Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Kanakadhaara Stotram


Kanakadhaara Stotram

Pravachanam By BrahmaSri Sri Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma Garu

·         Adi Shankara Chanted Kanakadhara Stotram at the age of 8. Though this is mainly devoted to Goddess Lakshmi, it is basis for Sakthi which is basis for Soundarya Lahari. Sri Devi Suktham, Sri Vidya, Sri Mantram, Sri Yantram. By chanting this stotram the devotees get the showers of the gold, that is well known fact, but the real meaning is the stotram chanting itself is like golden shower. This is also called as Suvarnadhaara stotram. Kanaka means Prakasam (Illumination). Suvarna means (Good letters, Good meaning). Amma is Dhaara i.e., Lahari i.e., flow. Reverse of Dhaara is Raadha. Kanakam is Beautiful i.e., Soundaryam. Prakasam and Kanakam is Chaitanyam (Dynamism).

·         Mantram has three parts - Word, Meaning, Swaram (Tune). This has power to generate Vispotam (Explosion) in the Vayumandalam (Space) by great people.

·         The story behind the stotra – Once Shankara goes for Bhiskha (Sacred offering from household people) to a poor Brahmin’s house. They are so poor that they do not have anything to eat and do not have single grain of rice to offer him. The lady of that house searches the whole house and offers him a Dry Gooseberry (Aamla Usiri). Seeing the fate of the family Shankara feels pity. He prays Goddess Lakshmi. As Shankara prayed Amma (Kanakadhara Sotram), She appeared with lightening in the sky. Goddess will be appearing as explained in Dhyanas slokas to Rishis and for us it to be imagined (Bhavana). The light is in all directions spread. He surrendered to Her feet, which are worshipped by Indra. Indra is prime worshiper of Sri Vidya. That’s why even though Indra is the head of Friday, we pray Lakshmi.

·         Lakshmi Amma said that, since many births the household people have sins that are not pardonable to be blessed by Her. But Shankara pleaded Her that He does not know the previous history, but currently the house-lady has offered gooseberry to him and hence she should be blessed with prosperity. Then Goddess Lakshmi blessed the whole house with golden gooseberries. With Sankara Darsan itself the housewife got rid of their previous birth sins.

·         Shankara is Gnaananidhi and Dayanidhi (Abundant source of Knowledge and Mercy). Stotra qualities – Poetry, Good and Soft Sweet meaning, Mantram, Tatvam. Daridra remover (Daaridrya Dasa Nivruthi – Poverty remover).

From Sloka 1 to 9 narrates about Amma’s kadaganti looks (Moving the eyeballs till the end of eyes, closing little bit of eyelids and seeing). In all 9 slokas both Vishnu and Lakshmi are prayed together. Samayachaaram. Saamarasyam. Sloka 10 narrates about Amma Swarupam (form), Sloka 11 to 17 about Ashrayam (How to Pray and surrender to Amma). 18th indicates Ashrayam is Amma’s praying lakshyam (Target). 19th is Dhyana Sloka. 20th is praying Amma and requesting what he wants. 21st and 22nd Phalasruthi (Benefits of this stotra).

Kanaka Dhaara Stotram in Telugu

Kanaka Dhaara Stotram in English

Sloka-1: Narayana’s body is like black tree (Gaanuga - Acacia). He will be like tree equal to all, treats all impartially. That tree is with blossoming flowers. Like Honey-bee, Amma looks went there and attached to that tree. Vishnu is exciting because Amma’s looks are touching. This indicates Vishnu Preeti (devotion) is more important for Aishwaryam (prosperity) i.e., Vibhuti. The looks which have taken shelter of Hari shall bless us. Aiswaryam is in Her looks. That will provide me Mangalyam (Good / Sreyassu). She does Leela – Sobha, Soundaryam, Kreeda (Shining, Beautiful, Play). Whatever God does, there is no bhandhan (binding/bondage), but whatever we do is Karma i.e., bhandhan is there.  

Sloka-2:  Lakshmi is Sagara Sambhava i.e., Reborn from Ocean. After she born, She saw and went straight to Vishnu, garlanded him with Utpalamala, sat on His chest and then saw the rest. If you move Hari then Siri will automatically move. That Lakshmi bless me. She (innocently) repeatedly sees Murari thus making garland (maala), Her looks are Madhukari – one who makes honey. Lakshmi knows the complete characteristics of Vishnu. This is nothing but Madhu Vidya, Brahma Vidya. Here madhuram means (Anandam – Sath-Chith-Anandam) Brahmam. Another meaning is whole world is honey which flows like dhara. Life is sweet i.e., Chaitanyam. Rasa swaroopam. This honey is from Black lotus (from Vishnu’s face). The looks are going to and fro between Vishnu and Lakshmi. Noticing that She is looking at Him, He smiled at Her. Seeing that She became shy (Lazza) and turned. Gataagataani – Coming and going of Lakshmi in our life is natural, but focus should be on Hari always.

Sloka-3: Akekaram – Brining eyeball till the end of eye and seeing. There is no eye lid closure. Narayana is in half closure eyes state (Yoga Nidra. Ours sleep is moha nidra (lustrous sleep)), but His is Yoga Nidra. For all anandams He is the basis. She is the wife of Bhujanga Sayangana. That is, Lakshmi at the feet of Narayana on Adiseha. Here She is in Moksha Lakshmi swarupam (Salvation). As per Vydhika there are 6 Lakshmis – Sidha, Moksha, Jaya, Saraswati (Vidya Lakshmi), Srih, Vara. Siddha – Accomplishing the work.   Moksham – Relief from grief, work, attaining results. Then we get Jayam (Victory). To do the work the knowledge is Saraswati. Srih – Sobha, Kala, Utsaaham, Anandam, Sampada – Charm, Brightness, Enthusiasm, Happiness, Prosperity. Varam – Sreshtatvam – being great in that field. Since it is referred to Mukundam – it refers to Moksham.  Anangatantram – One who instigates Kamam, to act. Ananga – One who does not have body. Such Lakshmi be providing us aiswaryam.

Sloka-4: Amma is in between two hands of Murajithah/Madhu Jithah (One who won against Mura / Madhu demon). Kausthubha mani is glittering on His chest. Lakshmi said that She will provide garland of manis (diamonds) through Her looks rather just one mani of Kausthubham. The garland of looks is glittering like Hari Neelam. This is nothing but Sri Chakram. Hrudayam is Bindu. Chaturbahuvu – Chatur avaranas. Viswa Bahuvu is entire Sri Chakram. She is even the desire fulfiller of Bhaghavan and fulfilling Sakthi for Narayana. She is responsible for the entire Srishti, Stithi, Laya (Creation, Maintenance, Destroy). Ichcha, Gnaana, Kriya for Narayana. She is the supporter of Dharma activities for Narayana. Let She provide Good things to us. She is having Lotuses as the temple. That is Chichakthi. Symbol for maturity.  Universe is treated as Lotus. Karnika (the stem bud which holds Lotus petals together) is Amma. She is Sushumna naadi with 6 lotuses (chakras) – the top one is main lotus (Maha Padmam).

Sloka-5: Bhargava Nandana – Daughter of Brughu Maharshi. Lakshmi’s place is Narayana’s Lalita hrudayam i.e., Mahaneeyamurthi. The looks of Lakshmi on Narayana’s Lalitha Hrudayam i.e., Mahaneeyamakshi. She garlanded Him and wanted to sit on His chest. Narayana’s Samkalpam, Karunyam, Karya Sakthis (Determination, Mercy, Activities) – sarva sakthis Amma only. For anyone Heart is the Spandana sakthi (Beat power). Sakthi is in the form of Face in Bahma, Chest in Narayana, Body in Rudra. The chest of Narayana is like ready to rain black cloud, but it is very soft. She is shining there like lightening girl. She is the mother of the whole world and she should provide the good things to us. Kytabare – One who killed Kytabe. Madhu (Sweet) Aham - Kytaba (Insect group) – Mama. Only Lakshmi can instigate Hari to kill these two in us as She instigated Hari to kill these two demons. This is Hrudaya Vidya.

Sloka-6: Makaraalayam is the Lake which hosts lotus (in-addition to crocodiles) and provides shelter to fishes. Amma (Makaraalaya Kanyaka – Sagara Daughter) looks should continuously flow on me. These looks are Mandharam (small quantity) Mandam (little bit) Alasam (without any difficulty) – that itself sufficient for me. The looks which enabled Madhu demon to be killed by Madhu agni i.e., Madhusudana. She enabled the place of Manmadha first in the chest of Narayana i.e., Srungara (lovely) feeling. Narayana is like standstill lake, Amma looks are like the mani (diamond) stone thrown in it, which caused ripples. It is a divine love. Thus, She made Narayana to take First and most important step. It symbolizes the Bindu. He is MangalyaBhaji (Mangalaswarupa), one who killed Madhu (Madhu Maadhini). Such Lakshmi provide us Good things. Mandharam (Kshobha – Represents Srishti) Mandam (Stithi) Alasam (laya). Thus, Amma looks are symbolic for the three things.  Ka+Aa+Ma Kaamudu. Brahma+Vishnu+Rudra Vachakam. Satva-Raja-Tamasa. This sloka is for Santhana (Progeny) Lakshmi. Tortoise, Sankham (Conch), Makaram (Crocodile), Lotus – all called Nidhis – Amma is the basis. There are head of Goddess for each of these who are at Kubera.

Sloka-7: Lotus generated Lakshmi has blessed Indra, to get his property from Bali through Vamana. Lakshmi has provided all prosperity to Indra, who has lost his throne. She provided Anandam (Happiness) to Mura. You are Visalakshi, but You can just see towards me with a fraction of Your look, just for a half of second.   

Sloka-8: The devotees who have the blessings of Amma’s looks will enjoy the power over trilokas here in this birth itself. Even though we do not do Yagnas Amma’s Daya (Mercy) is sufficient. Bhakthi yagnam is far better. Amma’s looks are soft and shining like the middle portion of lotus. She takes care of the entire world. Ishta, Pushti – Lakshmi Naamas. Different Pushtis (Nourishments) – Dhana, Dhanya, Vaak, Ardha, Gnaana, Animajyashta Sidhi – Money, Rice, Speech, Finance, Knowledge, Accomplishment.

Sloka-9: Amma looks are like rain coming from the cloud. For cloud to rain air needed. Before rain the coolness comes (especially in summer it will be more pleasant). This will remove all Kharmas (sweating) – generated because of bad things. If Lakshmi looks towards us, we get rid of these. They will be removed forever (Chiraaya Dooram). The Air (Vayu) which makes cloud to rain is nothing but the Daya (mercy) of Amma Herself. This Daya should be given to me, who does not have any (Akinchana, another meaning one who does not want anything). I am like the kid bird (Chataka bird) - Jacobin cuckoo, want Your karuna (mercy) only. From Narayana Pranayani (Lakshmi)’s Eye clouds – we will get peace and prosperity.

Sloka-10: This is Amma Swarupa Sloka. You are Girdevati – Sarasvati, Garudadwaja – Narayana wife, Saakambari (Dhanya Lakshmi – Annapoorna), Sasisekhara Vallbha – Gowri. Thus, She is Jagadamba, wife of Tribhuvana paramathma. She is responsible for Srishti, Stithi and Pralayam. There are many leelas (plays) in these three states. I am saluting to such universal Guruswarupini i.e Thribhuvanyka Guru.

11 to 17 Slokas – Ashraya (Namaskra) Slokas

Sloka-11: Lakshmi is Sruthi (Vedam). Whatever Vedam tells is Subha Karma (Good things), She provides good results. She is Rati (Interest), generates positive attraction. She is Sakthi who is in the centre of Sata Patra (Lotus) like the fragrance of flower. She is the Pushti (Nourishment), the wife of Purushothama

Sloka-12:  You, Narayana’s wife, having Lotus like face, born from milk ocean, sibling of moon and having qualities (Aahladam and Prasannatha – Delight and Cheerfulness) and Amrutha i.e., Nectar (Like mother).  

Sloka-13: You are sitting in golden lotus, You are queen of the Globe, You bless the Goddesses, You are the wife of the person who carries Saaranga weapon.

Sloka-14: You are the daughter of Brughu, sits in the chest of Vishnu, You are Lakshmi who has Lotuses as residing place, You are wife of Damodara.

Sloka-15: You are having Golden Lotus eyes, being prayed by the Human and Goddesses equally. You are Nandathmaja Vallabha.

Till now Shankara asked properties for the lady – but now Shankara is asking for Namaskara property for himself in Sloka 16

Sloka-16: Because of Namaskaram – all Indriyams will be Happy, will take towards positive side, make to get rid of difficulties.

Sloka-17:  I am taking shelter of You, whom if we do seva (service/devotion) get all prosperities. I am surrendering to you through Speech, Body, Heart (Trikarana sudhi) Namaskara Ashrayam. You are Murari Hrudaya (Heart of Murari)

Sloka-18: You are residing in Lotus pond, with Lotus like hands. Wearing white cloths, ornaments. You are Bhagavathi, wife of Hari and likened by His Heart (Manogne). You are taking care of Thribhuvanas (Three worlds), You please bless me.

Sloka-19: Dhyana Sloka. Elephants brought Kalsas with Akasa Ganga (Mandakini) mixed with sacred things by Gods, doing Abhishekam. Thus, You are wet. Abhishekam means doing incarnation i.e., saying You are the ruler and please take care of us.  Will pray in the morning first thing when woke up. You are mother for the world. You are the house wife of Lokaadhi nadha (World Head) and daughter of Amruta sagara (Nectar Ocean).

Sloka-20: Sankara Praying for himself. You are the liking person of Kamalaksha (Lotus eyed Vishnu). With your kadaganti looks – like waves please look towards me. I am the first among those who does not have anything. That’s why I am the eligible to be blessed. 1) You are only my saviour 2) I am the most innocent – God will bless only such devotees. Thus Sadhana, sidhi (Practicing Accomplishment), How to achieve all – three were taught here. Upadesam and Upaasana (Teaching and Practice) is the same.

21 & 22 Phala Sruthi

Sloka-21 & 22: Those who do chant daily, knowing whom we are chanting, Vedamayee God, Tribhuavana Mother, Sarva Guna, bless me. Such devotees get great lucks, pundits/Gods also praise them.

This stotra which was constructed by Shankara, if chanted daily three times (Thri-Sandhya) – Kubera will bless them with properties.


🙏 Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti! 🙏

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Sri Devi Khadgamala


Sri Devi Khadgamala


Sri Devi Khadgamala is prayer of Amma in Sri Chakram. It mentions all Goddess of this Chakrams sequentially and finally reaches to the Bindu i.e., Sakthi. Here Khadgam (Sword) Represents – Courage, Seriousness, Stability, Determination, Focussed sight, Crossing obstacles. By chanting this stotra we get rid of all sins and get the ultimate protection of Jaganmataha.

Below are Namas with brief meanings. Some are self-explanatory.

Sri Devi Khadgamala in Telugu

Sri Devi Khadgamala in English

Sri Devi Prayer

·         Imagine Amma as Bindu rupam (Dot form) in Sri Chakramm. This stotram is having 182 Namas of Amma. It has 9 Chakras (Aavaranas). 1) Trilokyamohana 2) Sarva Aasa Paripooraka 3) Sarva Samkhobhana 4) Sarva Soubhagya Dayaka 5) Sarvaardha Saadhaka 6) Sarva Rakshakara 7) Sarva Rogahara 8) Sarva Sidhiprada 9) Sarvaanandamaya

Sri Devi Sambodhanaṃ (1)

·         Trilokyamohana Chakram – Resembles Moham (Fascination) 1) Tripura sundari. Takes care of Tri lokas – Bhu, Bhuvar, Suvar Lokams (worlds). Jagruth, Swapna, Sushumnavastha (Awakening, Dream, Deep sleep state). Trikalas – Pratha, Madhhyahna, Sayam Kala (Morning, Noon and Evening times). Trikutams – Vagbhava, Kamaraja, Sakthi Kutam (Speech represents Dharmam – Face, Artha and Kamam – Middle, Moksham – Below).

Nyasangadevataḥ (6)

·         2) Hrudaya Devi - She is Anahatha (Unbeaten), She represents Breath-in and Breath-Out of the jeevis (live beings). 3) Siro Devi – (Head) At Brahma Randhram. As long as you play with toys Amma will not come to you, once you throw them and cry for Her, She will rush to you. Similarly, Siro Devi will come to you through Brahma Randhram – If you pray for Her 4) Sikha Devi (Goddess of Vertex) – The Goddess who stays exactly at the Sikha place and provides auspicious things to the devotees. That’s why during thread ceremony they do hair removing and tie the knot. 5) Kavacha Devi – (Goddess of Armour) Amma’s protection. 6) Netra Devi (Goddess of Eye) – Amma Tejassu (Aura) should be in my eyes. It will come only when we pray Her sincerely. Since eyes are the doors for Manassu. 7) Astra Devi (Goddess of Weapons) – Protector of devotees through weapons. We should keep quiet and Amma provides those weapons.

Tithinityadevataḥ (16)

·         8) Kameswari – One who fulfils the dharma allowed desires of the devotees. 9) Bhagamalini – One who wears the Birth and Death as Garland 10) Nithyaklinne – Sakthi rupam which exists every day.  11) Bherunde – Rudra Rupam for enemies and protects devotees, but it is smiling rupam for devotees. She wears skulls as garlands. 12) Vahni Vaasini – Vaak Sakthi (Speech Power), Eyes Tejassu (Aura), Jataragni (Digestive fire)– these put together are called as Vahni Vaasini. 13) Mahaa Vajreswari – She is Visudha Chakra adishtana (Head) Goddess. Head of Goddess for Vaak (Speech). 14) Sivadootee – One who takes you to Siva tatvam and makes you happy. 15) Twarite – The speediest in the universe. She does the things in the world very fast. Nothing is in our control. 16) Kulasundari – From mooladhara to Brahma Randhra, one who is making aikyam (aligning) in Siva. 17) Nithye – Always. Permanent. Sasavatha tatvam. 18) Neela pathaake – One who wears Blue sky as umbrella 19) Vijaye – Winning with satvika qualities. 20) Sarva Mangale. 21) Jwaalamaalini – Amma protects the devotees with a rakshana valayam (protective circle) of Jwaalamalini rupam (like fire) 22) Chithre – Can create miracles. 23) Mahanithye - Every time and every second Amma is there with you.

Divyaughaguravaḥ (7)

·         Bhaghavan swarupams 24) Parameswara – Siva - Athma swarupam - First Guru 25) Parameswari – Sakthi (Amma) rupam Second Guru – Adi Guruvus 26) Mithresamayee – Surya. Reason for Jeeva Chaitanyam (having been blessed by Amma). 27) Uddeesamayee – Helping others to improve their good qualities. 28) Charyaanaadhamayee - Our manassu is moving. Can not be stable. Pray Amma to keep it stable. Do dhyanam. 29) Agasthyamayee – One who bent even mountain. He could not touch Lopamudra because of her power. He prayed Amma and then could control. He is strong disciple of Amma. Wherever Amma stotras are being chanted he will be there. 30) Lopamudramayee – She practiced Amma’s pancha dasakshari mantram and became her upasakas (utmost devotee). 31) Srashteesaanandamayee - One who has merged all the Arishadvargas – Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha Mada, Matsaryam (Lust, Anger, Greedy, Attraction, Proudness, Envy) in him.   Daya, Karuna, Prema, Vatsalyam, Paropakara Chintana, Udaratha, Thyagam (Kind, Pity, Love, Affection, Helping others, Generocity, Sacrifice) – these should replace the above 6.

Siddhaughagurava (4)

·         Sidhas with Heavenly Tejassu and bodies. 32) Kaalataapasamayee – One who has the control over time. Devotee does not have anything control over it. 33) Dharmaacharyamayee – One who leads life according to dharma.  34) Mukthakeseeswaramayee – Getting salvation in this birth here itself through Gurus, whom we have listed here and above.  Antharmukham (Internal awakening). 35) Deepakalaanaathamayee – Velugu, Tejassu, Prakasam (Light, Aura, Illumination) are qualities of Deepam.

Manavaughaguravaḥ (8)  

·         With Tejassu and Invisible form will be helping Humans. 36) Vishnudevamayee – Vishnu maya, which makes us to be trapped in these worldly things. But this naamam ensures that we will not be trapped. 37) Prabhakaradevamayee – Amma takes the Surya form. Sun prayed and got the powers from Her. 38) Tejodevamayee – Tejassu from Gurus. Amma is always at the age of 30 years.  39) Manojadevamayee - The samkalpams (Determination) what we do through manassu will be enabled into proper action by Amma. 40) Kalyanadevamayee - One who enables to do good and auspicious things. 41) Vasudevamayee - Sri matha takes the form of Sri Krishna form. Even in Geethopadesam Amma is there. 42) Ratnadevamayee - Our body has 6 chakras. Molanoolu (Ornament over waist) – Mooladhara Chakram, Swadhisthana - Manipura – Vadraanam (Golden Ornament over waist – like Gold belt), Anaahatham – Pacchala patakam (Emerald medal) / Muthyala haaram (Pearls Garland), Visudhi – Kanthabharanam (Neck Ornament) / black beads, Aaagna Chakra – Golden bindi, Sahasraaram – Naagaram (Ornament over the head). Amma is wearing all these.   43) Sriramanandamayee – Sri Rama rupam. The most ideal form of the God in the human form. Sakthi form of Sri Rama.

Srichakra Prathamavaraṇadevataḥ (29)

·         Dasa Sidhes: 44) Animasidhe – The smallest form/ thing possible. Budhi sushmam. Hanuman took the smallest form. 45) Laghimasidhe –Capable to easily jump.  46) Garimasidhe Capable of easily crossing. 47) Mahimasidhe – Capable of doing miracles for the good things. 48) Eesitvasidhe – Feeling that the entire world is Eeswara. They will have the control of nature. 49) Vasitvasidhe – Those who do practice of Dhyana, people will be getting attracted towards them. Not that they will attract. 50) Praakaamyasidhe – Doing deva karyas (devotional activities) with pavitra (sacred) mentality and achieving the sacredness. 51) Bhuktisidhe – To get rid of worldly difficulties. 52) Icchasidhe – To attain a particular desire. It should be dharmic related. 53)  Praptisidhe – Moksha prapti through Japa/tapa/…54) Sarvakaamasidhe – She is provider of all desires. Feeling of all are same and seeing Amma in everything and everywhere.

·         Saptha Maathrukas. 55) Braahmi – The Sakthi of creation. It is at mooladhara. We should not do adharmas during Brahmi timing. 56) Maaheswari – Angry, emotion (Avesam). Half of Maheswara. We can practice this anger into peaceful practice. 57) Koumaari –. Feeling that it is not me, it is Amma only which has given me anything and everything for me in this life, each moment at every place. Another meaning is Lobham - Greedy (Hiranyakshudu). Will face the decay finally. 58) Vyshnavi – Ensures that we will not be trapped into moham/ maya (lust/attractions). Vyshnavi sakthi. 59) Vaaraahi – Varaha avatharam of Amma. Proudness and Ahamkaram goes away.  60) Maahendri – Envy. Matsaryam. Remover. 61) Chamunde - Remover of bad qualities through by force. Takes care of good quality people. 5 bad qualities – Killing and Violence, liquor, gambling, womanizing, gold desire.

·         62) Maha Lakshmi – Not only provider of prosperity. Udarata (Generocity), Thyagam (Sacrifice), Daanam (Donating), Divakala (Godly) – qualities. 63) Sarvasankshobhini – No sankshobhams at all. Takes care of natural calamities such as draughts, cyclones, floods etc., 64) Sarvavidravini – Awakens everyone internally. Amma in Dravam state across (immersed everywhere) in the whole world.  65) Sarvaakarasini. 66) Sarvavasankari 67) Sarvonmadini – The unmada (mania) rupam of the avadhoothas, rishis in samadhi state. Not the quality of terrorists. 68) Sarvamahankuse - Removar of bad qualities through ankusam (Goad). 69) Sarvakhechari – God of all Gods / Demi-Gods 70) Sarvabije – The Bija rupini of Sri matha. Creation rupa. Intention to do creation. 71) Sarvayone - Pray to get the children. The source of creation. 72) Sarvatrikhaṇḍe - Dividing everything in three parts – Dhyana, Dhatru, Dhyea Rupa. Gnaana, Gneya, Gnaatha. Jagruth, Swapna, sushustha. Satva, Rajo, Tamo. 73) Trailokyamohana Chakrasvamini 74) Prakaṭayogini,  

Srichakra Dvitiyavaraṇadavataḥ (16)

Sarva Aasa Paripuraka Chakram: (16) Pancha Bhuthas Gnaana, Karma Indriyas and (Manassu) – Shodasa Dala Lotus Goddesses.,  

·         75) Kamakarshini - One who generates desires (positive ones) 76) Buddhyakarṣiṇi – One who enables you to make proper decisions with intelligence. 77) Ahaṅkarakarsini - Ahamkara (Arrogance) remover 78) Sabdakarṣiṇi. 79) Sparsakarsini. 80) Rupakarsini. 81) Rasakarṣiṇi. 82) Gandhakarṣiṇi. 83) Chittakarṣiṇi, 84) Dhairyakarṣiṇi. 85) Smṛityakarṣiṇi, - Represents Memory. All Vedas, Upansidhads learned through smriti (memory) only. 86) Namakarṣiṇi, - Attraction towards namam like Lalitha etc.,   87) Bijakarsini – One who teaches Beejaksharams – Om Aim (Saraswati) Hrim (Sakthi) Sreem (Lakshmi). This generates and vibrates diva sakthi (devotional power) in us. 88) Atmakarṣiṇi, - One which attracts Athma. One cannot see Athma through Sthula, Sushma, Karana bodies. It is beyond that 89) Amṛitakarṣiṇi –. Capability to surpass Mruthyuvu (Death). Does not mean that they will not have death. But they will achieve the ultimate sadgati like jyoti because of attainment of Atmakarsini. They will get rid of death fear. 90) Sarirakarsini. 91) Sarva Asaparipuraka Chakrasvamini. 92) Guptayogini  

Srichakra Tṛitiyavaraṇadevataḥ (8)

·         Ashta Dala Padmam. Do all these 8 things in day-to-day life. 93) Anaṅgakusume – Very soft. (giving, taking, talking, acting, etc…). with soft. 94) Anaṅgamekhale – Feeling to cross bad qualities. 95) Anaṅgamadane – Lovely feeling 96) Anaṅgamadanature – Ichcha (Wish), Kaamam (Lust), Korika (Desire). Attain goal 97) Anaṅgarekhe, - Enjoyment and Happiness of giving to others.  98) Anangavegini, - Attraction in youthful age. But simultaneously do dharma embedded karmas.  99) Anangankuse – Yogis/Rishis will attain through Hata yogam. Attaining through making body subjecting to ankusams. Common man can do in his/her capacity. 100) Anangamalini, - Doing tandavam (dance) with happiness. Those who do sincere dhaynam will attain this. Such devotees will get rid of Rajo and Tamo gunas. 101) Sarva Sankṣobhaṇa Chakrasvamini, 102) Guptatarayogini.   

Srichakra Chaturthavaraṇadevataḥ  

·         14 Siddas/Sakthis/Goddesses. 103) Sarvasaṅkṣobhiṇi – One who creates crisis. But this Goddess helps us to cross over these crises be physical, mental etc.  104) Sarvavidravini, - Making ourselves to be immersed in the prayers of Amma. Being in Ananda. 105) Sarvakarṣhiṇi,.106) Sarvaahladini, 107) Sarvasammohini, 108) Sarvastambhini, Making freeze with no action.109) Sarvajṛmbhiṇi, - Spreads with great speed. 110) Sarvavasaṅkari, 111) Sarvaranjani, 112) Sarvonmadini, - The sleeping state of awakening of Yogis/Rishis. Yoga Nidra. 113) Sarvarthasadhike, - Attaining of all four purusha ardhas through Dharma. 114) Sarvasampattipuriṇi, - Provider of prosperity (mental satisfaction) 115) Sarvamantramayi, - All mantra rupas are Amma. 116) Sarvadvandvakṣayaṅkari – Balancing of two things (Heat and Cold, Happiness and Sorrow, Ayya (Siva) and Amma (Sakthi)). 117) Sarva Saubhagya Dayaka Chakrasvamini, 118) Sampradayayogini,  

 Srichakra Panchamavaraṇadevataḥ - (10)

·         119) Sarvasiddhiprade – Making all Godly activities successful. 120) Sarvasampatprade, - Enabling oneself satisfied and making others satisfied. 121) Sarvapriyankari, always gives positive results. 122) Sarvamaṅgaḻakariṇi, 123) Sarvakamaprade, - One who fulfils all desires.  124) Sarvaduḥkhavimochani 125) Sarvamṛtyuprasamani, - Untimely death will not come. Timely death will come easily. 126) Sarvavighnanivariṇi 127) Sarvangasundari 128) Sarvasaubhagyadayini - Feeling of Amma Rupam, Sameepyam and Saaejyam., 129) Sarvartha Sadhaka Chakrasvamini, 130) Kulottirṇayogini, - Aligning in the athma of Amma. This Goddess will ensure prosperity of the past and future 7 generations.

Srichakra Saṣhṭavaraṇadevataḥ - (10)

·         131) Sarvajne 132) Sarvasakte 133) Sarvaisvaryapradayini. 134) Sarvajnanamayi 135) Sarvavyadhivinasini 136) Sarvadharasvarupe - For the entire creation Amma is dependant. 137) Sarvapapahare 138) Sarvanandamayi 139) Sarvarakṣhasvarupiṇi 140) Sarvepsitaphalaprade - Fulfilling all desires one after the other. The desires are means Amma related. 141) Sarvarakṣakarachakrasvamini 142) Nigarbhayogini, - As if in Amma’s womb, protects from the external world.

Srichakra Saptamavaraṇadevataḥ (8)

·         143) Vasini- Attracts everything with peaceful mind. Will be in control. We will be like slaves to them.  144) Kamesvari, - Desire’s form. Enables you to move from negative thoughts to positive. Surrender to Amma so that She will save you from fickle minded movement of Manassu. Moving to no desires state. 145) Modini Happy and enjoying state - not with the worldly things. But with the devotional status with Amma.146) Vimale, - Not having any dirt.  147) Aruṇe, - Resembles Amma’s red rupam.  Pray and get rid of Red Rajo Guna. Cross Black Tamo Guna and Satvika White Guna as well. Then you will reach Gunaateetha i.e., Amma. 148) Jayini, - The feeling of - Amma is doing, making me to do, enabling me to speak. 149) Sarvesvari, - Anantha Brahmanda koti – Amma is there. She is the Sakthi in each and every person.  150) Kauḻini – Praying according to their kaulam (Group/Sect/Race/Caste). Amma will be there in that. It is called as Kaulacharam, Vamacharam (doing Kshudra pujas), Dakshinacharam (Normal Puas), Samayacharam (Doing Mentally) 151) Sarva Rogahara Chakrasvamini, - Saraswati Devi is Head. Vasinyadi Devathas who chanted Lalitha Devi sthotram will reside in this Sarva Rogahara Chakra.   152) Rahasyayogini, - Remover of all diseases. She is the head of all prosperity. If you do good deeds with good Budhi – you will attain Amma. She will do all these things without your knowledge and you will be in secret mode.

Srichakra Aṣṭamavaraṇadevataḥ - (7)

·         153) Baanini, - Pancha Karmendriyas will be carried as arrows - Sabdha, Rupa, Gandha, Sparsa, Rasa. 154) Chaapini, - One who carries Bow.  She will obstruct bad qualities. 155) Paasini, - She binds us with Pasam (Chord) at the same time She can remove the Pasam of kith and Kin. 156) Ankusini, - She will attack with Anukusam (Goad) and protect the devotees. 157) Mahakamesvari, - Enabling us to do all good things. Fulfils all desires 158) Mahavajresvari, - Makes us to behave properly with good manners.  159) Mahabhagamaalini, - Bhagam – Birth and Death. This Goddess wears this (Birth and death) as garland.  She can do creation and destruction. 160) Sarva Siddhiprada Chakrasvamini, - These Goddesses are creation Goddesses. Will be in triangular form in Sarvasiddhiprada Chakra.161) Atirahasyayogini, - Moksham, Athma sakshathkaram. She is highly secretly embedded.

Srichakra Navamavaraṇadevataḥ

·         162) Sri Sri Mahabhaṭṭarike, - This is the state of mixing with Siva. In the Bindu state both will be together. Kameswarankastha. Those who reach sahasraaram will be in this stage.  163) Sarvanandamaya Chakrasvamini, - All atheetham. Ekatvam.  Bindu middle. Crossing over from ME state. 164) Parapararahasyayogini, - Param – Gnaanam and Permanent, Aparam – Temporary.

Navachakresvari Namani

·         165) Tripure, - She is responsible for Trigunas, Trimurthis, Trilokas, Trikala. If we pray Her – we move from physical to philosophical orientation. 166) Tripureśi, - Sthula (Pancha bhuthas), Sushma (Experience Karmas of world), Karana (Previous birth samsakaras) body head. Balyam, Koumaryam, Yavvanam, Vruddapyam – Stula qualities. .167) Tripurasundari, - Paramthama + Sakthi Aikya swarupam. We get Anandam here. Get rid of obstacles here. Tripuras – Ichcha, Gnaana, Kriya, Manassu, Budhi, Vaak. Trikaala, 168) Tripuravasini, Srimatha, Srimaharagni, Srimath simhasaneswari – Srishti, Ruling, Layam. Three rupams of Amma. She will decide and Ayya will abide. 169) Tripurasrih, - Surya, Chandra, Agni – properties provider.  Ida, Pingala, Sushumna. 170) Tripuramalini, Aim, Hreem, Sreem – Beeja Akasharas as Garland. Removes our dirt. 171) Tripurasiddhe, - The provider available at Tripura – all sidhis. Normal devotee, Gnaani, Yogi – all the three will pray same Goddess.  1 Crore Puajs equals to 1 Stotra. Next hierarchy is Japam, Dhyanam, Layam. 172) Tripuramba, Goddess of Tripuras. She provides birth to Trimurthis. 173) Mahatripurasundari, - Beyond Srishti, Stithi, Layam. Maha Kameswara stithi. In Ekam dwaitham. In dwaitham ekam. Sudha chaitanyam.

Sridevi Viseshanaani- Namaskaranavakṣaricha

·         174) Mahamahesvari – This is the state where Sakthi aligned in Siva. This is the stage where together do dance. He wants She should be looked after better than Him. Everything is Sakthi rupam. 175) Mahamaharajni, - She is the ruler of the world. Takes care of the universe.  176) Mahamahasakte, - Ichcha, Gnaana, Kriya Sakthi. Enables to do good deeds so that devotees will have better life. She makes many mahatmas. 177) Mahamahagupte, Keeps the Srishti in Her stomach (as a secret) during pralaya kalam.  178) Mahamahajnapte, - Feeling that everything is happening due to SriMathe.  179) Mahamahanande, Sri Matha and Kameswari with Ananda state. Bindu state – the middle portion of Triangle. Adwaitha state. 180) Mahamahaskandhe, - Carrying the entire creation on both shoulders and protecting.  181) Mahamahasaye, - Enabling the great mahatmas to do great works. Makes to realize that each one (jeevudu) is having same Chaitanya sakthi. 182) Mahamaha Srichakranagarasamrajni, - Namaste Namaste Namaste Namaḥ । - The state where all 14 lokas are there, taking care of them, but in balanced state without any feeling.  Sri Chakram is Yatram. We have crossed the chakrams.


🙏 Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti! 🙏