Sunday, August 15, 2010

India is celebrating 63rd Impedance day today

Wish you all a Happy 63rd Independence Day
India is celebrating 63rd Impedance day today

WE, the Indians, have moved over a long period since 15th Aug 1947. WE progressed in science and IT, education, political awareness, electronic and print media.
But can we say confidently that we really progressed in the rate ideally which we should have been done.
So much terrorism, violence, separatism in the form of caste, religion and region. Politicians vested interests is the sole thing which is making the common man’s life miserable. These politicians are trying to divide the nation – thus lacking the progress and development.
The 7 diseases which are crippling India are:
1. Poverty making the BPL section struggling day by day. Prices rise day by day. They are not able to have a comfortable life without any assurance for the future.
2. The division of caste, religion and region. Politicians exploding this for their selfish reasons and wasting lot of nation’s time, money, wealth and health
3. The division between rural and urban areas development, thus forcing the rural people to move to urban areas, thus being unable to withstand and match city/town’s expenditures – being suffered for the poverty
4. The corruption raised to its peak at all levels and spoiling the whole nation like cancer.
5. The politicians misutilizing the power. Creating scams day by day – Bofors, Submarine, Illegal stamping, fodders, Swiss bank, Illegal Mines – thus looting people’s money and property.
6. Damaging the empowerment of the people – which is the basic principle of democracy. The common man suffers every day in different forms – facing the government officials, prices, unrest, law-and-order, polices, bribes….
7. People becoming slaves for vices such as liquor, smoking etc and thus spoiling the health and wealth of the nation.
Unless otherwise these 7 are arrested ON PRIORITY – India can not progress – the moment we solve these – we THE INDIANS become the automated No: 1 nation in the world.

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