Saturday, August 29, 2020

Bhagavad Gita Summary


Bhagavad Gita Summary

Based on

A)      Bhagavad Gita Bhashyam by Brahmarshi Samavedam Shanmuka Sarma Garu

B)      Bhagavad Gita Book by – Jayadayaal Goyandaka (Geetha Press – Telugu Translation)


Bhagavad Gita has 18 Chapters and 700 Slokas.


Note: 1. Bagavad Gita has to be read/heard in overall context and not bit by bit or not in piece meal.

2 Also need to have a commentary (Bhashyam) orally with explanation for each point by a Guru to understand more.


The 1st Sloka


Dharma Kshetre Kurukshetre samaveataa yuyutsava

Maamakaa: Paandavaashchiva kimakurvatha Sanjaya


ధర్మక్షేత్రే కురుక్షేత్రే సమవేతా యుయుత్సవ

మామకాః పాండవాశ్చైవ కిమకుర్వత సంజయ


Wherever ME is mentioned below – refers to Bhagavaan Krishna.


BG1.       Gita is a message by Bhagavaan Krishna to the world on the pretext of message to Arjuna


BG2.       It is not a book to be read in the old age – it has to be read at the young age itself. It is not a Vedantham what we typically think.  In fact, Gita made Arjuna, who initially was hesitating to do war, to participate in the war. Hence it is a holy book which makes us to be energized to do right things which are suitable to our responsibilities.


BG3.  Three words to be understood


1. Manassu మనస్సు (Hrudayam) - which makes you to be attracted towards things.


2. Budhi (Mind) Capability which tells you whether that thing is Good or Bad  


3. Aathma ఆత్మ. (Spirit within you, not physical, which cannot be killed). 

This is different to the Physical Body (which can be killed). 


This Aathma, which is nothing but Bhagavaan roopam, is what we need to focus and try to understand more and more


BG4.       For Kings it is the duty to protect the Kingdom and public through Holy wars – Doing war is not a sin, if they run away from war it is sin. 


We can equate this to our day-to-day life.  We do our duties as per our roles and responsibilities – we should not shy away as long as they are moral.


Another way to look is - We should violently fight the enemies internally within (bad qualities) ours.


BG5.       There are three Gunas in every human-being, called as Trigunas.


1) Sathwa – Focusing more on knowledge, 

2) Raajasa – Focusing on Ambition, 

3) Taamasa – Focusing on pleasure. 


Each one of us at each stage of life / each day we exhibit these three at varying levels. 


But try to move towards Sathwa as much as possible, which makes one a more loving person by God.


Quite a good amount of Bhagavad Gita focusses on this topic (in addition to Aathma related). It is very interesting. Most of the people that's why call Bhagavad Gita as personality development course. But it is in fact quite a lot above and beyond that.


BG6.       Karmanye vadhikaa rastea, Maa phaleashu kadaachana
               Maa karma phala hea tur bhuh, maa tea sangotsva karmanye


కర్మణ్యేవాధికారస్తే మా ఫలేషు కదాచన!

మాకర్మ ఫలహేతుర్భూః మా తే సంగోఅస్త్వకర్మణి


Do your Karma (Duty). Do not bother about results, and also you do not have authority on results


Then you are not responsible for the good or bad of Karma. 




You should do that karma with your full potential.


BG7.       Sthitha Pragna (A Real Hero, Like Sri Rama) is One who 

Does not have any Desires, 

Enjoys himself, 

Treats Pleasures and Pains equal, 

Does not have Interest on materialistic things, 

Not being Attracted by distractive things, 

No Fear, 

No Anger, 

No Attachment on the activities he does, 

Does not feel Enmity or Happiness in tough times, 

Control on Indriyas.


11 Indriyas 

(Mouth, Tongue, Nose, Ear, Skin (5) – Physical ones, + The activities of these 5 as Virtual ones (5) Ex: Smell, Touch etc…, + Manassu) – Total 11.


BG8.       Too much of thinking on any Unwarranted Thing/Activity will lead to an interest on that unnecessarily


Later that interest turns to be Desire


If that desire is not fulfilled it will generate Anger within. 


Because of this anger man loses his Memory then slowly loses Budhi (common sense) and thus he invites his Downfall


BG9.       Always follow Swadharma (Own Religion) even Para-dharma i.e. Other religions (though may appear to) have better Gunas.


Because your elders have practiced that Dharma and prescribed it. Follow all those customs. This advice is to all dharmas.


BG10.   Yagnams are not just the typical ones what we think. This was the misconception.


Gautham Budha denounced only the violent forms of Yagna which normal human beings were doing violently (which they are in fact not supposed to do so, like sacrificing animals by every one for every small occasion)– he did not denounce other Yagnas. 


That’s why Adi-Shankaracharya clarified and set right.


Different Yagnas are


1) Deva Yagnam (Puja, Homam, Sthothra Chanting, Paarayanam)  

2) Brahma Yagnam - (Acquiring Thathwa Gnaanam)  

3) Samyanam Yagnam (Indriya Nigrahm/Control) 

4) Vishaya Yagnam (Acquiring Practical Knowledge – like Reasoning science) 

5) Indriya and Budhi link is Praana Kriya (Vayu) – Yoga Yagnam - Patanjali - (Ashtanga Yoga Vidya)

6) Dravya Yagnam (Proper usage of Money, donations) 

7) Tapo Yagnam (Japam, Dhyanam, Upavasam) 

8) Swadhya Yagnam (Veda gnaanam - Continuous Study). While in SL No. 2 you acquire the Gnaanam, here you continuously keep refreshing, studying, preaching.

9) Praanayama Yagnam (Breathing exercises - with controlled Ahara i.e. Indriyas control)


BG11.   Sradhavaan Labhathe Gnaanam One who is Sradhavaan (Concentrated, Dedicated and Focussed) - gets Bhagavaan Knowledge, he only gets Param Shanthi (Ultimate peace). That is the success formula in life also.


BG12.   Sanyaasi/Muni We have some visualization.


But Sanyaasam does not mean leaving Karma (Duties) but putting it into Gnaanam (gaining knowledge). Showing Interest in Gnaanam.


BG13.   Karma (Duty) should be dedicated to Bhagavaan.


Do Karmas indifferently (with no attachment to the results), then no sins (due to karma bonding) will be attracting you.


BG14.    Saastras (Rituals / Puja related) are to control Physical Body,


Dhyanam (Meditation) is to control Manassu.


But Dhyanam is not alternative to Puja.


Without Dhyanam – Meditation (Dhyana Yogam) you cannot get into Karma Yogam (Day to Day Karma/Duty Perfectness)


BG15.   How to do Dhyanam – 

1 Dhyanam should be done at Ekantham (lonely place). No Group activities for Vedantha Dhyanam.

2 Dhyanam should be done in clean and neat place

3 Comfortable seating (Sukha aasanam) is needed.   

4 Keep Body, Neck and Head Straight and lose. 

5 Be Calm, Fearless, Be Bachelor mode (like Vidyardhi with a learning attitude) and keep focus on Me (Aathma). 

6 Do not think of External things. Throw them out.

7 Control Indriyas

8 Focus on Middle of the Eye brows – Naasikagram (for Manassu control) 

9 Balance the Breath Gradually (Control Praana sakthi, Swaasa).  Because of this Manassu, Budhi, Indriyas will be controlled.  

10 Yogi should have Balanced Food

11Should have Balanced Sleep to have proper Yoga. 

12 Then Yogi will attain Peace

13 Desire, Fear, Anger will go away and become Karmayogi

14 Moksha is the Goal of Dhyanam.

15 After this they will realize that it is Me, who will receive and grant you the Phalam (Results) and they will experience the Parama Shanthi


Once Dhyanam becomes regular practice the above points automatically become a routine and no need to worry to remember explicitly.


BG16.   Bhagavaan says I am – Rasa (Taste) in Water, 

Light in Sun and Moon, Omkaram (also Gnaanam) in Vedams.

Sound in Sky, 

Activeness in Human Beings

Smell in Earth, 

Brightness in Fire, 

Life in Living things, Tapassu in Taapasis, Sanaathana (Permanency) Seed in all Bhuthas, 

Expertise in Experts, 

Skill in Intellectuals, Strength in Strong men, Desires (Dharma / Saastra allowed) in Living things.


BG17.   One should Remember and Aware of God and Death always.


One Should forget Help done to others and the Harm done by others


This is going to help you only.


BG18.   In the following the Sushmam (Micro Form) is more in Ascending order

Earth – Water – Agni – Vayu – Aakaasam (Pancha Bhuthas) and finally in Paramaathma.


The more the sushmam – the more Vyaapakam (Expanding nature)


Thus, Paramaathma is most Sushmam in each and every part of our body and Expanded in this Whole Universe.


BG19.   Patram (Leaf), Pushpam (Flower), Phalam (Fruit), Thoyam (Water) – anything I will take with Interest as long as Bhaktha dedicates with Nirmala (Clean Mind) and Nishkaama (No Desires)


BG20.   All living things Hridya’s Aaathma is Me.


All Praanis Aadi-Madhya-Antham is Me (i.e. Praanis Birth, Existence and Death).


BG21.       Nidra’s (Sleep) Sisters are – Fear, Lazy, Inattentive.


From BG 22 to BG 26 the points relate to Bhagavaan Vibhuthi Roopams

That means Bhagavaan Forms where we can see HIM


BG22.  Bhagavaan says 

Sun is Me. 

In Stars (Night) Moon Me. 

In Vedas Samaveda

In Gods Indra

In Indriyas Manassu

In Praanis Chaitanyam (Praana Shakthi) is Me.

Bruhaspathi (of Purohiths/Priests), Kumaraswamy (of Senapathis), 

Saagarudu in Waterbodies is Me. 

Omkaram (In Sound), Japa – Naama to Mantra (In Yagnam),

Himalaya (In non-moving things) is Me.


BG23.        Aswath Tree – Raavi (In Trees), 

Naarada (In Devarshis) is Me.  


Uchysvaryam (Aswam), 

Airavatham (Gajam), Prabuhuvu King (In Humanbeing) is Me.


Vajrayudham (In weapons), 

Kaamadhenuvu (In Cows),

Vaasuki (In Snakes) is Me. 


Aadisesha (In Naagas),  

Varun (In Jalacharam),

Yama (In Controllers) is Me.


There is a difference between Snake (Will have one Padaga, only one form) and Naga (will have many padagas, can take any forms even Manusha/Devatha).


BG24.  Prahlada (In Rakshasas), 

Time (In Measuring), 

Lion (In Animals), 

Garuda (In Birds) is Me.


Air (In cleansing things), 

Sri Rama (In Dhanurdharis), 

Crocodile (In Water living - Matsyams), 

Ganga (In Rivers) is Me. 


The Beginning, Middle and End for the Creation, Aadhyathmika Education – Brahma Vidya (In Education), 

Argument (In Mutual discussions) for Thathwa Decision is Me 


Aa (In Letters), Dwandhwa (In Samaasam) is Me.


BG25.       I am

The Death

Reason for Creation, Keerthi


Speak (vaakku),





Gayathri (In Chandassu), 

Maargasira (In Months), Vasantha (In seasons) is Me. 


Effectiveness (In Effective people), 

Victory (In winning people), 

Determination (in Determined people), Saathwika (In Saathwikas) is Me.


BG26.  Vasudeva (In Yadavas), 

Dhanunjaya (In Paandavas), 

Vyasa (In Munis), Sukracharya (In Kavis/Gurus) is Me. 


Moral (In those who want to Win), 

Silence (In Secrecy), Thathwagnaanam (of Gnaanis) is Me. 


Seed for all Praanis is Me.


Thus, all Vibhuthi Roopams of Bhagavaan revealed till now (22 to 26)


Now Onwards Bhagavaan's Viswaroopa Sandarsanam will be Shown


BG27.       Endless and Timeless Viswam is Viswaroopam


The Virat Viswaroopam has – Too Many Faces, Too many Eyes, Fantastic Scenarios, Ornaments, Weapons, Fragrant smells. 


This roopam is astonishing, endless, sarvathomukham. 


Even Thousands of Suns lights do not match to this Virat’s roopa thejassu


BG28.       Arjuna is seeing all Brahmandas in one place as Centralized in Bhagavaan’s roopam.


Arjuna says I am seeing all Gods, Praanikotis, Brahma, Shankara, Rishis, Divya snakes in You.


You have Hands, Stomachs, Faces, Eyes countless. I am not able to see Beginning, Middle, End of you. 


I am seeing You wearing Crown, Gada (mace), Chakra. You are like Sun unable to see and not able to measure. You are Protector to the World, Protector to Sanathana Dharma.


Sun and Moon are as Eyes, Face is like Agni, you are satisfying the world with Your Tejassu.


BG29.       You are completely occupied from Earth to Space in all directions. Seeing your astonishing and horrific roopam (Adhbhutham and Bhayamkaram) – Trilokas are shattering.


All Gods entering into you. Some of them with fear putting Namaskaram and praying to You with keerthanas.


Maharshis, Sidhas are praying to You with Sthotras. 


Yours Many Faces, Eyes, Hands, Thys, Feet, Stomachs, the fearful roopam of yours with the teeth is making everyone afraid. 


I am also getting Shivering with Fear. Your roopam is with different colours shining, lightening wide spread eyes, wide spread face, is adhbutham. 


My manassu is doubtful seeing your roopam. My courage is going and peace is fading away.


Your fearful face with teeth, is looking like burning fire. I am becoming helpless. Not able to get peace. Please be Prasanna.


BG30.   All Kauravas, Including Bhishma, Drona, Karna including some Great Paandavas side yodhas are running towards to your fearful mouth. Some are getting grinding in your teeth and getting hanging to the teeth. This is like all Rivers naturally flowing into Ocean. These are like light attracting insects getting into fire.


You are taking away all lokas, with Your aggressive Tejassu. I salute to You. Please be Prasanna. Let me know who You are. Not able to know Your pravruthi (Nature).


BG31.   Bhagavaan says – I am Kaala roopam. I am here to finish these lokas and thus Mahaakaala. Thus, even if you do not do war – I will not keep anyone in the opposition alive. 


Hence Rise. Win Enemies. Enjoy Prosperity. Enjoy Kingdom. These are already killed by Me. You are just instrumental. You kill Bhishma, Drona, Jayadradha (Syndhava), Karna etc who have been already killed by Me. 


Do not get fear. You will win over enemies in War. So do War.


BG32.   Arjuna heard Krishna’s words. Shivering, with folded hands, with more fear, shivering tone, started praying Sri Krishna Raksha Sthotram.  –


Your names are being praised. Thus, the World is becoming happy.  Saamarasya (Positive approach) feeling across all Praanis. All Raakshasas (Demons) are running away. You are basis to Brahma. You are Sath and Asath. This whole world is completely filled with you.


BG33.   You are Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varun, Sasank (Moon), Prajapathi Brahma, Prapithamaha (Brahma’s Father).


Thousands of repeated Namaskarams. Namaskarams to Infront and Back to You, in all directions – the reason You are in different forms in this World fully.


BG34.   For this world You are only Father, Pujya, Guru. None in these Trilokas equal to You. I am keeping my body at Your feet. 


Please forgive Me like Father to Son, Friend to Friend, Husband to Wife.


Seeing this roopam I am feeling happy. But with fear my manassu is trembling. So please show me Original Vishnu Roopam (not asking for Sri Krishna roopam) with 4 hands only. So, show me with like Vanamaali…. form (i.e. Vishnu sahasranaamam’s 108th sloka form)


BG35.   Bhagavaan says this has been shown to Arjuna only. To none else.


None else can see this even through Veda gnaana, Yagnas, Donations etc. Do not get worry. See My original Vanamaali roopam…


BG36.   Yasodha saw Bhagavaan Roopam twice (Once when Krishna is Yawning in his cradle and another time when HE is Eating soil).

Both the times Yasodha forgot these roopams due to Krishna Maaya.


3rd time when Akroora (while taking Sri Krishna to Kaurava’s Sabha before the pre-war situation) taking Sandhya in Yamuna he could see the Roopam.


In all these 3 cases Bhagavaan shown only Viswam (Globe like) to them


4th time in Kaurava Sabha – shown Viswaroopa full form.


But for Arjuna, the 5th and last time, a detailed roopam is exhibited with future and complete explanation.


BG37.      Viswaroopam is Natural one (It is already existing one unveiled, that’s all). 


Even Gods want to see My Vanamaali roopam (the form that is shown after Viswa roopam). But I have not shown.


But one can see this Vanamaali roopam only through Ananya Bhakthi.


To make clearer


Vanamaali Roopam is the same as Vishnu Roopam which we pray (Vishnu Sahasranaamam 108th sloka explains)


Virat Viswa Roopam is what Arjuna and in Kaurava Sabha shown with many Heads, Hands, legs as if the whole universe occupied


Viswa Roopa Yogam Over


BG38.   Sankaracharya’s Bhagavad Gita summary Sloka - 


Do My Karmas (Treat all activities as God Karmas – Karma Yogam), 


Keep focus on Me and Do Dhyanam (Dhyana Yogam).


Show Bhakthi and pray Me (Bhakthi Yogam). 


Do Not get Attach to the worldly things (Gnaana Yogam), 


No Enmity with anyone.


BG39.   How to get the Gnaana of Kshetra (Deham/Body) and Kshetragna (Aathma) – In nutshell the meaning of Gnaanam is as follows.


1.   Not feeling that he is only Great


2.   Not showing Attitude


3.   Ahimsa (Non-Violence)


4.   Patience


5.   Lucid in talking


6.   Serving teachers 


7.   Outside and internal (madi, thadi) Cleanliness 


8.   Internal stability, (Indriya, Manassu and Body) Control.


9.   Not having interest in (Luxuries) i.e. in Bhogas of Iha and Param


10.  Not being Ego


11.  Seeing Sad and Evils in Birth, Good things in Death, ageing, Diseases.


12.  Not having interest in wife, children, property


13.  Not having any temptation (liking and disliking) for materialistic things and showing equal feeling in them.


14.  Having Ananya (Except Paramaathma none else is there) Bhakthi in Me


15.  Living lonely in Holy places


16.  Not showing interest in materialistic people (keep Satsaangathyam only).


17.  Adyathmika Gnaana Nithya sthithi – Spiritual knowledge.


18.  Thathwa Gnaana Darsanam – Philosophical (Moksham is the ultimate or Seeing Bhagavaan in everywhere).


BG40.   Some see Paramaathma in


Hrudayam through Dhyanam (with Sukshma Budhi) - Bhakthi by default is through Dhyanam.


Few see through Gnaana Yogam,


Few through Karma Yogam.


Those take the Aashrayam of Gnaanam – will attain my Swaroopam.


This is Moksham. They do not reborn (in any number of creations), do not feel pain in Pralayam.


But of course, it does not mean they start creating and destroying lokas.


BG41.       Trigunas – Now onwards lot of points cover on Sathwa, Rajo (Raajasa) and Tamo (Taamasa) Gunas in detail (which was discussed as a single point earlier).


Sathwa Guna Qualities – Nirmalam (Purity), Prakaasakam (lightening and lighting), Vikararahitha (not ugly), Sukha (Indriya) i.e. Controlled Indriya and Gnaana (Vishaya/loukika – Subject/philosophical) association.


Chaitanyam (in Anthahkaranam), Viveka sakthi develops in Indriyas as Sathwa Gunam develops.


Rajo Guna qualities – Raagaathmakam (Bhakthi with Feeling), Kaamam (Lust), Karma and Karmaphala association.


Lobham (Greedy), Interest in materialistic things, Doing Karmas with selfishness (with interest and no end), no peaceful, Bhoga (Luxuries) interest as Rajo Gunam develops.


Tamo Guna qualities– Moham (Desires), Moorkha, Agnaanam, Inattention, lethargy (procrastinate), Sleep.


This Tamo is worse than Rajo as he does not do anything.


Gnaanam goes away from Indriyam and Budhi. No interest in doing Karma. Lazy and sleepy – as Tamo Gunam develops.



Sathwa Amsa is – Budhi.


Rajo Amsa is– Praana Shakthi.


Tamo Amsa is – Body.



Control Tamo with Rajo through Yoga.


Then control Rajo with Sathwa/Budhi through Dhyanam.


BG42.       The Real Purush who exceeds these Trigunas – gets liberated from Birth, Death, Old age, Sadness and feels Paramaanandam.


Frozen Snow Mountain is like Tamo state,


The Melting state of the same mountain is Rajo state.


When it becomes Flowing River, it is Saathwika state.


When the River merges into ocean – it is Trigunaatheetha


Purushothama – is one who is Trigunaatheetha


Knowing that - Purushothama is there in every Purusha - is called Purushothama Praapthi.


Aham Brahma Asmi – I am Brahma. I and Brahma Same.


Thath Wam Asi – That You Are.


BG43.       Aswatha in true meaning is “Tomorrow it will not be there” that means – it will not be in the same shape/stage.


So, the life, world etc is always Aswatham.


This samsara Tree is being watered through Trigunas and accordingly branches grow.


Sathwa Deva Branch, Rajo – Manusha Branch, Tamo – Anya praanis Branch.


Chigurus are Karma instigating, which are roots and responsible for Branches.


This Aswatham has been coming since ages with strong roots.


So, hold strongly Vyragya (unattachment) sword and with that cut this Aswatha tree to get liberation.



Kshaya (Elapsing), Saathisayam (Always comparing with one more higher-level), Pathana (Downfall) – 3 Doshams (Evils) for all desires –


if we realize these then Vyragyam will automatically come.


This is First eligibility for searching Gnaanam


If MOham KSHAyaM’s (Desire Goes) then it becomes MOKSHAM


BG45.       Prathyaksha – Seeing something Directly and concluding. For example, seeing a fire directly.


Anumana – Seeing something and accordingly Assuming things. Seeing Smoke – then you assume that fire is there below it.


Vaakku (Worldly) - if Someone told that there is fire somewhere, it is called as – Pramaanam


The Tejassu of Sun, Moon and fire is Me only.


I am entering into the Earth, with my energy taking care of all Bhuthas, like moon - giving strength to the Oshadhis/Vanasptahis


BG46.       I am the Antaryami (Omniscient Infinite Awareness) in Hrudayams, Smrithi, Gnaanam of all Praanis. 


I should be known through Vedas.


I am Vedantha Kartha


The ultimate end for any Gnaanam is vedantham.


Thus, the most secret Saastra was told to You.


The human who understands this Thathwam becomes Gnaani and can become Krithartha (Successful).


BG47.       Daivi (Godly) Guna Sampada – can get chance for Moksham – 26 qualities.

1.       Nirbhayathwam (No Fear)


2.       Anthahkarana sudhi (Omniscient)


3.       Stability in Dhyana yoga


4.       Saathwika daanam (Purity in Donations)


5.       Indriya control


6.       Praying Bhagavaan with keerthanas, Goddess, Gurus and doing Tapassu


7.       Doing Karmas of Agnihotra, Veda saastra study and achieving excellency


8.       Bearing troubles


9.      Simplicity


10.    Ahimsa (Nonviolence)


11.    Satyam (Truth)


12.    Akrodham (No Anger)


13.    Sacrifice (No Mamathaasakthi)


14.    Peaceful


15.    Not blaming


16.   Daya (Mercy)


17.   Not interested in Indriya vishaya


18.   Delicate


19.   Stepping back / feeling shy in doing anti-saastra activities (immoral and non-Godly)


20.   Not doing wasteful activities.


21.   Tejassu (Shining with maturity)


22.   Kshama (Forgiveness)


23.   Determination – Druthi - Courage


24.   External cleanliness


25.   No enmity,


26.   Not feeling that he is Pujyan i.e. respectful.


BG48.       Asura Sampada – 6 Qualities -   


1.       Cunning

2.       Adamant

3.       Possessiveness (Abhimaanam)

4.       Anger

5.       Arrogant in talk and activities

6.       No intelligence (Agnaanam)


Asura Feel / Are –


1.       Bhagavaan does not exist.

2.       Kaamam (Desire) is the basis for creation.

3.       Does not believe in Aathma.

4.       Dumb people.

5.       Ready to do any harm / cruel activities.

6.       Use their energies for destroying the world.

7.       They adopt Midhya/Amidhya theories in wrong notation.

8.       Become Brashtaacharas (spooled ones)

9.       Always in Chintas (tensions) till death.

10.     Earn money through illegal money to fulfil kaama krodhas.

11.     I earned this much and will earn further more in future.

12.     I am a strongman.

13.     I have sidhis in my grip.

14.     I am supreme.

15.     I killed this enemy and can kill other enemies.

16.    I am great rich man, has lot of people with me, can do yagnams, can donate, can freely enjoy.

17.     None equal to me.


They will fall down to extreme hells. For name sake they do Yagnas. They hate Me who is there internally in their own body and in others bodies.


Kaama, Krodha, Lobha are three which are mainly 3 Hell Gates. Reasons for Aathma naasanam. Need to be get rid of. Then automatically will do subhakarma. Will attain paramaagathi (Me).


BG49.       Whatever we eat should be considered as Anna Prasaadam – Offer to God as part of Yagnam (Puja) and eat it as Prasaadam. Anna prasaadam / Food types are (Also called as Pancha Bhakshya Paramanam)


 1.       Bhakshyas (Biting Type) - Sweets, Hard type items.

 2.       Bhojya (Sucking and then biting) – Rice Items

 3.       Lehya (Swallowing Type) – Pickles type directly eating, Jam etc.

 4.       Choshya (Squeezing and Eating) – Mangoes like fruits

 5.       Paaneyam (Drinking) – Liquid Items Milk, Butter Milk, Paayasam, Rasam


 - These 4 (first 4 only referred in Gita) are as agni in your body and they are Me. So eating is also Yagnam. – Called as Vyswanaragni.


Saathwika people like the food such as – Life and Budhi Strengthening, Healthy, Happy-sukham (during and after eating), pleasure – Preethi appearance, Rasa (Milk, Sugar means Jaggery), Oily (Butter, Ghee), Sthira (which develops Ojassu), Good appearing food.


Raajasa people like – Excess Bitter, Sour, Salt, Hot - Too Heat, Burnt, Thirsty, Unhappy, (during and after eating), worrying, disease producing food


Tamo people like - Uncooked and insufficient cooked one, Rasa heena (more than 4 hours old), Bad smelling – durgandham, pasipoyina (staled), somebody ate food (Uchishtam), apavitra (non-veg) food.


At least do not use non-veg on festivals. The food not offered to God is also apavitram. Some exceptions of Uchistham is – it is allowed from Guru to Sishya, Husband to wife.


Out of the stomach’s – 4 parts - fill 2 parts with food, one with water, 4th one leave it empty.


BG50.   Doing Yagnam without aspiring for results, as a duty with determination – Saathwika. 


Doing with anticipation of results, without discipline and for show – Raajasa.


Not following Saastra, not donating food, not giving dakshina, not chanting mantras, not showing sradha (Reverence) – Taamasa.


Dakshina is Goddess – one should give Dakshina according to their capacity and should not compromise.


BG51.       Tapassu is 3 types – Through Body, Mouth, Manassu (Hrudayam)


Body Tapassu – By Gods, Brahmins, Teachers, Gnaanis – Praying, Being Neat (Pavitratha-Soucham), Simplicity, Brahmacharyam, Ahimsa


Vaak Tapassu (Softly Talking) - Not instigating, interestingly, Helpful, factual talks, Reading Veda Saastra, Naama Japa of Parameswara


Maanasika Tapassu - Peaceful Manassu, Behaviour, Silence - God thinking (Manassu control), Manassu stability, Anthahkarana sudhi.


Tapassu – With no intention of End Results and with Determination - Saathwika.


For Rewards, Honours, pujas for selfish reasons, doing artificially, against natural instinct (these will give momentary or not guaranteed results) – Raajasa.


With foolish determination, causing pain to Manassu and body, creating damage to others – Taamasa.


BG52.       Daanam (Donation) is fundamental duty for Saathwika.  It should be done at proper places. In draught times. To those starving, patients, physically challenged. To Brahmins, Pundits, Brahmacharis, Vaanaprasthas. To those who deserve, without expecting in return any help and self-lessness.


Expecting return help from Donations, benefits, doing with pressures or sadness, with no alternate and as a compulsory is – Raajasa.


No sadbhavanam (not positive feeling), no respect, insulting, giving for not eligible people, not suitable and not appropriate items of donation is – Taamasa.


Daanam should be done with Rahasyam (Secretly), Bhayam (Fear), Shy, Softly and then forget


Sudhi (Cleanliness) is 3 types – Outside, Internal, Dravya (what you earn)


BG53.       Om Tat Sath – These 3 names dedicated for Sachidananda Ghana Para Brahmam. Brahmins, Vedas, Yagnas created from Paramaathma.


Moksha means - To Liberate.

Sanyaasi means - To Leave.


1.   Nithya (Daily) Karma - Pujas, Prayers.


2.   Nymithya (some special occasion) Karma – Homams, Yagnams,


3.    Kamya Karma (for some special desires) – For Children, Marriages, Special power etc.


·      Kavis (Educated Gnaani like) feel that those who sacrifice the Karma Phalam of 3rd one is only called as Sanyaasis.


·   Vichakshana seelas (Critics) – feel that all the 3 karma phalams should be sacrificed.


·     Pundits feel that all the 3 Karmas themselves should be sacrificed (that means they feel that Karmas should not be done at all)


·     4th category experts feel that all karmas can be sacrificed except Yagna, Daana, Tapassu.


Yagna, Dana, Tapassu must be done by Budhimaan so that they will become pious. Should be done with no attachment and with no expectation of results.


Thus, doing karmas, but sacrificing Karma phalam, is Saathwika Thyagam/Sanyaasam.


Sacrificing these Karmas knowing that these are responsibilities, but being afraid is Raajasam.


Sacrificing saastra sahitha Karmas thinking without knowledge is Taamasa sanyaasam.


BG54.       One who sees different praanis aathma swaroopa as one in paramaathma with equal feeling – Saathwika gnaani – This is Aathma Drushti.


One who sees different swaroopas and feel them as is – Raajasa gnaani – This is Guna Drushti.


One who feels the above concept not-reasonable, as meaningless, Body is the one and all, called as Taamasa gnaani – This is Deha Drushti.


BG55.       Kartha, Karma, Kriya


Not interested, Not expecting results, No attachment - Saastra Vihitha Karma – Saathwika Karma.


Expecting results, Feeling Proud or difficulty – Raajasa Karma


Without bothering for the nature of turn of eventualities (Good or Bad), danger, Violence, foolishness – Taamasa Karma.


I am not doing, not bothering for results, having courage, positively excited, not having vikaraas in Sidhi-Asidhis, Happy-Sad things equal feeling – Saathwika Kartha.


Interested, expecting results, miser, impure, subjecting to Happy and sadness – Raajasa Kartha.


Not mannerly, not trained, foolish, evil feeling, one who obstructs others duties, one who is always sad, laziness, procrastinating – Taamasa Kartha.


Saathwika Kriya – Dhruthi, Not being disturbed and concentrating, through yogam


Raajasa Kriya - Manassu, Praanis, Indriyas – Dharma, Ardha, Kaama concentration and practicing.


Taamasa Kriya – Sleep, Fear, Sadness, bad-budhi.


BG56.       Sukham – Saathwika Gunam – First looks like poisonous with difficulties, later turns into Amrutham, feels happy, surpasses sadness.


Raajasam - First looks like Amrutham later turns to poisonous.


Taamasam – Sleep, Laziness, Moham These are all never Amrutham neither at the beginning nor at later.


In all praanis (of Earth, Aakasam, Gods), in all lokas, Prakruthi – all these 3 Gunas will be together – only difference is its proportion varies.


It exhibits at different time different stage.


A small and low-level example.


We want to know about God and study Holy books with Saathwika Guna, may be for some portion of the day for relaxation we spend with family enjoying humanly things – it is Rajo Guna, when we get tired go into Sleep – it is Tamo Guna.


But we need to Balance these and move towards more to Saathwika.


BG57.       Brahmins – Mano Nigraham, Indriya Nigraham, Tapasssu, Neatness, forgiveness, simplicity, God fearing, believing other lokas, Veda saastra study, reading, empathy.


Kshatriya – Heroism, Tejassu, Courage, Capability, not running away from war, Donating, ruling with Swamibhaava.


Vysya – Agriculture, Cow protection, Economics, Commerce, Saving, Devotional, Calm


Sudra –Physical Strength, Hardworking, Patience, Serving all varnas.


Each of them should do their own karmas to achieve parama sidhi, by praying Parameswara.


Swabhaava Karma does not attract any sin.


Para dharma even if Guna Rahitha is not better here.


BG58.       One who lives with Visudhi Budhi, Saathwika Food, Sacrificing Sabdhaadi Vishayas (Materialistic Things), living alone in a neat place, with Saathwika Dharana, controlling Anthahkarana Indriyas, controlling Manassu and Talk, Sacrificing Raaga (Likes) and Hatred, determined vyraagyam,  Leaving Proudness, Negative energy, Kaama-krodha, Continuously Dhyanam, Not interested, Peaceful – that purusha will be Sachidananda parahabrahmaananda sthitha ready.


Such Karma yogi attains Para Bhakthi.


Bhakthi – Vydhi (Prayers, Puja), Raagathmika (Prema), Para (with Gunas)


Bhagavad Gita did not mean for war or violence. It is for Gnaanam.


BG59.       Keep Manassu in Me, Be My Bhaktha, Serve Me, Namaskar to Me – you will attain Me. I am telling with pledge (assurance)


Gita should not be told to – Non Tapassi, Non-Bhaktha, Not-Interested ones, who sees me with evil looks.


Those who teaches this will attain Me.


One who does Karmas which is liked by Me is the ultimate Bhakth of Me. None is better (Preferential) to Me in this world and will not be in future.


According to My opinion one who reads Gita saastra through Gnaana Yagna is one who prays me and he will attain Uthama lokas. Even if one listens patiently and strictly – will realize the same benefits


BG60.   For Dharmaraja in the heaven Paramadhama (Bhagavaan) is appeared – along with Arjuna in sitting below and in praying position. This is the Divya Phalam what Arjuna got of Gita Gnaana listening.


Bhagavaan’s Last Sloka - Asking Arjuna if he listened with Concentration. Whether Moham (Passion/Attachment/Desires) gone


Arjuna’s last Sloka – Arjuna says his Moham gone and ready to take His (Bhagavaan) Aagna (Order)


Sanjaya’s Last slokas – Because of Veda Vyasa I got this Divya Drishti. I enjoyed and repeatedly recollecting Bhagavaan.


The last Sloka of Gita – Wherever Yogeswara Krishna (Bhagavaan), Gandiva Arjuna (Purusha) – are there – properties, victories, all prosperities with stable honesty will be there – according to me – Sanjaya



Yatra Yogeaswarah Krsuhno Yatra Paartho Dhanurdharah!

Tatra Sreervijayo Bhoothih   Dhruvaa Neetirmatirmama


యత్ర   యోగేశ్వరః   కృష్నో యత్ర పార్థో   ధనుర్ధరః!

తత్ర    శ్రీర్విజయో భూథిః   ధ్రువా    నీతిర్మతిర్మమ


Om Shanthi! Om Shanthi! Om Shanthi!

ఓం శాంతిః! ఓం శాంతిః! ఓం శాంతిః