Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sri Devi Bhagavatam

 Sri Devi Bhagavatam

Pravachanam by Sri Samavedam Shanmukha Sharma garu


1.     Introduction

·         Veda Vyasa has written Sri Devi Bhagavatam. It is part of Ashta Dasa puranams. Krishna Bhagavatam came after this. Gayatri Mantra, Dharma Explanation in detail, Vrutrasura Samharanam – all these 3 should be there in any Bhagavatam. In Krishna Bhagavatam also these 3 are there.

·         Veda Maatha is considered as Gayatri. Tripada Gayatri – same as original Gayatri – but no restriction as the original Gayatri.

·         First sloka of Devi Bhagavatam is

Sarva Chaitanya Roopam Taam! Aadyam Vidyaam cha Dheemahi!

Buddhim Yaa Nah Prachodayaat!!

సర్వ చైతన్య రూపాం తాం! ఆద్యాం విద్యాం ధీమహి!

బుద్ధిం యా నః ప్రచోదయేత్!!

·         4 Bhavanas should be there while reading Devi Bhagavatam – Ardha (Meaning), Sabdha (Sound), Moorthi (Form), Thatva (Knowledge). Sutha maha muni was preaching this entire Devi Bhagavatam in Nymisanyaranyam (forest). It has 18000 slokas – 12 Skandas (Same as Krishna Bhagavatam) and has 318 Chapters.

·         Parikshit Maharaj died due to Takshaka sarpa, snake. As a revenge his son Janamejaya started Sarpa yagam to kill all snakes. Aastheeka Maharshi stopped this yagnam. At this time Vyasa came and preached Devi Bhagavatam. Vyasa started telling how the Srishti (creation) came into existence. This was actually told by Brahma to Narada, who in turn told to Vyasa

2.     How Creation (Srishti) is Done?

·         Brahma born in a Kamalam and heard word “Tapa” (The water dropping sound). He considered as an instruction and did Tapassu. After that he heard “Do creation”. Then came 2 demons namely Madhu, Kaitabha from Vishnu’s ears. Brahma got feared and went to the ear of Vishnu till Nabhi and prayed Vishnu. Then Yoga Maya appeared in the sky. Vishnu then killed these two demons. Then 3rd person came i.e Rudrudu. All 3 prayed invisible rupam for guidance. Then Shakthi/Mother appeared and instructed all the 3 what to do, where to reside and disappeared. But Amma voice is audible and She is guiding three by enabling them to board through a Vimanam. To their surprise they are seeing that already creation has been done.

·         They have been passing through Rishis, Satya Lokam (Brahma), Vaikuntham (Vishnu), Kailasam (Rudra), Amrutha Ocean, Vanams. Finally reached Manidweepam – and Cintamani Gruham. There is one Amma there wearing Red saree, Beautiful and Smiling. She is Bhuvaneswari with four Hands.   Down two hands (Abhayam, Varada I.e Boon), Up two hands (Paasam, Ankusam). Birds tweeting Hreemkaram. Understand that Anantha Brahmandam is there within each one of us like – Brahma, Vishu, Rudra there for each loka. That means Brahma (Sthula), Vishnu (Sushma), Rudra (Kaarana) Grandhi vibhedhinis to be done to reach Sahasraambujarudha Chakra. These Grandhs are one for two Chakras each. Thus, finally Tripurasara Samhara will happen and will have Darshan of Tripura Sundari.

·         She tells that she is like Coolness in water, heat in fire, light in Sun, moonlight in moon, coolness in fog/snow in the universe. None can respond if She is not there. (Core basis for Ichcha, Gnaana, Kriya Shakthi). She is Varaahi, Vyshnavi, Gowri, Sadasiva etc rupams. All the three do Tapassu later. Rudra is more committed. Hence Amma committed to be His Patni.

3.     Gita Creation and Devi Krupa on Vyasa

·         Vyasa writes Devi Bhagavatam by doing Tapassu. During that time 4 Vedas preach him. Rigvedam – says Bhagavati is where in entire Pranikoti is there and because of whom their behaviour defined. Yajurvedam says Amma who is prayed as Yagnarupa. Samavedam says – Yogis attain Amma with special tatvam, Atharvana says– People with full form of Bhakthi Krupa attain Amma. Vyasa has the Darshan of Ammavaru and Vedas narrated slokas. Ammavaru has given darshan with light and many rupas (8 Hands, 4 hands, 2 hands, many faces, etc…). Finally, She has changed forms to Lakshminarayana, Brahma, Saraswathi, Uma Maheswara, Radha Krishna and finally Bhuvaneswari in lotus.

·         He has seen letters in Lotus. These letters have taken form and written Maha Bhagavatam (Sri Devi Bhagavatam).

·         Amma is in Two rupas – Yagna – Karma phala rupa, Gnaana – gnaana rupa. Amma has all Goddess names.

4.     Story of Satyavratha

·         Once upon a time there used to be a vedic scholar by name Deva Datha. (wife Rohini Devi)

·         During Yagnam – the specialists from each Veda are called as follows - Rigveda - as Brahma, Yajurveda – as Hotha, Atharvana – as Athvaryudu, Samavedam – 1) Udgaata – one who sings loudly, 2) Prasthota - One who sings ruks with Samaveda swaras.

·         Naamam has two – Normal meaning + Mantram meaning. Beejaksharams also called as names.

·         Uthamas angry will be just for one sec, Madhyamas for two Ghadiyas, Adhamas will be for many days, Adhamaadhamas will be for ever.

·         Devadatha did the Yagnam for children purpose and during the Yagnam he pinpointed a mistake of maharshi and then he cursed him, because of which he got blessed with a Son – Uthathsyudu – who is like a fool with no proper education and no intelligence. Uthathsyudu felt ashamed for his fate and left ashram to a forest and leading a sacred life there. He Kept a tapassu of telling Truth only and controlling Indriyas. Slowly people started calling him as Sathyavratha.

·         Do not do useless talk, donate books, acquire knowledge, distribute knowledge (or at least arrange for the same), do pilgrimage. Pray Pundits, Gnaanis, Brahmins – otherwise one will be fool in next birth.

·         One day suddenly Ai beejam came without Bindu from his mouth – spontaneously/unintentionally - to save a forest pig from the arrow of a hunter. The hunter came in search of the pig. Wherever truth leads to violence it is untruth only, if untruth saves life – then it is truth only. But Satyavratham gets impacted.

·         He instantly says “What sees cannot speak, what speaks cannot see. (Amma gave this kind instigation).” He told the same to the hunter and he got confused and left the place leaving the pig unharmed. He (Sathyavratha) became gnaani automatically without any guru. All sages started respecting including Vyasa.

·         Vaghbhavakutami – Gnaana Shakthi, Saraswathi. So more than naama parayanam, niyama and nishta important. Also, without Bindu beeja japam is fine to do without Guru. But Guru is needed for Beejam with Bindu. For each sishya Guru will give different Beejaksharam. It is like medicine which is different for each patient.

·         Two types of Human beings – 1) Sorrowful, Aarthulu, Poverty, fools, Hungry, Health-suffering, due to enemy suffering, slavery, mental suffering, no dikku (protection), physically handicapped, bad. – These are who did not pray Amma in previous births.   2) Rich, Vedas, power, prosperity, heroes, controlling, all good qualities.

·         Yagna types – Dravya, Kriya, Mantra needed for Yagna. Sathwika Yagna is better always. In that Manasika Yagna is far better.

·         Rudrudu will preach Durga Namam/Rama Naamam/Panchakshari mantram in the ear of the dead one in Kasi according to the suitable one.

5.     Story of Sudarsana

·         Once Dhruva Sandhi, Kosala King was ruling Ayodhya. He has two wives - Manorama, Leelavathi and two sons respectively Sudarsanudu (Sathwika/Soft) - Sathrujith (Energetic). The King died in hunting along with a lion. Leelavathi’s father Yudhajith (Ujjaini King) pleaded for Sathrujith to become the next King, but Veerasenudu – father of Manorama pleaded for Sudarsanudu as he is the elder one. Then a fight took place the two fathers. Yudhajith won and Veerasenudu died. Fearing for life, Manorama left with the help of a minister along with son to river Ganges. On the way thieves have taken entire property of the three. Hence, they went to Bharadwajas ashram.

·         Bharadwaja warned Yudhajith. Because of Dyvayogam – Vajrayudham can become grass. Grass also can become Vajraudham. Yudhajith left.Ashrama people used to call Sudarsana as Kleeba (Incompetent). He started uttering Kleem Beejam. Kama rajam – Madhya Bhagam – Ichcha Sakthi kutami.

·         Rishi, Chandassu, Goddess, nyasam – needed when Mantram is learned. But he does not know any of these. Bharadwaja – taught him Dhanurvedam along with neeti saastram (Political science) – Anvikshaki, Traiyee, Vaartha, Danda neethi, Goddess appeared in dhyanam with Red color to him, with Garuda vehicle. Amma gave him Dhanush and arrows (Akshaya) to him in chitrakuta, sword and kavacham also he got. Sringabheri king has given Jythra Ratha to him

·         Sasikala daughter of Kasiraju (Subahu) also has blessings of Amma. She is groomed for him only.

·         Without Ministers, army, money and another help of King – Manorama wondering how his son can become king again – but has confidence on the blessings of munis.

·         First mother i.e Aaadi Maatha

·         Amma visible through – Budhi, Keerthi, Dhruthi, Sourya (Lakshmi), Sakthi, Sradha, Mathi (thought), Smrithi.  Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Skanda, Surya, Chandra, Manu, Kubera, Varuna, Yamaha, Agni, Vayu (total 12)– all do Sri Vdya

·         Ichcha (own selection), Panam (Some goal), Veerya Sulka (Heroism) – three Swayamvaram types.

·         Like Rukmini Sasikala invites (through a Brahmin) Sudarsanudu for Swayamvaram. Sudarsanudu also gets instruction from Amma in dream. Bharadwaja also blesses. Manorama also accompanies She gives the following Kavachamprotection sthotram. The Gods/Goddess who will be protecting are:

·         Front Ambika, Behind Parvathi, every time Siva (Jagajjanani), Fearful time – Vaarahi, impossible tasks – Durga, Fighting – Kaali (Parameswari), Sabhas (Meetings) – Maatangi (Rajasyamala), Swayamvaram – Sowmya, Bhu Madhya (Raja Madhya) – Bhavani, Mountains – Girija, Hurry – Chamundi, Forests – Kamarupa, Quarrel time – Vyshnavi, Meeting enemies – Bhyravi, Everywhere – Bhuvaneswari.

·         In Kasiraju aasthanam – Sudarsaana says he is seeing Jagadaambika in all kings assembled and says None can kill anyone or none can be killed even if he wants to be. He says he does not have Enmity, Fear, Sorrow. Sasikala then says she will not participate in Swayamvaram next day as she is already pativratha by mentally considering Sudarsanudu as her husband.

·         King next day begs pardon of all the Kings and requests for the cancellation of Swayamvaram. But many kings objected to it. The marriage is done secretly as per Sasikala plan that evening itself. Then Sudarsanudu, along with mother, bride – is going back to his place. Kasi Raju came for his protection against the kings who are led by Yudhajith.

·         Then Amma appeared in sky. Sudarsanudu started praying the Goddess who is on Lion. She killed enemies (including Grandfather, Yudhajith and Grandson, Sathrujith). Then Subahu prayed for Her to be always in his city (i.e Kasi) – thus She promised that she always be there till the earth is there to protect all lokas. She ordered Sudarsunudu to go to Ayodhya. All kings became his sub-kings, he became Chakravarthy. Also advised all to Specially Pray on Ashtami, Navami, Chaturdasi, Poornima, Amavasya – these are called as Pancha Parva dinamulu. Specially 4 Navaraatris - Chaitra (Vasantha), Asweeja (Sarad), Ashaadha (Vaarahi), Maagha (Raja syamala), Krishna – Chaturdasi, Ashtami are very important.

·         Aadya Sakthi – Adi Lakshmi – Sakthi, Lakshmi, Saraswathi

·         Sudarasunudu after reaching Aodhya sought the blessings of Leelavathi. He was preaching to her like Gita and says never had ill feelings. He says was feeling happy in forest as enjoyed there which directly takes to heaven, but ruling kingdom lead to hell as invariably will do some mistakes. Leelavathi blames her father for all the past things happened. Advises him to adhere to the King’s duties and not to go away back to forest. He Built Durga temple in Ayodhya.

6.     Navaraatri Puja method

·         Navarathri Puja Vidhanam (Sarad i.e Asweejam which begins Aswini star and Vasantha – Seasons start (Chaitra Sudha Navami Parvathi Birth day) – called Yamadamshtras – as weather changes. Prepare Puja samagri on Amavasya itself. On Padhyami – Take Bath, Call Priests for doing Homam, Parayanam, Puja. Read Devi Bhagavatam. Take Deeksha and lay down Niyamams. There is no special nyvedhyam for each day or no special avatharam or special colour of preference. You can follow any of the 4 food habits 1) Upavaasam (No lunch and eating tiffin for dinner), 2) Naktham (No lunch and eating full normal dinner) 3) Ek Bhoktham (Eating Prasadm only for lunch and no dinner). 4) Those who can not follow any of the above 3 – can follow normal Sathwika food. Daily three times Puja to be done. At least two times to be done. Once is main. Gita, Nrithya to be carried out. Puja is main with lot of flowers. Seek the blessings of Amma to do without hurdles.

·         One can do Kumarika Puja in Navaraatris for 9 days with 9 girls each day from 2+ years girl. 2 to 10 years. Kumarika 2, Kanya Trimurti – 3, Kalyani – 4, Rohini – 5, Kaalika – 6, Chandika – 7, Sambhavi – 8, Durga – 9, Subhadra – 10.

7.     Prakruthi Rupas of Amma

·         Narayunudu is telling to Narada about Amma. Prakruthi rupa (Saguna).

·         Purna rupas of Prakruthi – (Ganesha Janani) Durga, Saraswathi, Lakshmi, Gayatri (Savitri) – Aditya Mandalam from where Amma is controlling and ruling, Radha (Amma’s Love and affection),

7.1  Poornaamsalu

·         5 Goddesses. 1) Siva Priya – Also referred as Narayani, Vishnu Maya 2) Lakshmi – Also called as Padma, Kaantha, Athi Daantha, Santha, Suseela, Sarvamangala. There will be no Lobha, Moham, kaamam, madam, matsaryam. She is representation of Sowmyam. Priyamvada. Jeevanopayi rupini. Brughu Prajapathi and Kshaathi are father and mother to get Lakshmi rupa. She is called as Bhargavi and Gruha Lakshmi. 3)  Saraswathi – Represents Vaak (Exhibition of knowledge), Budhi (Bodha sakthi), Vidya (Saastra Gnaanam), Gnaanam (Para-loukika/Apara-alokika), Poetry, Prathibha (Skill), Thinking, memory, writing, music. She is called as Suseela. Amma is explained as these 5 white elements – Hima (Cooling), Chandana (Attracting), Jasmine (Pure), Moon light (light), white lotus (blossom). Tapass rupini, Siddi Vidya 4) Gayatri – Mother for 4 varnas, being prayed by brahmins, Sandhya Devi, Gayatri, Savitrhi, Saraswathi (Morning, Noon, Evening). She is Brahma Tejassu. Veda Shakthi. 5) Radha Devi – Brahma did Tapassu for 6000 years (according to his time). Finally, He could see nails of Radha’s feet only. Finally, could see her only in Brindavanam due to Krishna. She cannot be attained through any normal methods. Radha tatvam is beyond the above 4 poornamsalu. Bhaghavan’s ultimate prema is Radha tatvam. She is one who prays Krishna and one who is being prayed by Krishna. Here Pray is not normal one – but Aaradhana. It is aligning our heart/deeds with Paramathma’s heart/deed. That means only due to Bhaghavan’s Krupa (mercy) can be attained. So, Radha tatvaam is Krupa/Daya/Bhakthi i.e Pure Love on God. Para Bhakthi. Radha Tatvam is above Nama, japa, mantra, tantram. From Bhaghavan to Devotees the flow is like “Dhaara”. The reverse from us to Bhaghavan is nothing but “Raadha”. Kundalini also similarly should move in the reverse from Moolaadhara to Sahasraambuja… (Yoga). Golokam is above heavens. Radha decides entry for Raasaleela. But Brindavanam – even now it is Nithya raasaleela. Radha says only Krishna should be uttered in Brindavanam, but later seeing Krishna himself uttering Radha’s name always – she changes and says Radha should be uttered as Krishna likes it. Her father is – Vrushabhanudu Goparaju (Parasanu puram). Radha also Ayonija – from a lotus pond. She did not open her eyes when found. Opened her eyes (from cradle) only after seeing Bala Krishna Radha itself is mantram and Sri Krishna itself includes Radha praying. Radha fulfils all desires. That means She will make you to reach a stage where you will not seek any materialistic.  desire. Bhakthi means it should be like that of Gopikas. Radha Kalyanam took on Karthika pournami. It is Headed by Brahma, all goddess came, organized by Brinda Devi, Conducted by Pournamasa devi

7.2  Pradhanamsa Swarupalu

·         7 Visible Rupas forms.1) Ganga (liquid form), came from Vishnu, She is sanathana, She is fire as well (as she burns papas) and physically also correct as it kills diseases, it is infact pure only – but only human made it otherwise polluted, Her touch itself makes happy. She is Pavitra theertham. These are direct steps to heaven by holy dip. She came from Siva Jatajootam like pearls from steps coming down to Bharath due to Tapassu phalam. She is like moon, milk, white lotus. 2) Tulasi – For all Pujas important. More than all flowers important. It will give Darsana or sparsa Bhagya. In its moola and leaves Gods will be there. Any karma is useless without Tulasi. Tulasi in Kota is like Mahalskhmi. Leaves should not be cut from Kota. To clean the plant should be done by only men (not on - Ekadasi, Dwadasi, Poornima, Chaturdasi, Amavasya, Friday, Tuesday). Tulasi also got into Bharath because of Tapassu. It is like Kalpavruksham on earth. She was Prayed by Radha Devi. She has four Hands, Chaamana Chaya (brownish) colour, another form of Mahalakshmi, hence likened by Vishnu like Bilwam (Maredu) by Shiva, Usiri by Brahma. 3) Maanasa Devi (Daughter of Kasyapa Prajapathi). She is Naga Devatha and her brother is Ananthudu. Her temple is there in Haridwar. Shw is wife of Jarathkarudu (Krishna amsa), mother of Aasthekudu, Naga muni. She is Sidha, Yogini and also known as Mantraadi devatha. 4) Shashti Devi (Deva Sena) – She does Sisu Rakshana. Important to do her puja during Barasala. She represents Mathruka sakthulu. Till 14 years Her Puja to be done. After that till 70 years Siva Puja to be done. She is wife of Subrahmanya swamy. She herself is Valli and Deva Sena. From 6th Day of child, Her puja to be done. She is in Daya rupini and will be in Jala, Sthala, Antariksham. 5) Mangala Chandi Devi – She is symbolic of Subham and Kopam at a time. She should be prayed on Tuesdays. She fulfils all desires. Specially should be prayed by Ladies 6) Kaali (not Maha Kaali) – She is born from Aagnachakra of Amma. She killed Chanda and Munda demons. Hence called as Chaamunda. Equal to Durga. Looks like Black, but gives light equal to crore of sunlight. She is Bala swarupini and Yoga rupini. She is Krishna bhaktha and equal to Krishna. Kali wanted to born as male and hence reversed in the birth and became Krishna (hence Krishna is black). Radha is Shiva and hence white. Thus, Siva tatvam and Radha tatvam both same. She can swallow the entire world. She grants Dharma, Ardha, Kama, Moksha. 7) Vasundhara –also called as Bhudevi – Every one prays her, for all the basis for life, Ratna garbha, Swarna garbha. She bears all beings.

7.3  Kalamsalu

·         Swaha Devi – for Yagnams must for Gods, Swadha Devi – for pithru devathas. These are needed to reach our offerings to them respectively. Both are wives of God Agni. Dakshnia (Yagna sarthakatha, Dakshatha, wife of Yagna). Swasthi Devi (Wife of Vayu) – Su+Asthi – Good is there. Pushti (Wife of Ganapathi) – Vaak, money, Indriya, Aiswaryam, completeness. Thushti (Wife of Anantha) – Happiness. Sampathi (wife of Eesanudu, the ruler) – property. Dhruthi (Wife of Kapila – Tejassu) – Courage. Sathi Devi (Wife of Sathyudu). Daya (Wife of Mohudu). Pratishta (Wife of Punya). Samsidha (Wife of Sukarmudu). Kriya (Wife of Udyogudu). Midhya (Wife of Adharmudu) - In Krutha Yugam it will be Zero, Thretha yuga minor, Dwapara yuga Half, Kali yuga fully visible. She has brother Kapatudu. Santhi and Lajja (Wives of Susheeludu). Budhi, Medha Dhruthi (Wives of Gnaanudu). Murthy (Wife of Dharmudu) - Children are Nara – Narayanas. Sidda Yogini – Nidra Devi (Wife of Kalaagni Rudrudu). Sandhya, Ratri, Dinam (Wives of Kaludu). Kshuth – Pipasa (Hunger and Thrist) – (Wives of Lobhudu). Prabha (Brightness) – Daahika (heat) (wives of Agni). Mruthyuvu – Death (Wife of Jwarudu) – Daughter of Kaaludu. Nidra, Tandra, Preethi wives of Sukha. Sradha, Bhakthi (Wives of Vyragyam). Aditi (Deva Maatha). Dithi. Surabhi (Go Maatha) – Kamadhenu which came from Radha Devi. She is nothing but Mahalakshmi. Sri Surabhyai Namaha is chanting. It should be done before Holy Cows. Should be done 1 lakh times.

7.4  Kalamsa Rupamulu

·         Goddess names (Husband names) -  Rohini (Chandra), Sangnam (Sun), Satha rupa (Manu), Sachi Devi (Indra), Tara Devi (Bruhaspathi), Arundhathi (Vasishta), Ahalya (Gouthama), Anasuya (Athri), Devahuthi (Karthramuni), Prasuthi (Dakshudu), Menaka  (Himavanta) Pithrudevathala Manasa Kanya, Lopamudra (Agastya), Kunthi Devi, Varunaani, Vindyaavali, Damayanthi, Yasodha, Devaki, Gaandhari, Draupadi, Sathyavathi, Vrushabhanu Priya Kalavathi, (Wife of Vrushabhanu) – mother of Radha Devi, Mandodari, Kousalya, Subhadra, Revathi, Sathyabhama, Kalindi, Lakshmana, Jambavathi, Naagnajithi, Mitravinda, Rukmini, Sita, Lakshmi, Kali, Yojanagandha (Vyasamaata), Usha Devi (Banasura daughter) – her assistant Chitralekha Devi, Prabhavathi, Bhanuvathi, Mayavathi, Renuka (Mother of Pausuram), Revathi Devi, EkaNanda.

7.5  Kalamsa Amsa rupalu

·         Grama Devathalu.

8.     Poornaamsalu Aaradhana.

·         Humanbeing with Sathwa Amsa will be having – Paatra, Paaka, Deha Sudhi. Raja Amsa – Bhoga laalasa. Tamasa Amsa – Foolish, Independence, Fighting

·         Those who prayed Durga Devi – King Suradhudu (Later became Sawayarn Manu), Sri Rama Chandra (Could win over Ravana). She is Daksha Kanya. Later became Hymavavathi and married Shiva. She is mother of Ganesha and Skanda. Both are Vishnu rupa. Narayana wanted to be born in Goddess and His wish granted by Narayani. Hence praying Uma Shankara is praying Vishnu only. 2) Mangaludu propagated Lakshmi praying on earth.3) Aswapathi Rajarshi – propagated Savithri puja and Aaradhana i.e Gayatri puja. He got Savitri amsa children. 4) Saraswathi Puja – is first prayed by Brahma himself 5) Radha Devi – Krishna in Go Lokam, Gopi Janam and all Gods do her puja. Suyagnudu on earth propagated her puja in Brundavanam. Karthika Poornima is special day for Radha Devi. The Puja methodology is prescribed by – Lord Siva.  

·         Grama/Nagara Devtaha’s scope is limited to that Village/Area only as amsa of main amma.

9.     Saraswathi Devi Aaradhana

·         Magha Sudha Panchami. Saraswathi Puja is being done majorly in Kasi/Utkala/Bengal. Basara Brahmotsavams start on this day. Good to perform Vidya aarambham. Butter, Curd, Milk, puffed rice laddu, White sandal rice (for puja), jaggery items, modaks, syndhavam, rice flour, wheat flour items, Banana, paramannam (Cow ghee +Cow milk), Coconut, Coconut water, ginger, kanda mulas, white flowers, white clothes, white sankham, white pearls garland – to be used for puja and prasadams.

·         Saraswathi dhyanam will remove Bhrama (illusion) and agnaanam (foolishness). Visualize Amma with Dhawala Tejassu, Pushti aakruthi, Clean Clothes – Carrying Veena (Nada Vidya) and Book (Akshara Vidya), wearing ornaments from neck to bottom, Ganas surrounding to pray her – Brahma, Vishnu, Siva praying Her.

·         Panchami is preferred tithi. Yagnavalkya muni got curse from Guru and forgot whatever he learnt. He started crying seeing Suryamandala. Vedamayee appeared and gave him back lot of knowledge. He chanted Saraswathi (Meaning Pravaham, Prasara rupini) Stuthi. Brahmi – Brahma’s energy. Bharathi – Yagna swarupini. Vagdevi.  In Triveni sangamam Saraswathi is Antarvahini. Similarly, in our body She is Pranashakthi like Antarvahini

·         Once Sanathkumar asked Brahma to teach Brahma Vidya. But Brahma was unable to open his mouth. He prayed Narayana. Krishna came and suggested to pray Saraswathi. Then He was able to open his mouth. Once Bhu Devi went to Anantha (Adi Sesha). Requested Vedantha knowledge. Same problem occurred. He could not tell. He Prayed Saraswathi, and overcame the difficulty and able to tell. Later his form Patanjali wrote Vyakaranam (Vaak reforms), Vydya (Body reforms), Yoga (Prana Shakthi reforms)

·         Vyasa also due to Saraswathi able to write many epics. Even prior to that Valmiki could write Ramayanam due to Saraswathi and he only advised Vyasa. Narada only advised Valmiki and Vysaya to write epics with the Krupa of Saraswathi.

·         Puranas, Dharmas, Mantras are all due to Saraswathi. Mathruka Devi – Great in Ammas, Gods and Rivers. Saraswathi river older than River Ganges. Badari is the birth place of Her. Brahma vidya is created here. Now it is Antarvahini. As kali enters (This 5000 years later i.e. currently now) Saraswathi disappears and goes to Vaikuntham. Not only Saraswathi – many other rivers disappear. As they feel they do not deserve to be here. Padma (Lakshmi) river also disappeared. Kali does not have impact on Kasi, Brindavanam and Puri even today. But after 10,000 years (that means after another 5000 years) we will witness - no salagramam, no Siva-Sakthi/Vishnu Aradhana, Only Puri will be left out – that too it will be secretly under hidden. There will be no Sadhus, no good people, no sankhas, no God puja, no Vedas, no Grama Devathas, no vrathas, no Tulasi. Foolish people and wicked people only exist. Can not differentiate between male and female. Female power dominates. They even beat male. Male is like servant. No love between them. Fruits with no sweetness. No milk will come from Cows. No control on own wife or land by husband and owner respectively. Brahmins leave Pancha Yagnas (Deva, Manushya, Rishi, Pithru, Bhtutha Yagna). People eat on Amavasya. People will be without Yagnopaveetham. No rules for meals, marriages. People sale Vedam. After this Kali will take birth as Narayana form. He will take birth as Son of Vishnu Yasudu in Shambala Village in Himalayas. (It is Siddha bhumi invisible now)  

10.  Bhudevi Puja.

·         Sri Vasudhaai Namaha – It should be done during Bhumi-Puja (Sankha-Sthapana), Gruhapravesam, Well/Tank Construction, Cultivation starting time. Should not pray when Sun is in Arudra star - for 3 days. Things which should not be kept on earth are - Muthyam, Vishnu Salagam, Siva Lingam, Gods idols, Sankham, Lamp, Yantram, Yagnopaveetham, Flowers, Books, Tulasi Dalam, Japa Maala, Pushpa mala, Gold, Go rojanam, Chandanam.

11.  Lakshmi Puja.

·         Two Rupas – Vykuntha Maha Lakshmi with four hands of Vishnu, GoLoka Radha Devi with two hands of Krishna. She maintains entire world through her eyes. If she opens her eyes it is protection, if closes then it is destruction.

·         Indra got curse from Duravasa and lost all property. Then conducted ksheera sagara madhanam. During that time – Lakshmi Devi came. She carried garland of Black Lotus and put it on Vishnu. He put her in his Hrudayam. Then only she saw all Gods. Since she is Great in all Goddess – she is called as Maha Lakshmi. She is symbolic of Prema, Karunyam, Vatsalyam. She is Gruha Lakshmi, Surabhi in Cows, Light in Moon, Light in Sun. She is in Gems, Fruits, Water, Sankha, Linga, God prathimas, Paapita (of Sindhuram), Sathyam, Gardens, Clothes, Temples, Garland, Diamond, Milk, Turmeric, Kumkuma, Ghee, Oil – that’s why should close all these with lids.

·         She was first prayed by Narayana. Later Indra in a great way. She has to be daily prayed. Friday. Ashtami is an auspicious day. Specially Badrapada Sukla Ashtami (Radha Devi Birthday exactly after a month of Krishna Ashtami). Chaitra, Pushya, Badrapada – special months for Her. Makara Sankranthi, Magha month also important. Lakshmi will not be there where there is no Sankha naadam, no Tulasi, no guests eat, no respect for devotees, no bhakthi, who eats on Vishnu tithis, who sells Vishnu namas, who cuts Grass with nails, who drags floor with feet or nails, bites nails, where brahmin who comes houses and goes back with despair, who sleeps or eats during sunrise and sunset, does not follow customs, with no deeksha, sleeps with wet legs, or with naked body, excessive talking, applies oil on head and then touches rest of the body before taking head bath, lays instruments on body, does not do any vratham, no Sandhya vandanam, no Vishnu Bhakthi, Jeeva Himsa, no mercy, no puja for Hari/Hara/Durga/Lakshmi. Lakshmi Will be there where there is Sivarchana.  

12.  Ganga Avataranam and Ganga Puja

·         Ganga is after Dakshayini and before Gowri. Ganga born to Himavanta and Mena Devi as amsa on Vysakha Sudha Tathiya i.e Akshaya Tritiya. (Some books say it is Sapthami). She is in white. Brahma then asks for adoption so as to give in marriage to Shiva. Before that Ganga comes in dream to her father and says to do so. Himavanta sends Ganga along with Brahma. Mena Devi got angry as Ganga has gone without telling her and she says She will come back to earth again in the same fashion as she has gone to heaven. Brahma also cried when she was going along with Shiva after marriage. But She assured that She will be in His Kamandalam always. Vishnu invited the couple to Vykuntham. He requested Siva to sing a song. The song is so powerful that Vishnu melted and became water. Then Brahma who is there took that holy water also into his Kamandalam. Thus, both Brother and Sister are there together now like twins. Bindu Bindu meie Govind. The liquid which came from Vishnu Tapassu is Manikarnika river. He is head of liquid state.

·         Bali took property of Indra. Vishnu came as Vamana. He put One foot in Bhuloka and another in Aakash, third on Bali. Thus, first two are on Mamakaaram and last one on Ahamkaram. Bali means puja or samarpana – not cutting. Brahma saw the feet of Vishnu in the sky in his Brahma lokam. He washed the feet with Kamandalam water, thus lost Gang as she settled in the feet of Vishnu pada. Then She told sorrowful Brahma not to worry as She has to go to earth for a good deed.

·         Sagarulu came in search of their Yaga Aswam. For a good cause, Indra kept it in Kapila Muni Ashram. They took it and quarrelled with Muni. Then He burnt them and they went patala loka. Because of their sins the earthly water was not sufficient to get rid of sins. Hence heavenly water needed. Two successive generations did Tapassu to get Ganga. Bhagiratha then able to do. First, he did pray Vishnu. He says She is independent and hence he later did Tapassu for Ganga. But She said she can come, but need permission of her husband. He did Tapassu of Siva. He prayed with 1000 slokas – Siva sahasranaamam (Siva sthuti) – this has significance of granting rains, also benefits to the individuals. Siva appeared and Bhagiratha danced. He advised him to go to peak of Meru mountain, called as Merusrungam (somewhere between earth and heaven) in special chariot. This is not earthly Meru, which is called Sumeru – which is near Kailasa Manasa Sarovar. Do Sankha naadam, then Ganga will come running. Thus, he gave permission to Bhagiratha. Then Bhudevi asked Bhagiratha whether She can also join so that She can invite Ganga and allow her to fall on Her so that she can be pious. He did Sankhanaadam on Jyshta, Sukla, Dasami, Hasta star – Tuesday and Ganga started coming down and hit the mountain. Then Bhudevi prayed to come and land on Her. But Ganga advised her to take permission of Bharadwaja. He agreed for it – before going to Patala lokam.

·         She said none can bear her speed. She said to pray Shiva. Then Shiva came and She landed in His hair.  He folded his hair. This happened on full moon day of Jyshta. Bhaghiratha felt sorry as Ganga is stopped. Siva told that again the same muhurtham (Jyshta, Sukla, Dasami, Hasta star – Tuesday) of above should come to release Ganga. The day came finally and Siva released small portion through a small hair. Then Ganga started flowing with full force. Frist, she touched her native house – Himavanta mountain (This is also Gomukham). Then went to Gangotri (physical birth place). Then reached Kasi. Kalabhairava saw this and to protect the area went with a Dandam. Then knowing that She is wife of Siva – He repented and became silent. She told that She came to Kasi to pray Shiva. She will not submerge Kasi. Wanted to do Abhishekam to Visweswara. Since She came from the hair of Shiva called as Shiva theertham.

·         Jahnu maharshi saw Ganga coming with force and did not know the reason for She coming, but knows that She is coming for Sankhanaadam. Hence, he also started Sankhanaadam. Then Ganga turned direction. But seeing this Bhagiratha also continued his Sankhanaadam. Again, direction changed. Thus, Ganga shuttled directions, She became angry and wanted to submerge Jahnu maharshi ashram. Then Jahnu took entire Ganga into mouth because of Tapassu shakthi. Again, Bhagiratha felt sorrow, prayed Ganga – She advised to do Sankhanaadam. Again, she came out of Jahnu maharshi – some say She came through his ears. But here it says she came through knee. Then Jahnu seeks her mercy. She says henceforth She will be called as Jahnavi and says She will be considered as his daughter. After that went as part towards Saptharshis, as a part to Deva lokam. On earth went through different parts and finally reached patala lokam to Sagaras and relieved them of their sins. Brahma applauded Bhagiratha for his determined trials. But he gave credit to his previous two generations because of whom, he says, he got Tapah phala and got benefits.

·         Gangavatharanam is narrated in Ramayanam, Mahabharatam, Bhagavatam also. She is the Sakthi of 3 (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva). In heaven it is flown as Mandakini. In Earth – Bhagirathi, In Patala loka – Bhogavatti – hence called as Tripadhaga – Tripadhagami. Sishumna Naadi – Related to Ganga. Since it goes through Trimurtis – it is Kundalini. One can chant Sri Ganga ai Namaha

·         Do not see it just as River or water. It came in Liquid to protect world. Whenever you see it fold with hands. It is Parabrahma swarupam. It is pious to take bath in Ganga anywhere. But three important places are there – Haridwara (Mayakshetra), Prayaga (Triveni Sangamam), Ganga merging ocean. More than these at Kasi – Ganga is great as Sivathathvam will be getting. Here Gods and Goddess will be praying. Because Kasi Visweswara temple is great. Coming to Kasi is difficult. Even bad people will get moksham here. In lifetime if they do not serve in Kasi – they are bad-luck people. Ganga soil should be worn as Tilakam and do Karma – one will get good phalam. People who do not have parents should do pithru karmas. The yatra will be useless otherwise. Because pithru devathas will be happy seeing the people going to Kasi. Else people will go hell. Those who pollute Ganga– will be in hell till 14 Indras are there (Kalpa Kalam). Ganga’s daily bath is required. Even during Chaturmasam to be done. Magha Sudha Sapthami (Radha Sapthami – with Surya Aaradhana in the banks) is auspicious.

·         Pray like – Ganga shining with white lights, surrounded by praying water Goddesses, with lotuses in two hands, one hand Kalasam, another Abhaya, Makara vahini, pleasant posture. Do japa in bank. Special days are - Magha, Karthika purnimas. Ganga avatharana day – Jyshta Sudha Dasami (also called as Dasahara Dasami), Akshaya Trithi, Chaitra Sudha Navami, Nanda tithi, Asweeja Sudha Padyami. Sinner will get Moksham. But does not mean he can do sins here. If he does sins – he will be Rudra ghost. One should just dip in river. Nothing else should be done. Should not swim (it is as good as beating River). Even air of Ganga will eradicate papas. Hence Seeing, Dipping is much more punya. Samkalpam is a must for River bath it is like Mosala (rokali) bath if you do without samkalpam. But in Ganga even without that still you will get Punyam.

·         Dashara - Manassu, Mata, Kriya – Trikarana Papalu – Total 10 – Through Body 1. Snatching/Theft 2. Unnecessary Violence 3. Womanizing – Through Vaak 4. Talking Hurting    5. Lying 6. Talking ill of Others 7. Meaningless talks Through Heart 8. Others property 9. Thinking of Bad of others 10. Harsh / Atheist (Generally taken as)

·         The Japas to be done in Bank. The papas to be cleaned from Ganga. 1000 papis papa will get rid from Bhakthas’ Amma Japa. Ganga’s Ashtothara Satha Namavali is chanted by Shiva from Upapuranam of Devi Bhagavatam.

13.  Ammavari Nithya Puja

·         Shodasa Upachara. Each day the following nyvedyam to be offered and same to be offered to the priest.


·         Sunday – Payasam. Monday – Milk, Tuesday – Banana, Wednesday – Butter, Thursday & Friday – Sugar Candy, Saturday – Cow Ghee, Cow Ghee made things. For Stars also there are special items.

·         Gita told by Amma called as Bhagavati Gita i.e Vedanta Vidya. There are many Gitas as per that each God/Goddess Ganesha, Siva, Surya…have their own Gitas.

14.  Devi Gita

14.1 Introduction

·         Because of Gods participating in Daksha Yagna – they lost power. Then Tarakasura became ruthless.

·         They all went to do Tapassu to Himavanta mountain. Himavanta also came there. People doing Amba Yagnam. Some are doing Agnihotram and offering Mantrams. Some are doing vrathams, Dhyanams, Nama parayanam, Sukthams, Mantra japam, doing Sradham (Vedic vratham), antaryagam (Kundalini) like Raho yagam in Lalitha sahasram, nyasam, Beeja prayers – like this they were doing prayers for many years. Chaitra Sudha Navami – Friday came. They heard Divya Nadam. Maha Teja punjam appeared. It is not hot, but cool, but Crores of sun light, coolness of crores of moon light. Could not see with natural eyes. Anantha Tejassu. No body parts. No hands, No feet, No female, No male, no mixed. Jyothirmayee rupa. Finally became a woman form.

·         Beautiful, 16-year-old woman appeared, She has netra Trayam, four Hands – Top 2 – Pasa, Ankusam – Bottom 2 Varada, Abhaya mudra. She is Bhuvaneswari. Goddess did Mahasthotram to her. She came from Manidweepam. She asked them to be rest assured and what they want. They asked her to get rid of her and also to make them to have Bhakthi on her. She said She will come as Gowri and She will be given to Siva. She will come as daughter to Himavanta. Then he seeks Gnaanam from her. What She told to him is Gita. This has 9 Chapters.

·         Another story is on the day of Birth Chaithra Sudha Navami – when She was born – She was like Bright light – then appeared on Swan vehicle with Kamandalam – Hastaksharam i.e Brahma swarupini – Brahmi. Then changed to Garuda Vehicle with four Hands (Sankhu, Chakra, Gada, Padma) – Neela Megha syama – Vyshnavi. Then changed to Vrushabha vehicle with Trisulam,  Damurakam, Sarpamala, Chandra lekha – Maaheswari. Then Aditya Mandalam - Gayatri. Then Krishna with Flute. Thus, She is all 5 forms. Himavanta makes Sthothram. When he asks what is Her tatvam. Then She tells it i.e. Gita. This has 3 Chapters.

14.2  Devi Viswarupam

·         Aaathma itself is Chaitanyam. (Like Sun itself is Light. You can not say Sun has light). Amma is moolam and She is in ours. She is being narrated by Hreemkaram. Stula Body – Virat, Sukshma Body – Sutrathma, Beyond these two – Eswara Swarupam. That’s why I am Brahma, Rudra, Vishnu, Gowri, Brahmi, Vyshnavi, Lakshmi, Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets, Animals, Birds, Good and Bad people, All

·         To clear the doubt of Himavanta and others – She has given Devi Divya Viswa rupa sandarsanam – All Countries, At all times, All things visible. Aaakasam – Head, Sun and Moon – Eyes, Sides/Directions – Ears, Vaaks – Vedas, Breathing – Life for world, Prithvi – Jaganam, Space – Nabhi, Jyothish Chakram – Urah sthalam, Maharlokam – Kantham, Jano lokam – Face, Tapo Lokam – Lalatam, Below that – Sathya Lokam. Indra etc Gods – in Hands. Aswini – Nose holes, from Teeth – Friendly feeling, Smile is like Maya, Eyes lids opening and closing – appears as if Heavenly feeling, Upper lip shy feeling, lower one Lobham. Vignaana Sakthi – Vishnu, Anthakarana Sakthi – Rudra. Sarva Loka, Devatha Sakthi – Mayam. Loud laugher and big fire coming from mouth. Ugra rupa. 1000 faces, hands, legs, eyes.

·         All started crying and prayed. We are happy seeing, but afraid to continue to see. Please withdraw. She withdrew the form. But said because of yogam shown the form to them.That’s why giving birth to Human, to get to know of Me. With Karmas no Gnaanam will come. But do such Karma where proper Gnaanam will come. Do Yagnam, Daanam, Tapassu. Internal and external Indriya nigraham will come. Then surrender to Guru. Guru should be having proper Brahma knowledge. Learn Vedantha knowledge from him. Mano nigraham is important to achieve this for which Yogam is essential.

14.3  Japam/ Yogam/Bhakthi 

·         Hreemkara Japam is very important for Me. – Ha karam – Chaitanyam of Amma’s Sthula Body (Viswudu - Viswa rupam), Ra Karam – Sushma (Thyjasa Rupam), Eem Karam – Karana Body (Sushuptha Dasa – Pragna rupa). Chaitanyam of Paramathma which flows in these 3 states represented by Hreemkaram – Turiyam. విశ్వరూపా జాగరణీ స్వపంతీ తైజసాత్మికా సుప్తా ప్రాజ్నాత్మికా తుర్యా సర్వావస్థా వివర్జితా

·         Yogam starting. Yoga – Niyama.

·         Yamam – Sathyam, Ahimsa, Brahmacharyam, Hastheyam (no illegal earnings), Rujuthwam, Daya, Kshama, Dhruthi, Mitha Aaharam, Soucham – 10.

·         Niyamam - Tapassu, Santhosham,Trupthi,  Daanam, Asthikatha, Deva Pujanam, Vedantha Sravanam, Lajja (Shy to do bad things), Mathi (Budhi), Japam, Homam – 10.

·         Aasanams (for adyathmika) – Padmasanam, Swastika, Badra, Vajra, Veera – Aaasana Panchakam. Through Ida Pingala Nadis with Mantra do Breathe In-Out – It is called Sagarbha Praanayama. You can do otherwise with Pranavam. One should gradually shift external focus towards Internal – Prathyaharam. Dharana and do dhyanam of abheeshta God. If you can align – with God/Goddess forgetting self (Jeevathma merging into Paramathma) it is Samadhi (Samastha Bhavana).

·         Mantra Yogam (Ashtanga Yogam) – Both are interlinked. But dedicated Bhakthi on Amma is very important. Such Gnaani’s Hrudaya I will be there. I will not be just in Kailasam, Vaikuntham, Theerthas

·         Yogis are those who realize that Jeevam is Brahmaikyam. Hence Yogam is Brahma Gnaanam. It is Moksham, alignment of Jeevathma and Athma. Which makes this not to understand - is obstacles to Gnaana. Gnaana Prathi bandhas – Yoga prathyuhams are – 6 – Kama, Krodha, - Lobha, Moha, - Mada, Matsaryam.

·         Yogam (Here the meaning is Kalayika) merging of Jeevathma and Paramathma, to achieve this also called as Yogam (here the meaning is Upayam).

·         Bhakthi path better for those - who did not get fully vyragyam and at the same time not interested in materialistic things. Those with Vyragyam - who can differentiate between Athma and Anathma – can chose Gnaana path. Those who are in the materialistic world chose Karma path.

·         Saguna Bhakthi – is also good as long as it enables Gnaanam. Rajasa, Tamasa Bhakthi do not help for Gnaanam. Hence, they are not useful. Tamasa Bhakthi is – Matsaryam, Krodham based, it is praying for others ill feeling, for show purpose. Rajasa – There is no ill feeling, but it is for self-purpose, only for desires, for fame and prosperity. One will get phalam, but will not get moksham.

·         Saguna Bhakthi leads to the three as follows in sequentially. 1) Sathwika Bhakthi– Will do karmas as per Vedas, Amma’s archana for Eeswara arpana, do prayer for papa samharanam, Will reborn in next birth in a better form 2) Nirguna Bhakthi – Also called as Para/Ananya/Eka/Prema Bhakthi. Always does Nama/Rupa Chinthana. Will be soft towards with all as he will see Goddess in all. But be clear do not mix Athma’s advaitham with body’s advaitham. Keep that bodily dwaitham still. There will be no droha budhi. Amma Kshetras – Sathwika will go for punyam. Nirguna will go since Sastras told. Also, will visit Amma’s Bhakthas. Will listen to Amma sastras, Amma’s Mantras, Tantras. Always love Her, will be excited listening her name. This is called Sathwikodrekam as per Shankara. From them happy tears, broken tone will be visible. He will do Puja; He will not request for eradication of Papa. Will know Kshetras, vrathas, Mantras, Tantras and do accordingly. He will dance at the peak of happiness. Dies not feel any proudness, feels beyond Body, No Sukha, dukhas, will not try to protect even his body, believes in fate, no fear and has natural vyragyam.  3) Final stage of this is Jeevanmukthi, where in realizing Athma and Paramathma are same. If someone dies before attaining Jeevanmukthi – then will not born, but will reach Manidweepam. He will be there till Mukthi is attained. This state what he gets is not attainable anywhere - స్వాత్మానందలవీభూత బ్రహ్మాద్యానంద సంతతిఃThey will understand Chid rupam. The same is Kailasam (for Shivites), Vykuntham (for Vyhnavites),  

14.4  Devi Kshetras – Nithya Karma

·         The Entire universe is my Kshetram, all are my Times, all are my festivals – But see some special places – Kolhapur – Lakshmi, Renuka, Tulja, Kanchi – Annapurna, Durga, Bheemeswari in Bheema patnam, Gokarni – Badrakarni, Visalakshi, Kasi – Kalanjari, Finally Gnaani – Hrudayam (Hreemkari rupam). Total 64 places.

·         People should go to all Kshetras. At least should go to Kasi. Nithya vasam. Visit all Amma’s places. Follow Pancha Parvams – Ashtami, Navami, Chaturdasi, Pournami, Amavasya and Tuesday. Monday Pradosham. Should do Naptham on these sacred days. Follow Navarathri Dvayam – Dolotsavam, Sayanotsavam, Ratho, Damano, Pavithrotsavam (Sravana Poornima).  Eating My Prasadam is important. Bala, Suvasini, Vatuka Aaradhana is pious. Vitha lobham (money miser) should not be there.

·         Puja in 2 types – 1) Vydhika – 2) Tantra (Agama – Siva, Vyshnava, Soura,Saktha, Gaana, Pathya – but should not follow anti-vedic methods of Tantra) . Both should not enter into each other’s’ area. Sathwika sadhana, Tatwika Chintana along with Dakshinaacharam should be there. Karma Yogam with Dhyanam and Gnaanam with Bhakthi are only ways to attain me. Whatever Sruthi (Amma Aaagna), Smrithi tell is Dharmam.

·         Bahya dinacharya.

·         Wake-up in Brahmi Muhurtham. Sit in Padmasanam – pray Guru, assuming as he is white and shining. Do dhyanam as if Kundalini is flowing inside - from Muladhara till it reaches Sahasraaram. Feel back as if it reaches Muladhara wetting the body with Amrutham entirely. Feel the Sikha in the head as Sachidananda as Ammavaru. Later do namaskaram to Earth. Pray – Trimurtis + 3 Ammas, 8 Dikpalas, 9 planets, parents, 7 Rishis, Gurus. Then do morning rituals.

·         Do Nithya nythika karmas. Complete Sandhya vandanam. Do Dhyanam and mantra Japam. Do Hreemkara Japam (with Guru upadesam only). Muladharam – Ha Kaaram, Hrudayam – Ra Karam, Bru Madhyam – Eem karam, Sahasraram – Hreemkaram.  Brahma/Vishnu/Rudra Grandhi Vibhedhini happens respectively.

·         Amma murthy can be prayed in two forms. Viswarupam/Viradrupam – meditate in this. Do archana in Murthy, Sila (like wall or stone), Sun, Chandra mandala, water, Sun with energy, Yantra, Vata, Women’s Hrudaya padmam. Consider her as Bhuvaneswari rupa with four hands. Pray and offer Nyvedyam. That person will reach Manidweepam.

·         This is My Gita sara. Do not tell this to all. Do not tell to non-Sishyas, non-Bhakthas, fools. You can tell to eldest Son. Suseeludu. Read in Sradha period.

·         Vyasa gave pause. Janamajeya wanted more stories. If you hear more about Amma – you get Punya of Aswametha yagam (without violence).

14.5  Durga – The Killer of Durgama

·         Hiranyaksha Rakshasa dynasty – Rurudu’s son Durgamudu. Did Tapassu. Brahma came. Devatha’s strength is Yagnam, Yagnam strength is Vedam. He asked Brahma – Vedam should come into his hands and all Gods should be defeated. Slowly Veda Gnanam disappeared. Nirjaras (Tridasa – 30 years), became Sajaras – thus Gods became weak. Demons became powerful. Draughts started as no yagnas for 100 years and water bodies dried. Dead bodies coming out from houses. But some exceptional Rishis did Tapassu in siddha bhumi of Himavanta mountain and dhyanam. Amma appeared. They all surrendered to Amma as normal beings and stared crying. Amma saw them with Anantha eyes and She is called as Ananthakshi. She is Sathakshi. Sahasrakshi with Blue light and Black lotus eyes. She is carrying Bow, arrows, Fruits, vegetables and has beautiful rupam. They cried and said that they are feeling hungry. She rained amrutham through eyes and hence been called as Amrutha shakthi – Amrutheswari. Sakambari distributed all vegetables and fruits to get rid of their hunger. Sathakshi as Visalakshi looks after what the needs of the devotees. Sakambari as Annapurna accomplishes the needs.

·         Then Demon started coming to attack and Goddess surrendered to Amma. She threw Chakra as a protection to them. He attacked on Her. Then She became angry and shown her Ugrarupam. Her vahan Lion came. From her Dasa Maha Vidya Shakthis started coming – Kaali, Taara, Tripura Sundari, Chinna Mastha, Bhagalamukhi, Dhoomavathi, Maatangi, Bhyravi, Kamalaathmika, Bhuvaneswari.  After this 32, then 64, then Anantha Shakthis came. They killed the demon army. She killed Durgamudu with sulam and hence She was called as Durga. She created back Veda Vidya and said that it is another body of Her. Hence, She is called Amnayakshi Pray Her as Viradrrupam, Sushma Rupam and Athmaswarupam.

·         Devi Gita completed.

15.  Manidweepa Varnana

·         Sarva Lokam is where Amma there. It is Above Brahma Lokam. Manidweepam is Amma samkalpam and is better than all Lokams. Above all bhuva lokams. It is like umbrella of getting rid of samsara, protection of world, surrounded by ocean called Amrutha.

·         Let us cross all praakaras/aavaranas to reach Amma. Manimaya Dweepam. Full of Trees. 1st Praakaram is made of Kaalayasam –Black Iron – It is 7 Yojanas area. Before this praakaram - Army of body guards will be there. Vehicles of Gods will be parked. Security of Amma even will beat Gods to maintain the discipline with stick. Beautiful Lakes and Trees visible here.

·         2nd Praakaram – Kamsya (Bronze) praakaram. Each praakaram is 7 Yojanas higher than preceding one. Between 1st and 2nd praakarams -Gardens of all varieties of trees will be there. They never dry, always flowers will blossom, fruits with fragrance will be there. Some sacred trees to mention Dadimi, Kharjura, Tulasi, Jhangini, Devadaru, Champeya, Bilwa etc… Many birds in lakes. Deers etc will be roaming.

·         3rd Praakaram – Taamra Sala (praakaram) – Copper. 5 Kalpa Vanams start from here till next 5 praakarams. Between 2nd & 3rd. Praakarams It is called Kalpa Vatika. Ratna Beejams fruits will be there. Trees smell fragrance. Vasantha ruthu God will be here. Sits on Flowers throne. Wears flowers. Carries a vessel of Honey from flowers and drinks continuously. He has two wives. Madhusri (Chaitra) and Madhavasri (Vysakha). Divya Gandharvas and Matha Kokilas will be singing.

·         4th Praakaram – Seesa Sala - Lead. Between 3rd and 4th Praakarams – Santhana Vatika – Santhanam means Samuham (which comes sequentially as a dependency). Grishma Ruthu God is here. He has Jyshta and Ashadha wives. Gives Tapam.  Siddha Ganam will be here.

·         5th Praakaram - Aarakuta Mayam (Ithadi Brass) – Between 4th and 5th Praakarams Hari Chandana Vatika/Vruksha Vanam. Chandanam means ahladam. Varsha Ruthu. Megha vahana. Lightening wires as eyes. Surrounded by Green trees and Siddas. Wives - Sravana (Nabho) and Badrapada (Nabhasyasri) + 10 others – Ambadula, Sarvasya, Rasmi malini, Nithanthi, Bhramanthi, Meghayanthika, Varshayanthi, Chupunika,Varidhara, Mada Vihwala. The last 10 are verities of Rain.

·         Gods not only symbols, but also embodiments of energies. Ruthus not only outside but inside also. Panchabhuthas – Pancharuthus (Hemantha + Sisir are one only as per Vedas). If you reach Sahasraaram – it is as good as you reached Manidweepam. Viswa nirwana gnaanam and Tatwa Gnaanam – two types of Gnaanam.

·         6th Pancha Loha praakaram – 5 Metals – Between 5th & 6th praakaram – Mandara Vatika, Ananda Tatvam. It has many flowers. Sarad Ruthu Goddess is here. Isha Lakshmi (Asweejam) and Urja Lakshmi (Karthika) are his wives.

·         7th – Rouhya Sala (Silver) – Between 6th and 7th praakaram – Parijatha Vatika – which generates whatever flower instantly. Hemanth Ruthu God is here. Many Ganas surround here. The God is always in Ranjaka mood - happy. Sahasri (Marghasira) and Sahasyasri (Pushya) – are two wives. Sidda Ganas exist. Kalpa Vrukha series over.

·         8thSuvarna Sala (Gold) –Between 7th and 8th praakaram – Kadamba Vanam. Those who reside there drink Honey coming from Kadambam. God Sisir Ruth is here. He has two wives Tapasri (Magha) and Tapasya Sri (Phalguna). With Bhogams and Vilasams Gods will be walking thru. Here Syamala Devi will be there, who is like Mantrini Devi. Dhathu praakarams over and Trees also over till now.

·         Ratnas, diamonds will start now. Now onwards the Height will be increased by 10 yojanas.

·         9thPushpa (Pushya) Raga praakaram – Between 8th and 9th praakaram Ratna Trees. Ashta Dikpala Gods will be here. 1) Poorva Sala (East) Highest one – Mahendrudu (the aligned power of all Indras of Kalpakas of all Brahmandas – 1000 times powerful than normal Indra) will be here. Like that all Dikpalas with 1000 times power will be there. 2) Agneya (South East) - Agni – Swaha and Swadha are two wives. Mesha vahana 3) Yamyaha Dakshina (South) - Yama 4) Niruthi (South West) – Niruthi (Demon Good one) – That’s why no puja generally done in this direction. He carries sword. 5) Varunyam – Paschima (West) – Varuna – Varunani is his wife and Vehicle is Fish. Drinks sweet drink varuni mada vihwala. Has many powers. 6) Vayuvya (North West) – Vayu God. Those who practice Vayu exercise (Sudha Pranayama) will reach here after death.  7) Uthara Lokam (North)– Yaksha Lokam – Kubera. He has two wives – Vrudhi (Increasing), Rudhi (Completeness). Nava Nidhi sakthis surrounded here. He has children named after ratnas. 8) Eesana (North East) – Rudra Lokam – With Ratnas wearing. Rudras will be there. Rudra chakam’s Rudras will be here. They will be wearing Bows and arrows. They will be in Earth, Aaaksam and Divya Lokas. Maha Rudra is Eeswarudu

·         10th Padma Raga Maya praakaram – Between 9th and 10th praakaram. Shakthi Bhumika will be there. 64 Kalaswarupas exist. They punish if any do mistakes in the earth. Pingala, Visalakshi, Sradha, Swaha, Savitrhi, Gayatri, Vimala, Prakruthi, Sandhya, Devamaatha, Trimukhi, Bahuseersha, Sasirekha, Vasundhara, Viswarupa, Udaraksha, Achyutha Priya … to name few. Each carry 100 akshayasena.

·         11th Gomedha praakaram – Between 10th and 11th praakaram. 32 Shakthis will be there. These will be protected by Heavenly bodies. These are all with red eyes. Always energized with ready to do war. Always will be yelling like- Bindi Bindi, Chindi Chindi, Pacha Pacha (Kill, Beat, attack, cut sounds will be there to nullify bad shakthis). These provide energy to Kavacham. Papanasakarini – Vidya, Hri, Prushti, Pragna, Thiniwali, Kushu, Rudra, Veerya, Prabha, Nanda, Pushini, Rudhitha, Subha, Kala rathri, Maha Rathri, Badrakali, Kapardhini, Vikruthi, Dandini, Mundini, Chandukhanda, Sikhandini, Visumbha sumbhamasini, Mahishasura mardhini, Indrani, Rudrani, Sankarardha saririni, Naari, Narayani, Trisulini, Palini, Ambika, Hladini, Maya Devi – 32 Names. No defeat for these. If they get angry none can stop them.

·         12th Vajramani praakaram – Between 11th and 12th praakaram. Everything is Diamond. Those who decorate Amma will be here. For each head – 1 lakh assistants will be there. Each one will be Mada garvitha. Fans, Vessels, Tambulams, Flowers, Mirrors, Kukumlepanam, Katuka, Sindhuram, Chatram, Paduka, parani etc experts. Srungara Garvithas - Ananga Rupa, Ananga Madana, Sundari, Madanathura, Bhuvana Vega, Bhuvana Palika, Sarva sisira, Ananga Vedana, Ananga Mekhala – 9 main Seva parayanas.

·         13thVyrudhya praakaram. –Between 12th and 13th praakaram. Mathruka Devathas will be there. Prathi Brahmanda Mathrunam – Brahmi, Maaheswari, Kaumari, Vyshnavi, Vaarahi, Hyndri or Indrani, Chamunda, Mahalakshmi – 8. Equal to Brahma, Rudra Adi Gods and do Good things for the world. 8 sides (Diks).

·         14thIndra Neelathma praakaram –Between 13th and 14th praakaram – Great Human Siddis will reach here. Sudarsan Chakra resembling Lake will be here. 16 (Shodasa) Amma Shakthis – Sena Nayikas will be here. Karali, Vikarali, Uma, Saraswathi, Sree, Durga, Usha, Lakshmi, Sruthi, Smrithi, Dhruthi, Sradha, Medha, Mathi, Kanthi, Aarya. Blue light emulates and carry swords.

·         15thMuktha praakaram Muthyam – Between 14th and 15th praakaram - Ashta Dalam. And Ashta Mantrinis will be here. They all look like Amma. Carry weapons. They all possesses complete Worldly Information experts. Beautiful - Ananga Kusuma, Ananga Kusumathura, Ananga Madana, Ananga Madanathura, Bhuvana Pala, Gagana Vega, Sasi Rekha, Gagana Rekha. All appear Red as Amma.

·         16thMarakatha praakaram -Between 15th and 16th praakaram - Shatkonam. 6 Goddess. 1) Poorva (East) – With Gayatri – Brahma, Having Hiranya Garbha. Kamandalam, Aksharamala, Tapo Dandam. 10 Hands, 5 Faces, 3 Eyes – Gayatri. Vedas will be praying these. After this Puranas, Nyaya, Tarka will be praying these. They also will be in Gayatri and Brahma rupa only. 2) Nyruthi (South West) – Narayana – Having Sankha, Chakra, Gada, Beside Lakshmi will be there called as Savithri. All Vishnu rupas (Dasavatharas etc..) will be here. 3) Vayuvya (North West) – Rudra (All Murthis Dakshina, Nataraja), Gowri (all rupas) will be here.  64 Tantras will be praying here. 4) Agneya (South East) – Kubera. Blessing him Lakshmis in all forms will be here. 5) Paschima (West) – Manmadhudu (along with Rati) – Head of Desire (Korika), Love (Makkuva) will be here. 6) Eesanya (North East) – Pasam, Ankusam, Varada, Abhaya Mudra Ganapathi – All Vibhuthis of Ganapathis will be here.

·         17thPravala/Vidruma praakaram –Between 16th and 17th praakaram – Five Shakthis Goddess – Hurlekha, Gagana, Raktha, Karalika, Mahochushma. Will be appearing like Amma only with Vara, Abhaya, Pasa, Ankusa. These are Swamini Shakthis. One more Goddess Dandini (Maha Varahi Rupam) also will be here.  

·         18th Nava Ratna praakaram – Between 17th and 18th praakaram – Samastha Amnaya Gods, Maha Vidya Gods, All Sri Devi avatharams, All avarana Gods, 7 Crore Mantra Gods will be here. All shining like ultimate diamonds. Thus, we finally reached Maha Padmaatavi. Each Padmam itself is many Yojanas. They are Stahala Padmam (means originated from earth). Bees will be surrounding this aatavi. In the middle four Mandapas (1. Srungara i.e Aaabhushana – Where entertainment takes place, 2. Mukthi – Tracks and provides liberation to Bhakthas, 3. Gnaana – Provides Gnaana to Para Bhakthas periodically by assembling them, 4. Ekantha – Very important members of Amma for the ruling of world along with Mantrini Gods assemble, meet and discuss). In those middle of Mandapas – Chinthamani House will be there, not touching on ground. It is having four doors – in 4 directions (5th one is urdhwam). This House is Fully embedded with diamonds, Ratnas etc. Whatever you think Amma will give (it is not just removing Chinta). Inside the House, a big Sabha mandapam will be there along with great dais. Behind there is Yavanika (Maya). Symbolic that Amma hides Maya from true Bhakthas. Above the Sabha, beautiful lights group will be there. Below Big Chair with four legs is laid with Mattress, also a Pancha Brahmasana table (Srishti, Sthithi, Laya, Tirodana, Anugraha) -   On that chair is sitting a person with four hands. Top two hands carry Harinam (deer), Parasuvu, Bottom two hands with (Abhaya, Varada) mudra – He is Bhuvaneswara – 16-year-old. Shining like 1 crore Sun. Clean as sudha Spatikam. Having three eyed, Chandra lekhadhara, Cooling light coming from Him.

·         Amma is sitting in His lap (Odi). She is wearing all ornaments. Lalatam, Kasturi tilakam in Half moon shape, Lips smiling, thick hair, Godly flowers, wearing pious crown. She has four Hands – Pasa Ankusam, Varada Abhaya Mudra. She is beautiful with Daya. Her talk is very beautiful. Deva Ganas surrounding and praying her. She is embodiment of Ichcha, Gnaana, Kriya Shakthis, Lajja, Thrushti, Pushti, Keerthi, Kanthi, Kshama, Daya, Budhi, Medha, Smrithi, Lakshmi (Sobha) – Praying Her. Amma both sides are – Rama and Vaani (Aiswaryam and Vidya). Small canals are flowing in near. Thus Amma Bhuvaneswari – Rajarajeswari is shining on Pancha Brahmasanam.

·         The world is Pancha Bhuthas. Basis for this is Pancha Kruthyas. Srishti (Prithvi Bhutham / Bhu Tatvam has come), Sthithi (Jala), Laya/Samharaka (Agni), Tirodana (Vayu), Anugraha (Aaksam). Pancha Gnana, Pancha Karmendriyas. Pancha pranalu

·         Here always Manis keep shining – hence called as Mani dweepam. Amrutha (Happy and permanent) Samudram. Amma is in our Hrudayam – like Chintamani Gruham. Hrudayam will have 5 key central points. Hence it is Hrudaya Padmam. Mani is Swayam lightening and lightening all others. No Sun or Moon needed. Even Sun and Moon also get light from Mani. Swayam Prakasa and Prachodanam. Hence Manidweepam is ultimate. Upanishads’ parandhamam is this. Hence, we ourselves have Hrudaya Manidweepams if we get rid of external attitude and see inner wards (Athma Gnaanam).        

·         Those who reach Manidweepam – No diseases, white hair, old age, always young, No Chintha, Agnaanam. No six Durgunas (Kaama…), will have lightening bodies, everyone will be so happy as Brahmanandam.

·         Manushya anandam – Like Chakravarthy with Vyragyam and no enemies, easy rule, having all the things to public. 1000 times better to this is Manushya Gandharva anandam. 1000 times to this is Deva Gandharva Anandam. Next Pithru, Pithurula, ……. Ajanajaadi Devatha, Deva, Brahma Loka Anandam. Next and final is Brahmanandam. స్వాత్మానందలవీభూత బ్రహ్మాద్యానంద.

·         This is the end of Devi Bhagavatam. So, read daily so that you will read even during your last breath so that you will go to upper lokas. People will get rid of bad elements, should read during new house construction starting day, Vasthu yagam, house warming. Those who chant Amma regularly, die or do vrathas at Amma kshetras will reach Amma.

·         Vyasa told Janamajeya Amma mantra. Janamajeya practiced without any exception. Narada came and told that all his ancestors went to punya lokas. Janamejaya bowed to Narada. Rest of his life he was praying Amma. Do Parayana of Devi Bhagavatam (Understanding it) during Navarathris.

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