Friday, September 24, 2010


The controversy over Ayodhya never ends. 1) Whether there was a temple or not, 2) the case against Babri Demolition will run for decades further. The individuals involved may not live by the time the judgment comes like that of many such old cases of Sikh riots, Bofors, Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
There are speculations on the current Ayodhya judgment – on which side it will come? (Sort of betting game)
What happens if the Judges say – there was a Temple? Will there be riots again? Nation will pay price like that happened from 1992 onwards
What happens if they say – they could not find any reason to say that the temple is there or they are not competent enough? Will the country face again Bandhs and agitations – leading to forceful demolitions further, mid-night temple constructions?
Can the Judges have the capability to say that – the structure be declared as disputed forever – suggest for construction of an all religion symbolic structure peace dome?
The current Allahabad judges showed their incapability by rejecting the PIL – which just asked for deferring the judgment as the CWG is going to take place and asking for a 2 week shift.
Common man is not able to understand why the Judges not only dismissed it but put a hefty penalty on the petitioner.
How many silly PILs, cases we see in courts? The current petitioner has done this with a good intention to stop defaming of India before the world guests who will be there from this month end to mid of October.
The Courts took 60 year to arrive at the Judgment and why cannot they wait for 2 more weeks. Infact the Judges who showed unnecessary enthusiasm for delivering the Judgment on 24th Sep – should be penalized by Supreme Court, removed from the posts after this case. They do not deserve the protection being provided to them.
We know the courts incapability many a times in the past – specially when the PILs were filed against agitators (who sponsor frequent Bandhs like communists, Telangana separatists…) – but the courts always supported the agitators in the name that they have the right to express – but never came to the rescue of the common-man / middle class man who are always suffers because of these violence and riots.
Now also let us expect the same immaturity from the courts – but as matured citizens let us respect the Judgment, be ready for another 2 hearings at least in Supreme Court – one by partial and another with Full Bench – which can easily take another 120 years – minimum.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ganesha Chavithi & Ramadan & 9/11 – on same single day on 11-Sep-2010

Ganesha Chavithi & Ramadan & 9/11 – on same single day on 11-Sep-2010
Together celebrated and remembered.
While Ganesha Puja considered as the Birth celebrations of Ganesha, Ramadan is celebrated as the dedication to the GOD and belief in strict discipline to the religion and 9/11 as fight against fundamentalist terrorism.
1. Ganesha Puja
Ganesha is considered as the GOD for preventing Vignas (Obstacles), one who supports the students for the education, who provides Budhi.
Ganesha celebrations started way back with 9 days of social celebrations in the colonies. This was basically initiated by Bala Gangadhara Tilak in Maharashtra during Independence war – to instigate unity among the different sections of Hindus, thus it spread across almost the whole nation now and became a major celebrations.
As long as these celebrations take place in peaceful manner – that is fine.
2. Ramadan
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. The Month of Ramadan is also when it is believed the Holy Quran "was sent down from heaven, guidance unto men, a declaration of direction, and a means of Salvation".

During the Fast of Ramadan strict restraints are placed on the daily lives of Muslims. They are not allowed to eat or drink during the daylight hours. Smoking and sexual relations are also forbidden during fasting. At the end of the day the fast is broken with prayer and a meal called the iftar. In the evening following the iftar it is customary for Muslims to go out visiting family and friends. The fast is resumed the next morning.

According to the Holy Quran:

One may eat and drink at any time during the night "until you can plainly distinguish a white thread from a black thread by the daylight: then keep the fast until night"
The good that is acquired through the fast can be destroyed by five things -
1. The telling of a lie
2. Slander
3. Denouncing someone behind his back
4. A false oath
5. Greed or covetousness

These are considered offensive at all times, but are most offensive during the Fast of Ramadan.
Perhaps Muslims that too in the month of Ramadan show how a belief can be put into practice with strict determination – the same holiness should be carried forward entire the world, across the globe – then the peace will prevail automatically.

3. 9/11 Terrorism:

This is a known incident across the world. Almost a decade passed. The Al-Qaeda has spread an innovative way of terrorism and causing a panic across the world since then.

Thousands died. Twin towers destroyed. Pentagon was almost smashed. Whitehouse could have been attacked. Only places that were not targeted at that point of time were NASA, Hollywood…

Since then all neighboring countries of Muslim terrorist countries are paying price for the terrorists, spending lot of money for the security, living on knife edge.

The terrorist and rouge nations like Iraq, Afzanistan, Pakistan, Libiya… are supporting these Terrorist groups.

Also US paid on its own coin by cunningly supporting these groups which are not causing harm to them but causing harm to India, Russia etc. Even now also they are still supporting Pakistan and not heeding to India. It is no longer for US to face such attacks again. They need to be impartial.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saffron Terrorism?

Our honorable Home Minister Shri Chidambaram has coined a new word “Saffron Terrorism” – to counter attack “Green Terrorism”.
Mr Chidambaram has been a major failure as Home minister – in the terrorism across the whole nation. Naxals menace across India, Terrorists across Kashmir, unable to close the Taj blasts case, Parliament attack terrorists –
To divert the attention he has brought this key phrase. What are his motives?
· To get sympathy from the pseudo secularists.
· To counter-attack his inefficiency of terrorism towards the other extreme side.
· To get minority votes.
· To take revenge on BJP, Shiv Sena – as they are strongly opposing and criticizing the government for its inefficiency of UPA in all fronts of law and peace order.
· The enemies in the border are creating problems – by encroaching the land and thus India being in danger.
· Divert the blame on innocent Hindu organizations.
Even the Congress is distanced itself officially to use the word – for this saffron word – but Chidambaram shamelessly again justifying his stance.
He is making a major blunder – he is creating wrong guidance, misleading the nation, criticizing the patriots as terrorists.
The same naxals, Terrorists will take revenge on him and he will pay his price for being incapable to maintain India’s law and order.
He should be sincere, take all parties into consideration and strive for the real unity of India, take stern action against terrorists. Otherwise Nation will not pardon him – soon we will have new HM.