Monday, July 5, 2010

Bharath Bandh

Bandh against whom? Is it against Dr Manmohan? Against Sonia? Or UPA? Or Congress?
But it is against the common and middle man.
The price hike is really paining a lot the poor and middle class. The day-to-day hike of rice, dal, vegetables, milk, fuel – making the life of common man very tough. Leave alone the future – the present day itself is becoming a problem.
Rather to find a solution to stop this menace – the opposition is making a blind eye and deaf ear along with the ruling alliance to create more chaos and confusion.
All non-UPA constituents supporting the Bandh called on 5th July.
What is the logic they have?
BJP is ruling in many states. Is it not the responsibility of State Governments to control the prices of Milk, Vegetables at least at state level? If they cannot do then what night do they have to criticize the rates of central commodities.
The left is another big stock who does not have any clear-cut policies on economy. On one side they want subsidies on all commodities and expect no price hike on anything. They expect supporting price for farmers for crops and milk production – but do not tolerate for the hike.
The misc parties like TDP, JD-S, ADMK, and BJD – do not have any policies or suggestions to arrest this.
The Courts also became incompetent in controlling the Bandhs and strikes. The political parties should bear the corores of loss being incurred because of the bandh. They should
· Distribute the day-wage to the poor and daily workers for that day as they are missing.
· Pay compensation to the travelers who are going to miss any planned journey.
· Sow alternates for the students/un-employed.
· A penalty of huge crores of amount – so that in their life time again they can think of any such bandh.
The sufferers are always the poor man – as they miss their daily livelihood for that day.
All the private companies anyhow work as compensation and the capitalists will not miss or lose a single rupee of penalty.
There should be a law banning all sorts of such bandhs.
While we protest against the price hike – at the same time should protest against the Bandh also.

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