeeyaastram, Vayuvu – Vayuvyastram, Kubera Gada, Manmadha Kaama Saastra, Milk ocean – Ratnam, Andes, Himavanth – Silk clothes, Garuthmantha – Chitravarhunudu (Son) – Peacock, Arunudu – taamrachoodudu (cock) kukkuta dwajam, Parvati – gave smile as a gift. Aiswaryam – Chiranjeevathwam, Lakshmi – Sampada,Kanthahaaram, Savithri – All educations. With all these valuable weapons and along with Indra He went for war. He killed Tarakasura.


13.6 Deva Sena Subrahmanya Swamy Kalyanam

·         Deva Sena is considered as daughter of Indra, but infact she is the daughter of Arishtanemi Prajapathi. Once She was playing with younger sister Dhythya sena and a demon tried to lift her. Indra saw this, killed the demon and he took her as a daughter. He wanted to give her as bride to the most powerful and as well to a person who can remove bad qualities. Soora padmudu is the younger brother of Tarakasura and he ruled 100 kingdoms. He was also killed by Kumaraswamy. Indra gave his daughter then to Kumara. Deva sena means She will be under control of Indra. Dhytya sena means bad qualities. Both elder and younger sister play together hence the inner meaning is that on earth human will have both Good and Bad qualities.


13.7 Valli Subrahmanya Swamy Vivaham:

·         Once Narada went to Subrahmanya swamy – narrating him. One Ayonija in forest is there with bhilla / girijana (tribal).  Her age is 12 year +. She is now protecting the fields. Her name is Valli. Kalpavalli. She should become wife for him. She is surrounded by snakes. Her hair is like black snake. If you see her – you will not come back to kailasam without taking her finger. She is Chaitanyam. Anthar soundaryam (internal beauty) like Parvati. Even Brahma told me that She is very beautiful. Kumara went to Valli’s place. By the time Narada went to the kingdom. He told that Valli will get married to Kumara. King asked when will the marriage take place and when all the bridegroom party come. He said bridegroom himself will come. Kumara was very much pleased seeing Valli’s beauty – afraid to talk to her, finally, spoke to her and requested if she can marry Him. She felt that Subrahmanya is only husband for her and hence She felt that even though this man is beautiful She should not entertain. If this man were to be the same person, she will be lucky. She warned him that He should ask her parents and she said Brahma told that Subrahmanya only will be her husband.

·         Then He has shown his original form. Meanwhile father came and took her home back for lunch. Valli started repenting as she could not respect him properly. Her assistant searched for Him and given the message sent by Valli. Valli and Kumara spent the whole night in the river side. Valli’s father came in the morning and started attacking Kumara, mistaking him for someone else. Then Kumara attacked them and made all of them fainted. Finally, He has shown the original form on peacock with Valli. All bowed down to him. Siva, Parvati and Devasena also came.  In Thiruthani temple Subrahmanya wil be there along with Valli Devasena He is staying. Adi Shankara praised in Thituchenduru. Subrahmanyam is white, Valli is Red. Bhakths carry 2 milk kavadis – He will protect everyone.


13.8 Subrahmanyaswamy’s Shanmukha (6 Faces) Temples:

·         He has 6 main temples in Tamilnadu as part of his life story. They call them as Shanmukha 6 faces. –

·         1) Thiruppagunrdam (Near Madhurai) – This is considered as the place where Deva Sena and Subrahmanya Swamy marriage took place. In this place one should donate to relations and friends so that they will be so prosperous that they will be forever rich.

·         2) Thiruchendur – It is adjacent to ocean on a hill top. Adi Shankar went there. He chanted Naga stotra. People worship here to get rid of ancestorial diseases Leprosy, epilepsy, no children, Child diseases. Adi Shankara recited Bhujanga stotram here. He sat on dhyanam. He prayed Ganapathi then Started praying Subrahmanyam. He praises him having vehicle Peacock the fastest, Vedam. We tell panchangam every day while doing puja. 6 ruthuvus represent – Shanmukha. Peacock is time. The snake under it is symbolic for death. To get rid of fear of death, catch hold of Mayura vahanan i.e., Kumara who is para brahmam. Siva and Kumara are abhedam. Those who pray Kumara here will get confidence like Ocean stability. Vysakha Sukla Panchami – Jagad guru birthday. Vibhuti abhishekam is special here.

·         3) Palani – Kaavadi (Yoke) Utsavam is special of this place. During Gods and demon war, demon Idumbudu surrendered to Agastya. He told him to go to Siva Giri and Satya Giri and to bring them in Kavadi. Exactly at Palani he got tired and hence he laid it at Palani Hill. This was being observed by Subrahmanya swamy. When he was about to take back, he bent upon to take Kaavadi to put under the shoulder. He tried to adjust the balance, but was unable to do. He saw Subrahmanya laughing. He got angry and even threatened that he will Kill him and ran to Palani hill with bare-foot. Subrahmanya hit him with wrist. He is about die and realized that He is parabrahma. He then wished two things 1) Everyone should visit him (Idumbudu) first before visiting Subrahamanya swamy 2) One who carries Kavadi with any of panchamruthams, flowers on bare foot should also get the same moksham like any other puja/vatham. Thus, this is gnaana kshetram

·         4) Swami Malai (Near Tanjavur). Once Brahma came to Kailasam. Swamy asked him what is Gnaanam. He said I myself is gnaanam. Swamy said it is not correct and put Him in jail. Siva said it is not correct to treat the elders in such away. Then he realized his mistake. He said he will take snake form and will be like that. Then so many people started hitting him with sticks. Parvati did Shashti vratham – thus He got rid of the sins. He taught Siva himself Pranavam. Some elements of pranavam He knew. Father wants to be defeated by his son. So, this is the place where Swamy should be treated as Gnaana swarupa.

·         5) Thiruthani - 60 Km near to Tirupati. After Tarakasura killing, Swamy took rest here. This is anugraha place of Kumara. Krouncha mountain once occupied with demons completely. He demolished with soolam.

·         6) Alagar koel – Kumara when he was child played here. Hence this is like playground. Indra keeladri – same like that. Bikkavolu. Mallavaram (near Chebrolu).


13.9 Subrahmanya Avatharams:

Important avathars of Kumara - Kumarila Bhattu, Gnaana Sambandhar. Once Boudha religion spread in India – why it is not good for this religion is it does not believe in Vedas. Those who do not believe in Vedas are rationalists.


13.9.1 Kumarila Bhattu

He is born in Prayaga and protected. He went to Boudhaaraamam of 7 storeys. He used to cry whenever he was listening the monks criticized vedic karmas. He used to pretend as if appreciating and he learned from Guru the Boudhik practices. But Guru realized that he is Vedic lover and soon he will argue and defeat them. So, they took him to top 7th floor and threw him through a window. Then he started reciting a sloka. He prayed saying that if Veda is real, he will not die. The reality happened, he was survived, but a stone stuck to his eye and started bleeding. He questioned why is he bleeding, when he is believer of Vedas. Then Veda spoke as Asareera Vaani – because he used If clause that shows he has some element of doubt on Veda hence he is bleeding – else (if he is 100% confident on Vedas) he should have told that since Veda is real, he will be alive while falling. Then again all started doing Veda karmas. He burnt himself in Tusagni (Bran - Ooka slowly burning himself from bottom to top) –because he learnt from Budhist Guru with a hidden reason and it is not morally correct to hide the goal with the teacher.

13.9.2 Thiru Gnaana Sambandhar

·         He is child of blessed Siva pada hrudayudu in Sheerghali village. When he was 3-year-old, he wanted to accompany father while he was going to the temple. He kept him in a mandapam. He showed Siva and Parvati of Thonipreswara temple Sikhara. He told him that he is going for bath and if he gets any fear to call them as they are universal parents. The Kid saw his father dipping, but not coming up for quite long, hence started crying “Amma, Naanna…”. Then Shankara melted and told Parvati to accompany him to go to him. Parvati took him in her hands. Still he is crying. Shankara told her to give milk from her into Golden vessel and feed him. She did the same. He drank milk. The couple disappeared. Father came and warned him why he drank milk from some unknown people. Then the boy started chanting Dandakam (Pathikam) on Adi couple’s grace. All the Suvasini’s poured pelalu (Rice puffs) on the 3-year-old boy. He has been called as Dravida Sisuvu. When Kumara was born kruthikas gave milk, Parvati could not eed Him, hence Shankara fulfilled the desire of Parvati now to feed this boy with her milk.

·         One day Father and son went to nearby village Thirukkollakka. They were entering into Sivalayam. As he is crossing the Raja dwaram – he started chanting stotrams. He was doing talams with Hands. Adi couple gave gold Talams to him. Once in deep summer he was going along with father to Neluvuill. All elders of Temple got at a time one dream in which Shankara appeared to invite him and carry in pearl pallaki (palanquin) along with Chatram (Umberella) and to be blessed. Surprisingly these were created in the temple which were infact not existing till now. Once he went to kingdom – Thiruppachilashramamkollimalavaraju king is a devotee. He has a daughter with fits disease. He went to the temple to take blessings of Gnaana Sambhandhaar. He laid his daughter before Siva Linga in Fits condition only and left to invite Gnaana Sambhandhaar. As Gnaana Sambhandhaar came to know the girl’s condition, he chanted and prayed Siva to save her. Entire life she never got fits again.

·         He got thread ceremony and immediately narrated the whole ved gnaana, sishya parampa started. Once he is crossing with his disciples the places Kurunji and Mulai, suffered with malaria, cold fever because of mosquitos. He prayed Siva with Neela kantha tatvam. Siva saved them with no mosquitos, no cold till they were in that area. Vedaranyam is a place – since Vedam was being told in wrong swaram – the doors of the temple were closed. Vageesudu – is a Naayanaar –known as – Appar Thirunavukkarasar. One day along with Gnaana Sambandhar - Vaageesudu went Vedaranyam. They both together did Dandakam and the doors opened. Once they both wanted to renovate a temple, the required coolie charges were being paid daily through gold coins being given by Siva through their prayer to Him. Appar used to get more gold coins, Gnaana Sambhadhar used to get less Gold coins. He felt bad. Shankar explained that Appar not only used to do Manasika and Vaachaka – but does physical seva also – hence his gold coins weigh more.

·         Madhurai temple– once is closed as King and people converted to Jain except queen Mangayarakkasi and Minister Kulachariyar. Queen invited Gnaana Sambhadhar. Appar discouraged him not to go as planet position is not good. But he neglected and went. Queen went in disguise and Minister came to temple. The place where they were staying was set up by fire. Gnaana – became angry and prayed Siva to turn this fire to the King. The current fire became cool and King’s surrounding became too heat. Queen requested Gnaana Sambadhar and called him to save the King. King also prayed him to save him. The Jain followers put a test. The half of body was given to him – other half was with Jains. He poured Vibhuthi and made it to cool. But the other half remained hot. So, he poured the Vibhuthi for the other half. It became cool. Jain followers tested by subjecting him to fire, putting him in Vaighai river. Thus, finally King realized and reverted to Siva tatvam.

·         One day Gnaana was going to Arunachalam along with disciples with full galore. A gang came and lifted all the things. He realized his mistake and then prayed Siva that he should be simple. Then suddenly a marriage party came, fed them. After reaching Arunachalam all his lost items were returned back. In Mylapore - Sivaneesudu has a daughter Pumpavai – wanted to give her to Gnaana. One day a snake bite her and she died. Her Chita Bhasmam was kept and given it to Gnaana. He kept that before Siva Linga. He prayed Siva – the girl came back with an age of 6 months elapsed. But he declined to marry her as now she is like daughter to him. He got married in Thiruperumanamalayam. Sapta padi – sannikallu, completed. They went to temple. He prayed Siva to take him back. A fire stambam came. He, new wife, Father, mother, all those who are in temple went into the fire.



14. Kiratharjuneeyam  - Arjuna Tapassu-Pasupatastram:

·         Pandavas doing aranyavanavasam (Forest exile). Once Krishna visited them. Bhima and Arujana defeated many Kings during Rajasuya yagam – now they are doing vanavasam. Dharmaraja requested him how they can be peaceful after vanavasam. Krishna quoted Rudra (Siva). Mangala prada. He will save if he says “Vijayeebhava” – even if the opponents are most powerful. Then Vyasa came after some days. Dharmaraja also narrated again the same. Draupadi narrated her vows 1) That day in the kaurava sabha she was eka vastra (wearing one cloth) 2) Duryodhana behaved immoral by showing his thigs and asking her to sit on his lap 3) Dussaasana – removed her saree. 4) Karna talked in low language words and called her as Daasi. Vyasa said both parties are equal for him – but Dharmam is towards Pandavas side – hence they only will win. Dharma Raja is such a great person wherever he is there the goodness will prevail. Bad people will change to good.

·         Man gets spoiled by four 1) Youthfulness that’s why Dharmam to be followed more in this stage.  2) Money - the way it comes – the same way it will go away. Dharmam should be there. 3)  Power with no eligibility. 4)  Foolishness - leading to argument, not learning. He advised them Arjuna to be sent to do Indrakeeladri for Shankara Tapassu and seek Pasupatastragni. Then there will be no defeat. Arjuna started doing Tapassu. Praying Siva. Indra came in old priest form and laughed at Arjuna for doing Tapassu for weapon and not for asking for Moksham. But Arjuna told him that, for him Brother wish is important. Indra is pleased with his determination, appeared and advised Arjuna to do Parthiva linga puja.

·         He has only Gandivam with him now. Siva wanted to test Arjuna. So, he sent a demon mookasurudu as forest pig and he came making sound, creating disturbance to Arjuna. He became angry and wanted to hit the pig. At the same time, Siva also hit from back and the arrow went out through mouth. Arjuna hit from mouth and went out through back. The pradhamaganas came in tribal form and collected their arrow and they told Arjuna that their leader killed it. Arjuna became angry and said he killed first, challenged their leader to come. Then Siva came in the kirathaka (forest hunter) form, Amma came in eruka (tribal) without wearing blouse accompanying him with a honey pot. Siva challenged Arjuna. Arjuna trying to take arrows from Gandivam. Siva made sound “Hum ...”. Arjuna realized that the sound is a very big one and wanted to be careful. Siva is taking care not to hurt Arjuna and applying arrows. But Arjuna is very seriously applying arrows, but nothing is hitting Siva.

·         He became angry and felt ashamed for his great 10 names being useless before the kirathaka. Arjuna is very white colour, Phalguna (born in sandhi time of north and dakshina Phalguna), Partha (another name for kunti), kireeti (a lightening crown given by Indra), Swetha Vahana (He does not like any spot for his chariot and all will be white), Bheebatso ( People will be astonished in the war), Vijaya (no defeat in the war), Jishnuhu (If I am wearing weapon in the war and see my brother bleeding , then I will kill them), Savyasaachi (both hands can put arrows), Dhanunjayaha (One who has taken the money of all kings on earth during Rajasuya yagam)– that’s why no thunders will come if we chant his names. They both fought each other with Kodandams, directly with stomach. First time like Bheema put his dhoti up and started wrestling. Siva pretended as if he got hit, but he turned up and controlled Arjuna, but did not hurt him. Till now none did fight with Siva like Arjuna did, who hugged completely the entire body, Arjuna body completely covered with Vibhuthi. Arjuna took the Gandivam and hit Siva’s jatajootam. Then Siva showed his mercy and showed his real form as Ardhanaareeswaram. Arjuna repented for hitting Siva and prayed him. Siva blessed him with Pasupathastram though Arjuna completely mesmerized with the Daya of Siva and forgiving him and considering whatever Arjuna did as Puja. Kiratharjuneeyam will solve the difficult problems and will attain victory.


15. Nandeeswara:

·         Dindi – Mundi Two dwara palakas (Gate Keepers) for Siva. Shiladhudu, a Maharshi did Tapassu for Indra. He wanted an Ayonijudu, Chiranjeevi, Great Bhakth should be given as a Son. Indra said he can not give as he does not have that power. He said only Shankara can give this type of boon. He again started doing Tapassu in the area where too many insects are there. Gradually only Skelton like body is left out there. Shankara appeared, but Shiladhudu could not come out of his deep Dhyanam. Siva used his leg and put on the gnaana netram to make him come out of the dhyanam. He confused with what he wanted and added, that “I want a son like you”. Siva laughed with that wish and said that none can be like me and hence I will only come to you as a son. One day he was preparing for Yagnam, one murthy came from that Yagnam – with Chandrarekhara crown, with full Bhasmam in the body, having four hands, having no dust and is very pure, just like Bala Siva. They all called him as Nandi. Thus, Adi Vrushabham came as Dharmaswarupam as Nandi swarupam as Siva swarupam.

·         People started telling him that He is Chiranjeevi only by Gnaana, but not Chiranjeevi by age. So, Nandi did Tapassu again, Siva appeared and confirmed that indeed – he is Chiranjeevi. Siva put his garland in his neck. He also got third Eye, five faces, ten hands. Parvati hugged him like her own son. Siva showered water from his jataajootam on him, the same turned into five rivers – Thrisrotha, Jatodaka, Swarnodaka, Jambu nadi, Vrusha Dwani – In the middle of these rivers Siva Linga is there. Siva made him as the leader of Pramada Gana. Suyasa daughter of Maruthas is arranged as wife for him. As a reward his Father and Grandfather were also have been brought into Pramadha ganas. Siva made it clear that wherever He is there Nandi must be there, wherever Nandi is there Siva also will go there. Whoever listens or reads – (Nandikeswara Charitra) – they will get all prosperity and they will attain the Pradhama gana membership.

·         One should not go in between Siva and Nandi in temple, Put Left hand thumb and index finger on the horns of Nandi, hold vrushanas with righthand, see the Siva linga between the two fingers and chant “Hara Hara Maha Deva Sambho Shankara”. It is as if seeing Kailasam. Only once we can see Siva directly when kavacham is there to Linga else we must see through horns only. One should take permission of Nandi while entering into the Sivalayam to see Siva.

·         1) Sathyam (Truthful) 2) Dharmam 3) Soucham (Mental Cleanliness) 4) Tapassu (Penance / Meditation) – represent four dekkalu (Hoofs) of Nandi. Nandi is veda murthy. You should always give others with Sradha - obedience, Shy, (feel as if Vishnu is taking). Talk always Satyam, Behave with Dharmam. You are getting wife as part of snathakam. Graduation is as part of university. You should not put Siva malyam on Nandi. Nandi always eye on Siva; Tail shows to world. Siva only has to tell Nandi to move away. Ask before entering in any Sivalayam – Who am I? Those who do not know anything is Pasu, the head of Pasu is Pasupathi. Pasupathi (owner of animal) is who ties pasam and removes, but Siva knows only to untie. Nandi provides this knowledge that Pasu and Pasupathi are same. That-wam-asi.

·         Nandimandalam – Nava Nandis near Srisailam is. 1) Prathama Nandi 2) Naga Nandi 3) Siva Nandi 4) Vishnu (Krishna) Nandi 5) Maha Nandi 6) Garuda Nandi 7) Vinayaka Nandi 8) Soma Nandi 9) Bhanu Nandi. Amma taught Nandi Vidya i.e., Sri Vidya. Two Nandis will be there in most of the temples. One fixed Nandi before Siva another moving Nandi i.e., Chara Nandi. This Nandi used to be tilted towards the pregnant lady / those suffering with health problems for easy deliver in case of emergency as a blessing.


16. Chandeeswarudu:

·         Once in Chidambaram – Yasnadatha used to live. His Son is Vichara Sharama – He learnt Vedam, believed Cows as Gods. Once he saw a man scolding and beating cows. He told him that he will take care of all his cows next day onwards. The villagers started giving him the responsibility of cows to him. He used to chant Vedam to protect them. The cows pleased and they used to pour milk in his drinking water pot. He started constructing temple in sand and Siva linga, pouring that milk on it with Rudram. One day his father came to know it and became angry. He came secretly to observe it and sat on the top of a tree with an axe and stick. Father came and saw the son pouring milk on sand. Father became running angry, beat him on shoulder and smashed the sand. The boy till then was in dhyanam, came out of it and became angry, took the axe from father threw it on him. It hit the legs of the Father, he started bleeding heavily and soon father dead. The Adi couple appeared from the Sand temple. They were pleased with his prayers. They blessed him that - from now onwards you are the fifth member of our family and will be called as Chandeeswarudu.

·         If husband leaves anything after eating – that is only allowed to be eaten by Wife. Siva gave that boon only to Chandeeswarudu. One day Kumara and Ganapathi though hungry did not take from Siva’s left out. Siva’s coconut should be taken (not to be left out). We should make “Chitika” before him and show him our prasadam and take. He will be doing dhyanam and will wake-up, grants permission. In TN urerungimpu along with Siva the entire family of five will go – Nandi will not go.


17. Siva Ratri Mahatyam:

·         Guru druhudu a hunter, does not have any moral rules. He used to steal others properties. His wife is also a crooked lady. One day on Maha Siva ratri he went to hunt, but he could get nothing. He saw a lake. He climbed a maredu (Indian Bael Leaves) tree waiting for animals to come over there for water. Under the tree there is a Linga installed by Brahma. A female deer came in late night to drink water. It has extra ordinary power, noticed that hunter is about to kill. It talked in human language. It said that it will go home and will tell its younger sister to get marry her husband, also will tell children to treat their aunt as mother henceforth. Astonished with the human voice from the deer, surprising to his characteristic style he has agreed to deer’s proposal. While doing so there was some moment by him on the branch of the tree and the things, he carried were shaked. Some Maredu leaves (Indian Bael Leaves) from the branch fallen on Linga. The water bag he carried tilted and water fallen on Siva as Abhishekam. Thus, he was fasting entire day, midnight he did Abhishekam – got punyam.

·         Meanwhile the younger sister Female Deer also came without knowing her elder sister story to drink water, Hunter was about to kill – She also sought mercy and told that she will go home and will tell her elder sister, children and will come back. As it is, he was in surprising mode and hence he agreed. While doing so again second time Abhishekam was done unknowingly. Again, he got more punyam. Meanwhile the male deer came without knowing the female deers episode. Same story repeated. The Hunter did third time Abhishekam unknowingly as the night is elapsing.

·         The three deers met in the family. Each one wanted to sacrifice for the rest of the family. As the sunrise happening, All the three ran to the hunter. The children also ran to the hunter and sought to kill themselves also as they cannot live without parents and aunt. The hunter cried with full of tears for the first time in the life, for his sins till now. Then Siva appeared from the Linga – blessed the Hunter and Deers and took them all, unified (Aikyam) them into Him


18. Haalahalam (Poisonous Ball) – Neelakantha:

·         Once Demons and Gods inserted Mandara mountain in milk ocean (Ksheera Sagaram) tied Vasuki, the snake to the mountain as a rope and churning for Amrutha. Head side was held by Gods, tail side was held by Demons. Vishnu as Adi kurma is supporting mountain so that the mountain is not submerged. First Poison came out as “Haalahalam”. It is burning the world, filling lakes, oceans. No one is able to control. It is erasing the cities, villages. They all ran to Kailasam and requested him to take him Haalahalam and to save them and the world.

·         Siva ready to take Haalahalam – He was looking towards Parvati. We shall protect the world. Also, should satisfy Her brother. So finally, He moved. He took hold of Haalahalam, made it a small ball, ready to swallow, even snakes who are on Siva’s body not bothered this Agnihotram, the Moon who is cool not bothered, the lotus faced Siva not faded. He put it in his mouth and kept in neck. But he thought for a while, if it goes to stomach, the lokas there will get burn to ashes. Hence, he kept there in the neck only. Hence his neck became with black spot. Siva appears as ready to eat Haalahalam during Sun Rise and setting time. The greatness of Siva eating Haalahalam goes to Parvati. One who reads / listens of Haalahalam story will not have any problem from Snakes, scorpions etc. Those pray specially with Neelakantha Sthavam will be blessed with prosperity and will reach Kailasam.


19. Sukracharya - Mrutha Sanjeevani Mantram:

·         Once Brughu (Kavi) maharshi used to live. His mother is Ushana. His wife’s name is Urjhaswati. She is Daughter of Priyavrata. (His Brother Uthanapaadudu). Brughu’s Son is Bhargav – He has four sons Chandudu, Amarkudu, (Rakshasa Gurus) Thwastrudu, Dharatrudu. Bhargav in later times becomes Sukracharya in later days. Sukracharya wanted Mruta Sanjeevani. He went to Kasi to do Tapassu. He installed Siva Linga. He did Abhishekam from Sunrise to Sunset. Performed with 1000 times Panchamrutham, Sudha Jalam, Gandhodhakam. He did Archana. Prayed with Sampangi, Ummetha, Ganneru, Taamara, Konda gogu, Jaaji, Kdimi, pogadu, Kaluva, Jasmine, Kamalam, Sorapanna, Dharbhagram, Mango chigllu, Durvankuram, Grass etc., Sukracharya prayed Siva and got Mrutha Sanjeevani mantram.

·         Once Parvati closed Siva eyes and a child was born during that time. The whole universe has become dark. He started eating human being. His name is Andhakaasurudu. Siva and Parvati considered him as Son only and sent him to forest.  Hiranya kasyapudu and Hiranyakshasa are own brothers. Hiranyakasha prayed Siva for children. Siva asked him to take Andhakasura as his own son. He took him and taken care of him, but in due course Hiranyakasha was killed by Adi Varaha murthy. Andhakasura started doing Tapassu as he was denied of the Kingdom. Brahma appeared before him. He wanted Eye sight and as well wanted not to die forever. But as second one is not possible straight forward – he asked that he can die only from such a person – a woman who has the best qualities of Highest, middle and Least jaathi, a woman who was there in the past, present and will be in future, who is so beautiful, worshipped by the whole world – but the moment I want her I should die.

·         Andhakarasurudu’s assistants went to Mandaragiri. They saw Siva doing Tapassu and by the side Parvati was there. They went and told Andhakarasurudu that he should marry Parvati. He went and demanded Siva to handover Parvati. Siva warned him and sent away. Siva got irritated and left the place for a peaceful Tapassu. Then a war took place between Parvati with the help of Gods and Andhakarasurudu with the demons help. 1000 years have gone. Siva came back and came to know that Vighasudu another demon swallowed Nandeeswarudu and Brahma. He hit him with his Trisulam. Got relieved them. The demons are being killed. But Sukracharaya making alive them through Mrutha Sanjeevani mantram.

·         Siva came to know this – He swallowed him. Sukracharya was witnessing the death of all the demons from Siva’s stomach. As a last person Andhakarasurudu was stabbed with Soolam and kept like that many days. He realized his mistake for not recognizing them as his parents. He prayed Siva with 108 names. Siva – brought him down. He included him in the Pramadha ganas. Trisulam is Trigunam. Sukracharya wanted to come out of the Siva’s stomach – He chanted a stotram. Siva has been happy and He told him that He will be his son and he came out from the Sukra sthaanam janmastahana of Siva and being called as Sukracharya. Maanasika, Vaachika, Kaaika – Kaimkaryam.


20. Tripurasura Samharam:

·         Siva is Tripuranthaka? Parvati is Triuprasundari? How this contradiction is possible? Tarakasura has three sons – Tarakashudu, Kamalkshudu, Vidyunmaali. These sons did not realize the Father’s mistake. They did ugra Tapassu. Again, they want to have the same wish – we do not want to die. Again, the same answer from Brahma. Athma will not die. Physical body can not be alive for ever. Then they asked exemption of death. Please construct Gold, Silver, Iron Cities which are rotating – we will be in those cities, we will defeat the entire world, will be spending 1000 years, These three houses should not come in straight line They will come just for a second in one line, in noon in Abhijith Lagnam when Moon is in Pushyami Star, When it rains from Pushkalavartha clouds – when someone boards a new chariot which was non-existent till now – with a new Bow and arrow, with just one arrow who can hit the three cities and kill all the three as a God representative. Brahma granted the rarest boon. They started asking for all exceptional demands from the nature like their father only and ill-treating them.

·         All the Gods went to Brahma and asked for remedy. He said the demons have three strengths – 1) My boon 2) Their original strength 3) They are doing sincere Siva Puja. They all went and requested Siva to Kill the three demons. He said they are his devotees and cannot kill them. He advised them to go to Vishnu. They went to Vykuntham and narrated the problem. He created with a Maya a Purusha with a samkalpam. He is with old cloths. He did Bala Sare to him as Harihan. He asked him to prepare with 16,000 slokas and prepare a dharma (This is against sanathana) and preach in Tripurasura kingdom. But none of the people were listening. Then Vishnu sent Narada to the 3 demons and to vouch on behalf of Harihan on this.

·         Narada went and canvassed for the Harihan. He started preaching against vydhika, against Siva and Narayana. Then they started liberalizing all the moral values. No Pujas, Yagnas, no rules and regulations are being followed. No Mangalam and all sins. Brahma and Vishnu went to Siva and told Him that – now none are there with any Siva Bkathi. They made earth as chariot – Sun and Moon as two wheels, Six leaves for each wheel - Dwadasa Adityas. Stars decorated, Ruthuvulu (seasons) kammulu (axis), Sky as shield, Mandara mountain as– Siva seat, Udayachalam – Hastachalam – these two made as nogaru – Years have been made as speed, North and Southa ayanas as Seelas (Nails) for wheels, Pancha bhuthas as strength for Chariot, Vedas, puranas – as bells, Ganga etc rivers as women to wipe the fans for Siva, Brahma as Driver, Pranavam – as korada (Wip), Meru mountain as bow, Adi seshu as allee thaadu (thread for Bow), Saraswati – main bell of the chariot to start, Vishnu as Arrow, Vedas as Horses, Maharshis as singers before chariot. Siva astonished seeing this and laughed.

·         The Chariot could not go as contradicting roles have been assigned to the Gods.It has been collapsed. Finally, Vishnu has become arrow, Vrushabham pulled the chariot. Siva was ready to burn Tripusura and ready to open the third Eye. But later withdrew, used the Vishnu as arrow and hit them. They died.

·         Thus, Trigunas have been crossed. Sthula, Sushma, Karana Deha have been killed.  Jagruthi (Stithi), Swapna (Srushti), Sushumna (Laya)– Srushti, Stithi, Laya stages have been crossed – Reached Triputa i.e., Turiyam.

·         Amma is beyond these three states and in Sundram. But to achieve Turyam – Swamy Daya is needed. One can get this only through Bhakthi. This is Tripuranthakam.

·         Only our Sanathana Dharmam calls Death as Goddess – Mruthyu Devatha. We only pray not to have untimely death or tragic deaths. But we are mature and always welcome the death as ripen fruit falls on its own. 

🙏Om NaMah SiVaYah 🙏

Refer the following Blogs also for the Maha Siva Puranam related Articles

Dwadasa Jyotir Lingas

Naayanaars and Siva Bhakths

Arunachalam and Bhaghawan Sri Ramana Maharshi