Sunday, May 8, 2011

Obama Vs Osama

Osama Bin Laden was killed by US army on 2nd May early hours. A dreaded No: 1 terrorist of world was at last killed after almost 10 years of his highest crime of attack on Twin Towers in 9/11/01.
US has avenged on Al-Quaeeda, already it killed Saddam Hussain of Iraq. Has split USSR long back, demolished East Germany. Recently siding with demonstrators of democracy in Middle East nations.
But the current question is Osama was killed in Pak’s army area – so it is clear that Pak supported Osama and co. Also it is clear that Dawood and gang is in Pak only.
While US says it has right to kill anyone in any nation – it will not allow others to avenge the terrorism. It is supporting Pakistan in terrorism against India. That is a pure opportunism.
Pakistan also not playing any double game. It is playing multiple games.
1. Pak is supporting world terrorism
2. Pak is supporting especially all Terrorist outfits against India.
3. Pak is taking huge funds from US in the name of war against Terrorism.
4. The same money is being used to fund terrorists.
5. At the same time it wants to protect itself as Muslim protector.
It is not too much to suffer from all angles.
1. Its leaders will be attacked by Al-qaeeda.
2. Every chance of military coup.
3. US itself can dump it once it is proved that there is a support by Pakistan.

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