Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sri Krishna commission Report

Yes it is too late to write on Sri Krishna commission.
Sri Krishna commission report submitted on 1st Jan 2011 has just scored pass marks i.e. 35 out of 100.
That pass marks also came because it tilted towards united AP with more privileges to Telangana. It accepted that Rayalaseema is much more back-ward than Telangana.
Thus it exposed all Telangana agitators as it is more of sentimental, emotional, political and blackmailing in approach.
Some of the AS-IS comments of the report
· Still regional imbalances exist. But the inequality between the haves and have nots is decreased in Andhra compared anywhere. In Telangana still exists - this can lead to fights anytime and easily provokable by any groups for any agitations. Tomorrow it can be SC categorization, Naxalite movement, Minority issues
· If Hyderabad is included the growth Is much more faster in all aspects for Telangana even in Agriculture
· Hyderabad has 8% GDP across state which is very high compared to any other district. Thus Hyderabad necessitates its common accessibility for all regions of AP, for that matter to India and world
· Option 1 Maintain Status Quo
o Consider the case as law and order problem. Let State solve it and Center keep quite
o The commission has not found any intentional negligence of Telangana and also the data shows no proof that Telangana is backward and not progressed
o But immediate backlash may take place for some time following
o Hyderabad city's image will be effected
o MLAs and MPs might be forced to resign
o Maoists may rise
o This is not a good solution
· Option 2 Bifurcation of the State into Seemandhra and Telangana; with Hyderabad as a Union Territory and the two states developing their own capitals in due course
o Hyderabad is a pivotal city now. Hence it should be UT
o 1/3rd of population is migrant
o Rayalaseema and Andhra may accept this as 2nd choice. But Telangana will oppose it
o Telangana may obstruct the functioning of UT by blocking from all sides
o This also gives almost same problems like above
o This is also not a good solution
· Option 3 Bifurcation of State into Rayala-Telangana and coastal Andhra regions with Hyderabad being an integral part of Rayala-Telangana
o 2nd preference to Rayalaseema people
o AIMIM's 2nd option also the same while United AP is the first one for them
o Analysis suggests that primarily taking economic and social parameters into account this would be a viable and sustainable option.
o Rayalaseema prefers to be with Telangana rather with Andhra - if separated
o But Telangana strongly opposes this
o Though economically it is good one, but both sides will not accept and gives new issues.
o Also Telangana may continue the agitation still
· Option 4 Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh into Seemandhra and Telangana with enlarged Hyderabad Metropolis as a separate Union Territory. This Union Territory will have geographical linkage and contiguity via Nalgonda district in the south-east to district Guntur in coastal Andhra and via Mahboobnagar district in the south to Kurnool district in Rayalaseema
o This is derived from option 2
o GHMC area now is 625 SQKM
o HMDA covers now 7073 SQKM
o Proposed UT will have 12,000 SQ KM
o Expanded UT is good for Nation and for Hyderabad itself
o 3 regions will have connectivity unlike the option 2
o All the 3 regions can have Hyderabad as the Capital (Andhra, Telangana and UT)
o It will be a model of mix of Chandigarh and Delhi
o This most probably will be the acceptable one to Rayalaseema - and they may not want any more separate state
o But all 3 regions may feel that they lost their Hyderabad
o Telangana will be fighting dead against this
· Option 5 - Bifurcation of the State into Telangana and Seemandhra as per existing boundaries with Hyderabad as the capital of Telangana and Seemandhra to have a new capital
o This is the most agreeable one to Telangana
o Strong pro-Telangana elements in Warangal, west Khammam, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, southern Adilabad, Siddipet area of Medak, parts of Nalgonda and Mahabubnagar and some areas of Ranga Reddy. The most vociferous and agitating sections are the students(particularly in Osmania and Kakatiya Universities), the unemployed youth, the lawyers and the non-gazetted Government employees;
o The neutral elements include the original population of Hyderabad, including large segments of AIMIM, the villages/mandals bordering Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, coastal Andhra, Rayalaseema and Karnataka; the settler villages/mandals in the Telangana heartland (Khammam, Karimnagar, Nizamabad etc.) and the migrant population in HMDA from Seemandhra and other parts of the country;
o Heavy backlash from Seemandhra -
o Separate state demand for Rayalaseema
o Impact outside of AP - more such demand start pouring
o Is it correct for a region to decide on its own like this?
o Cost of goods/service will increase because of too many costs across state
o Loss of Hyderabad by Seemandhra cannot be imagined
o Even Telangana may suffer due to non-co-operation from Andhra
o The continuing demand, therefore, for aseparate Telangana, the Committee felt, has some merit and is not entirelyunjustified.
o Settlers will have major issues and may be targeted
o Committee did not think it to be the most preferred, but the second best
o Separation is recommended only in case it is unavoidable and if this decision can be reached amicably amongst all the three regions.
· Option 6 - Keeping the State united by simultaneously providing certain definite Constitutional/Statutory measures for socio-economic development and political empowerment of Telangana region – creation of a statutorily empowered Telangana Regional Council
o Telangana council with MLA as chairman
o Separate bodies for important areas such as Irrigation, education and power….
o The council should have a secretariat
o This is the best of all considering 3 regions
o But people from Telangana will oppose and will pressurize the politicians to resign
o Rayalaseema also may demand such council

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