Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saffron Terrorism?

Our honorable Home Minister Shri Chidambaram has coined a new word “Saffron Terrorism” – to counter attack “Green Terrorism”.
Mr Chidambaram has been a major failure as Home minister – in the terrorism across the whole nation. Naxals menace across India, Terrorists across Kashmir, unable to close the Taj blasts case, Parliament attack terrorists –
To divert the attention he has brought this key phrase. What are his motives?
· To get sympathy from the pseudo secularists.
· To counter-attack his inefficiency of terrorism towards the other extreme side.
· To get minority votes.
· To take revenge on BJP, Shiv Sena – as they are strongly opposing and criticizing the government for its inefficiency of UPA in all fronts of law and peace order.
· The enemies in the border are creating problems – by encroaching the land and thus India being in danger.
· Divert the blame on innocent Hindu organizations.
Even the Congress is distanced itself officially to use the word – for this saffron word – but Chidambaram shamelessly again justifying his stance.
He is making a major blunder – he is creating wrong guidance, misleading the nation, criticizing the patriots as terrorists.
The same naxals, Terrorists will take revenge on him and he will pay his price for being incapable to maintain India’s law and order.
He should be sincere, take all parties into consideration and strive for the real unity of India, take stern action against terrorists. Otherwise Nation will not pardon him – soon we will have new HM.

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