Saturday, July 24, 2010

Interstate disputes

Of late we are seeing lot of disputes between states unnecessarily. Zero tolerance has become the day of the order.
Karnataka has dispute with 3 neighboring states. It has major state border dispute with Maharashtra over Belgaum area. MR claims it as its area and the MES (Maharashtra Ekikaran Samithi) – the loyal group of MR – wants Belgaum to be separated from Karnataka and merged with MR.
It has row with Tamil Nadu over Cauvery for decades together. Being a state in the upstream – always has quarrel with TN in releasing water to TN. The rich fertile Mandya/Mysore region farmers always do dharnas against this issue and force the government against releasing the water. It lead many a ties tension in Bangalore between Kannadigas and Tamilinas.
Almatti is another dispute between Karnataka and AP. Karnataka has raised the dam height by 0.6 m – saying it is negligible and the basement level at most of the places is infact submerged.
Andhra has state disputes. It has with Karnataka on Almatti. Ofcourse old issues with almost all states during states reorganizations during the formation of AP on the basis of language. Many Telugu speaking areas have been merged with other states wrongly – like Bellary with Karnataka, Nizam states in North Karnataka, Ganjam districts in Orissa.
Now new issue is with Maharashtra on Babli. MR government has become a dictator government by beating even former CM of Andhra – thus one can imagine what it would have done if common people enter into their state. Shiv Sena which waits for such issues is making its best of politics – thus creating big menace with AP on one side and with Karnataka in another side.
Even the central water board, the water minister have expressed its inability to resolve the issues. Instead they suggested that one should approach the SC for resolution of such cases. If so then what for the government is there? The Congress governments in AP, MR and at center clearly took revenge on Chandra Babu by harassing him to the possible extent – thus adding fuel to the fire of Interstate disputes.
Center/States/Public should consider this country as single nation and work to solve the issues amicably and maintain peace, law and order.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Karnataka Governor should be re-called or he should be forced to resign

H R Bharadwaj, the Governor of Karnataka is behaving like a true congress agent and spoiling the image of Karnataka. He openly is criticizing the Karnataka Government, forcing the ministers to resign. He is shamelessly saying – he is proud to be a congress person. Being a governor – he should be above the politics – but supporting directly the menace being created by Congress and JD-S in the assembly.
These two parties are wasting the publics’ time and money in the form of staging dharna in the well of the assembly.
Governor is keeping blind on other open issues like Deve Gowda’s land grabbing, his noise and public nuisance against the NICE corridor.
B S Yediyurappa’s government is incapable to take action against the Gali brothers. Thus the government is openly supporting the corruption charges – but at the same time they have scored a point as the Governor has exceeded the limits.
There is no wonder if the BJP does a similar dharna before Rashtrapathi bhavan, demanding dismissal or recall of Bharadwaj.
Bharadwaj should take clue from his counterpart of AP – who does proper reviews regularly, travels across AP, inspires and lives like a common man.
Also the Congress of Karnataka should see how their own party is behaving like an undemocratic party in AP. When TDP is protesting against the undemocratic killing of fishermen in Srikakulam district by police firing, the Congress government evicted the TDP members, conducted the assembly, explained and giving speeches supporting the police atrocities.
Sarkaria commission has already suggested and set guidelines for proper center state relation. Accordingly the state government should be consulted for Governor’s appointment – but it is not happening. These Governors are behaving like dogs of central government rather like watch dogs of constitution.
Some of the previous Governors in the Indira Gandhi era used to behave like the same spies of the central government and used to behave one sided.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Silver Jubilee of Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Even after 25 years of the tragedy – the ghost is haunting, the victims are suffering, no one is heeding to their woes. The politicians are busy blaming each other, environmentalists – to drive the point and to say that globalization is danger and to fight against it, media – happy to have some hot topic.
It happened in 1984, December, 4th midnight – at Bhopal – the gas leak that took place at Union Carbide – made 20,000 died and lakhs of people to be impacted with physical/mental disability.
During the past 25 years – many reports came, conflicting each other, safe-guarding one or the other.
· First to be blamed – Arjun Singh, Rajiv Gandhi and bureaucrats at that time. They have arrested Anderson – for name sake, treated him like a royal guest, and sent-off him with full state honors. They say that otherwise the public would have shown anger and would have killed him. The congress is using the same card against Afzal Guru’s execution – saying that the minorities will show anger if they execute Afzal. What sort of impotent and incompetent government – we have.
· On the other hand they are blaming and passing the buck on PV Narasimha Rao – who was no where connected.
· In congress rule nothing can happen (that too such major decision) without the knowledge of Gandhian head’s instructions. Be it Bofors, Submarine, Ayodhya.
· The other parties BJP and communists also behaved like mute-spectators and did not raise any alarm.
· BJP being in power for the last 10 years (in state) also did not do anything – they could have fought this case?
· The environmentalists – side tracking the case as a case of globalization issue rather taking a particular instance and addressing it.
· During 84 – we have only Dumb Darshan (sorry Door Darshan), which is the mouth horn / piece of Government – hence nothing came openly to the public. Now that media is very powerful they are fighting openly. But they need to take it a logical conclusion rather a daily time pass / hot topic for their viewership increase.
· Our PM Manmohan did not raise the issue of hand-over of Anderson to us with Obama, neither Pranab nor Krishna made it a strong point, they should have demanded huge compensation from US government otherwise. But instead – Pranab says that it may lead reduction in foreign investments and ultimately we may suffer.
· But Obama is sucking the blood of BP in the form of Billion dollars as compensation for the oil rig damage happened in Mexico region. This leak killed animals – but not human beings.
In nutshell - it is high time for the Indian Government to come out clean by
· Accepting the fault of Rajiv and Arjun
· By demanding Andersons’ hand-over
· By demanding compensation from US government.
· By apologizing to the Nation in general and to the victims in particular for the handling of the whole episode.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bharath Bandh

Bandh against whom? Is it against Dr Manmohan? Against Sonia? Or UPA? Or Congress?
But it is against the common and middle man.
The price hike is really paining a lot the poor and middle class. The day-to-day hike of rice, dal, vegetables, milk, fuel – making the life of common man very tough. Leave alone the future – the present day itself is becoming a problem.
Rather to find a solution to stop this menace – the opposition is making a blind eye and deaf ear along with the ruling alliance to create more chaos and confusion.
All non-UPA constituents supporting the Bandh called on 5th July.
What is the logic they have?
BJP is ruling in many states. Is it not the responsibility of State Governments to control the prices of Milk, Vegetables at least at state level? If they cannot do then what night do they have to criticize the rates of central commodities.
The left is another big stock who does not have any clear-cut policies on economy. On one side they want subsidies on all commodities and expect no price hike on anything. They expect supporting price for farmers for crops and milk production – but do not tolerate for the hike.
The misc parties like TDP, JD-S, ADMK, and BJD – do not have any policies or suggestions to arrest this.
The Courts also became incompetent in controlling the Bandhs and strikes. The political parties should bear the corores of loss being incurred because of the bandh. They should
· Distribute the day-wage to the poor and daily workers for that day as they are missing.
· Pay compensation to the travelers who are going to miss any planned journey.
· Sow alternates for the students/un-employed.
· A penalty of huge crores of amount – so that in their life time again they can think of any such bandh.
The sufferers are always the poor man – as they miss their daily livelihood for that day.
All the private companies anyhow work as compensation and the capitalists will not miss or lose a single rupee of penalty.
There should be a law banning all sorts of such bandhs.
While we protest against the price hike – at the same time should protest against the Bandh also.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Odarpu Yatra

The politics of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy Vs Congress is taking twists day by day.
He was supposed to go to Warangal in June as part of his “Odarpu” Yatra.
His own party men tried to desist saying that he cannot enter into Telangana.
TRS has said he has to say “Yes” to “Telangana” – then only will be allowed.
Are we in different countries or in same nation? The police also dispersed the crowd of Jagan’s supporters and allowed TRS supporters to vandalize in their own wish.
The Senior Congress elders in the name of Telangana are behaving like separatists – opposed him, opposing Polavaram with meaningless data, criticizing their own minister for irrigation – absence of strong leader as CM making all these issues. Even Sonia is becoming an incompetent - unable to control the elders. Rather she is trying to control Jagan as he is appearing a threat to her CM.
Now even after Jagan met Sonia to allow her for Srikakulam’s Yatra – where there is no issue of Telangana – Sonia is not permitting him. Then how come she allowed in EG dist and Khammam (Telangana) in the first round?
Only two ways left for Jagan
1) To be like obedient servant and follow high-command – so that slowly he get some support, power.
2) To become rebel – create confusion, try level best to wrest the power or lead to mid-term elections. If AP is divided – he may score a better chance to become the CM for Andhra.
The by-elections scheduled for Telangana for the 12 seats is a shame on democracy.
1) The TRS MLAs resigned and same gang contesting again. Who is responsible for the expenditure for now? The money should be paid by KCR.
2) Added to that they do not want others / parties to contest? What sort of democracy – are we in?
The fate of AP is dependent upon these by-elections – whether it is going come back as a strong developing state or going to be a dis-integrated backward state.

Caste based Census.

Is Caste based census needed or not?
If caste based reservations are continuing then yes – the census has to be based on the caste. Then only Government can allocate assess properly if the castes are being given proper quota. If the OBC/SC/ST Population is less than the quota percentage – then OK – else the quota needs to be increased accordingly.
The economically backward community should be given importance – the reservations should be given to them. Then only the real poor and neglected society develops – thus India develops.
The Yadav Trio (Lalu, Mulayam and Sharad) have only interest for age-old theories. They cannot see India progressing. They find the ways how to decelerate India’s modern growth.
These are the same parties who tried their level best to jeopardize the success of the woman reservation bill.
Congress which claimed as the messiah of women’s upliftment – is now keeping quite when they can introduce the women reservation bill in Parliament. That is the sorry state of affairs of our Indian Center
Even the BJP which is worried of the BC votes – now changed the tune and want caste based census.
Till the politicians have vested interests, vote bank politics – the caste system will not go away and India cannot develop.