Friday, November 30, 2012

Telugu Vari Charitra


Telugu Vari Charitra   
          (Kree Pu 300 – Kree Sa 2010)  - Verpatuvaadam
·         Andhra Aryans or Dravidians
·         Tenugu – Telangana – Telivigiri – Trilinga Desam
1.       Satavahanas – Srimukha is the original King - Capital Pythan. (221 BC to  6 BC) – towards end Sanskrit has replaced Andhra as official Language
2.       Ikshvakas – Nagarjuna at Vijayapuri  capital – 250 AC to 650 AC
a.       Originally Pallavans started from Andhra with Kanchi as the capital – later limited to Tamilnadu only
b.      Cholas at kaveri area
3.       Chalukya – next 500 years (625 to 1076)  based from Maharshtra in Andhra the capital is Vengi (WG District)
a.       Andhra and Kannada separated
b.      Between 1022 and 1061 – Rajaraja Narendra
                                                               i.      Andhra Mahabharatam
c.       Chalakya and Cholas became friends (Andhra and Tamilians) fought against Maharashtra and Kannada.
1.       After Raja Raja Narendra his son shifted to Kanchi as his capital
4.       Kakathiya – 300 years – 1000 AC to 1323 AC – Orugallu (Warangal)
a.       Pratapa Rudra is the main King
b.      One of another famous king is Ganapathi Deva  - his army general was originally Jaayapasenani , who was the king of Tenali and Repalle areas.
c.       Thimmarasu originally from Nellore moved to Orugallu and completed Mahabharatha
d.      Rudrama Devi was very famous and she was the rare woman ruler.
e.      Her son Pratapa Rudra was the last king – lost his kingdom , taken in custody by Mohammadians – committed suicide on the way by falling into Godavari.
5.       Tuglaq kingdom
6.       Bahamani Kingdom (Gulbarga)
7.       Rendava Singama Naidu – Capital Rachaonda – Bammera Pothana wrote the Maha Bhagavatham
8.       Kondaveeti Reddy Kings – 1324 to 1424 – Guntur to Nellore. They accepted Krishna Devaraya as main King during this time. Srinatha was in their kingdom.
9.       Vijayanagara Kingdom (1336 to 1650)
a.       Hai Hara and Bukka Rayulu were main employee in Pratapa Rudra’s Kakatiya kingdom
b.      After Orugallu’s fall – went to Hampi joined the Kingdom of Jambukeshwar (Anigonde)
c.       These two were taken by Tuglaq as prisoners to Delhi
d.      Converted to Muslim
e.      Tuglaq himself send them to renovate Anigonde kingdom as it has lead into problems.
f.        Vidyaranya Pundit advised them to convert to Hindu.
g.       They opposed to Tuglaq and formed Vijayanagara Kingdom.
h.      Main one is 1509to 1530 to 1550 under Krishna Devaraya – the entire Andhra and Rayalaseema (No Telangana)
                                                               i.      He is the step brother of King  Veera Narasimha Rayulu
                                                             ii.      With the intelligence of Thimmarasu – he has become the king
                                                            iii.      Kempegowda is the representative for Bangalore
                                                           iv.      Tanjaore, Madhura – were represented by Telugu rulers – thus many Telugu families settled in these places.
                                                             v.      Even extended up to Cuttack.
10.   Golkonda Navabs  (1512 to 1687)
a.       Kuli Kuthubsha – 1512 to 1543 – part of Telangana – rest was still with Andhra Gajapathis. But finally could get entire Telangana
b.      Kuli Jamshid – 1543 to 1550 (son of Kuthubsha and killed his own Father)
c.       Kuli Ibrahim – 1550 to 1580 (brother of Jamshid) – was in shelter during his brother’s period, took the help of Vijayanagaras, but later he ditched them. He took care of many Hindu poets.
d.      Kuli Mohammed Kuthub – 1580 to 1611 – Constructed Hyderabad – His Hindu wife was Bhagyavathi – the city was named after her as Bhagya Nagar
e.      Kuli Abdul Hussain – 1611 to 1658. Entire Andhra has become under his rule
f.        Kuli Abul Hasan Kuthubsha – 1658 to 1687. Another name is Tanisha – Akkana and Madanna were in his kingdom. Their nephew was Kancherla Gopanna (Ramadasu). He was a good ruler. Finally defeated by Aurangazeb.
11.   Aurangzeb – 1687 to 1707 Representative was Nizam Mulk Asaf jhani
12.   Nizam
a.       Thus the Nizam kingdom started. His family originated from Turkey , became as employees in Shajahan. Became Subedar of Aurangzeb
b.      English and French made their own rivalry among the family members. Initially French  have upper hand.
c.       There was an agreement to pay  Rs 24 lacs per annum to British.
d.      In 1800 Nizam  (Nizam Alikhan) could not pay and handed over Rayalaseema to them. Andhra was originally under French and then taken over by British. Thus only Telangana has become an independent one.
e.      After that Sukendarja, Nazirza,
f.        In 1857 Asafzal Uddela
g.       1869 – Mir Mahaboob Alikhan. Next his son Usman Alikhan
h.      Nizam has given freedom to around  14 samsthanams  getting Taxes from them.
i.         Most wicked rule between 1920 n 1938 – Non-Mulkis got many jobs even though Govt favored for Mulkis.
j.        Some of his atrocities
                                                               i.      He has provided money to Jinnah
                                                             ii.      Funded money for Babri mosque.
                                                            iii.      Provided funds to Aligarh Muslim university.
k.       He has ensured no schools, colleges in his own state – thus no awareness or educated people in Telangana.
13.   Razakars
a.       Most horrible rule of the Telangana started with the Razakars. They formed Majlis Ithehadal Muslim.
b.      The origination started with few powerful employees who travelled to Haz and determined to convert Hyderabad to a Muslim state for that matter wanted to hoist Muslim Flag in Redfort.
c.       The Nizam also was worried of them.
d.      The most notorious of them is Razvi – under whose leadership – the atrocities on Hindus reached to peak. They wear Khaki uniform, with roomie hat, doing Namaz in the early morning, moving in groups across the city terrorizing the Hindus, the gang became 2 lac soon Their activities are
                                                               i.      Loot Hindus property
                                                             ii.      Rape woman.
                                                            iii.      Make women feel ashamed of themselves
                                                           iv.      Make rich Hindus to do service to them.
                                                             v.      Covert low caste Hindus to Muslim and involve them in the riots
e.      Desmukhs – were the heads of paraganas (a set of 60 villages).
f.        When Salarjang was appointed as PM by British to collect the revenues – the Deshmukh lost the importance. The hierarchy is as follows
                                                               i.      Lords (Prabhus)
                                                             ii.      Bhooswamys.
                                                            iii.      Patel (representative of police) – any caste – Patwari (Revenue) – must be from Niyogi  Brahmin)
                                                           iv.      Peda Kapu, Asamis (Kapu community)
                                                             v.      Caste discrimination utmost.
                                                           vi.      Low cost has to say at the beginning and at the end of each sentence  “Nee Banchan Dora” (Nee Banisanu dora )  - I am your slave.  Nee Kalmoktha (I will touch your feet).
                                                          vii.      No support for Telugu – only Urdu has the encouragement. No political awareness – late than Andhra.
                                                        viii.      Nizam Andhra sabha formed in 1920s to awaken the public for the inferiority being meted to Telugu – a symbol to say that original Nizam rule is against Indian mentality and is pro Pakistani.
1.       This has been later dominated by communists and became Praja Natyamandali
2.       In 1946 it became very powerful as Nizam said he will not join India and want to become Independent Muslim nation.
3.       Ramananda Thirtha has done agitation against this.
14.   Nizam’s accession into India
a.       When India became Independence – Nizam opposed to join the government – but was forced to agree on 27th Aug. Bu again back-tracked because of Razakars.
b.      On 3rd Oct – he tried to align into Pakistan.
c.       Finally Indian Govt forced to agree to the conditions of Nizam
                                                               i.      Defence and foreign with Central govt. rest with Nizam
                                                             ii.      Razvi’s follower Mir Layak Ali became the PM and he is a follower of Jinnah.
                                                            iii.      Pingali Venkatarami reddy is D PM
                                                           iv.      Slowly Nizam violated conditions and favored Pakistan, London… Denying India its rights.
                                                             v.      Involved in illegal arm deals and supplies.
                                                           vi.      K M Munshi was appointed by the central government to enforce the agreement – but Nizam did not allow him to reach Hyderabad.
                                                          vii.      Razakars started violence again – attacked Hindus,  cut-off hands of his own religion scholars for opposing them.
                                                        viii.      The Nizam PM met Pakistan secretly and sent a representation to UN.
                                                           ix.      Operation Polo – 13th Sep 48 to 18th – J N Choudhury’s lead Indian army entered into Hyderabad city.
                                                             x.      Nizam’s army accepted the defeat.
                                                           xi.      Layak Ali, Razvi escaped to Pakistan as they were arrested.
                                                          xii.      Nizam became as Raj Pramukh
                                                        xiii.      Army representatives ruled Hyderabad till 1952 elections.
15.   Bhurgula Rama Krishna Rao became the first CM in 1952 though Congress does not have full majority.
a.       He had many difficulties in balancing many small groups.
b.      Especially Kannadigas, Marathis used to complain that they were being ill-treated.
c.       Major fight he had was with Mulkis who created Muslim terrorism.
d.      But everyone supported Bhurgula.
                                                               i.      He removed Urdu as the sole teaching media.
                                                             ii.      Also introduced Telugu as the day-to-day language in all the government offices.
16.   British Rule in India
a.       Vascodigama – 1498 Portuguese entered in India – Krishna Devaraya allowed them. Goa is the center for them.
b.      1600 – East India company is formed – British
c.       1602 Dutch company – Netherlands United east India company
d.      British – formed Madras province in 1612
e.      1700 – British Industries are in trouble because of Indian exports.
f.        1800 – British education, Christian religion campaign started.
g.       3 famous East Indian officials – Thomas morro, Sir Arthur Cotton, Charles Philip Brown.
h.      1857 Madras University
i.         1873 – Municipal school – in Rajahmundry – 1877 became Degree College.
j.        1874 – Viveka Vardhini – news paper – Rajahmundry
k.       1833 – Tamil – English Chronicle news paper.
l.         1920 – Parties decided to boycott elections – but Justice Party (forwarded anti-Brahmin Party) contested and won majority seats.
m.    In 1924 Alluri Sitarama raju was killed by Rutherford – he is symbol for revolutionary fighting in Andhra
n.      Andhra participated in agitations against Raulat and Symon commissions.
o.      First CM is Subbarayan Reddiyar  (Cuddalore)
17.   Separate Andhra Movement
a.       In 1937 Madras population is 49,34,200 and Andhra is 22,81,800. Out of 215 seats Andhras got only 75.
b.      Andhra Patrika (from Mumbai) and Krishna Patrika (Machilipatnam) supported
c.       Konda Venkatappiah, Pattabhi Ramayya supported
d.      Tamilians spoke just as now Andhra people are speaking against Telangana
                                                               i.      How Andhrites can manage alone?
                                                             ii.      Where from they get the officials?
                                                            iii.      This will lead to other regions also asking for separate states?
e.      AS expected our great news paper Hindu opposed for Andhra formation.
f.        1st Andhra Maha Sabha at Bapatla 26-May-1913
g.       At Last separate Andhra Congress Unit formed in 22-Jan-1918 with Rayaprolu Subbarao as President and Konda Venkatappiah as Secretary
h.      26-Apr-1926 Andhra University was formed in Vijayawada
i.         In 1934 Rayalaseema Maha Sabha formed thus infighting in Andhra started.
                                                               i.      To compromise the Capital and High court was left to Rayalaseema and University to Visaka
j.        Due to 2nd world war the whole process delayed till 1946
k.       While people wanted Visalandhra  to be formed – Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy opposed it on the basis of Language.
                                                               i.      They wanted separate Rayalaseema state
                                                             ii.      J V P (Jawahar, Vallabh, Pattabhi) – committee in 1949 suggested not to press for Andhra and suggested it can be considered if they are ready to forfeit Madras.
l.         In 1946 – Prakasam became CM for Madras state for 11 month.
                                                               i.      Rajaji and Kamaraj Nadar afraid that Prakasam will be powerful and hence removed him.
                                                             ii.      Ramaswamy Reddyyar became CM.
m.    Dr Pattabhi is like Andhra Gandhi – he lost the president post of Congress against Subhas and Gandhi felt the defeat as his own.
                                                               i.      Later he was considered for the post of VP (Finally Radhakrishnan was chosen) – he was made the Governor of MP
18.   Swamy Sitaram did fasting for 35 days – but Vinobha Bhave requested him to stop.
19.   Tamil leaders played a major role in dominating and intimidating Andhra leaders.
20.   Also Andhra leaders fought among themselves lead by 2 groups (Pattabhi Vs Prakasam).
21.   Potti Sriramulu did Fasting (19-Oct-52 to 15-Dec-1952).
22.   Finally Nehru agreed in Parliament – Congress, Praja party, Krishikar party, Communists.
a.       Kurnool became Capital after Vijayawada/Guntur/Tirupathi were considered.
23.   In 1953 1st Oct – Andhra was formed
a.       Prakasam was the CM (Congress + Praja Party)
b.      Sanjeeva Reddy Dy CM
c.       Tenneti, S V B Pattabhi, Sanjeevaih, Kadapa Kotireddy are ministers.
24.    1954 – Midterm elections – Bezavada Gopala Reddy  CM – Congress full Majority, Sanjeeva Reddy Dy CM
25.   Hyderabad state Split
a.       Fazab Ali Khan commission has been formed to look into states formation based on Language.
b.      Hyderabad into 3 – (Mysore, Maharshtra and Andhra)
c.       The benefits the commission listed out for Telangana + Andhra are as follows
                                                               i.      Fertile lands of Andhra will help Telangana to get excess food grain production of Andhra
                                                             ii.      Andhra will get the benefit of minerals of Telangana
                                                            iii.      Capital problem is solved with Hyderabad.
d.      Though there were apprehensions from telangana region – finally in Hyderabad assembly majority supported Visalandha only.
e.      But from the beginning K V Rangareddy and his nephew Dr M Chenna Reddy have dual positions for and against Visalnadhra and always used this issue for their benefit.
26.   Elders Agreement (Peddamanushula Oppandam) – These are from Congress only and no one else? – then how can it be applicable for the entire AP?
a.       Andhra – B Gopala Reddy (CM), N Sanjeevareddy, G Lachanna (Ministers), A Satyanarayana Raju (Andhra Congress president)
b.      Telangana – B Ramakrishna Rao (CM), K V Ranga Reddy, Channa Reddy (Ministers), J V Narasinga Rao (Hyderabad Congress President)
c.       Following are agreement points
                                                               i.      The administrative expenditures should be borne by the two regions in the ratio.
                                                             ii.      The surplus revenue of Telangana should be spent in telangana for next 5 years and need to be reviewed after 5 years also.
                                                            iii.      Telangana educational seats for them only or 1/3rd of total AP seats for them – they can chose whichever is beneficial.
                                                           iv.      The existing employees should be allocated in the ratio and if needed Andhra employees need to be removed.
                                                             v.      Further employment also should be done in the population ratio
                                                           vi.      Urdu should continue as special language in administration and also Telugu should not be a mandatory language for appointment – but they should pass Telugu exam in 2 years.
                                                          vii.      To get job in Telangana – one should be living at least for 12 years
                                                        viii.      Agriculture lands selling in Telangana should be under the control of Regional commission.
                                                           ix.      Separate Regional Development Telanagana commission should be formed.
                                                             x.      In the above commission total 20 members should be there as follows:
1.       9 members from Assembly from each district – should be elected by respective district assembly members
2.       6 Assembly or Parliament members – elected by Telangana Assembly members
3.       5 non Telangana – again elected by Telangana Assembly members.
                                                           xi.      The above commission should be legalized and have the rights as follows
1.       Planning, administration employment etc.
2.       Reviewing the agreement after 10 years.
                                                          xii.      Cabinet posts should be in 60: 40 (Andhra : telangana)
                                                        xiii.      CM and Dy CM should be reciprocated. 2 portfolios from the Home, Finance, Revenue, Planning, Commerce, Industries – must be for Telangana
                                                        xiv.      Separate Congress committee for Telanagna till 1962
d.      All these demands were agreed by Andhra leaders without any discussion in a hurry to form the united State
                                                               i.      They did not consult other parties.
                                                             ii.      Other leaders of their own
                                                            iii.      Did not think of further consequences.
                                                           iv.      Being secondary citizens in their own state.
e.      The name of the state was planned as “Andhra-Telangana”  - but as the name looks Hybrid and may provocative.  They preferred Andhra Pradesh
                                                               i.      1st Nov 1956 – CM is Sanjeev Reddy, C M  Trivedi – Governor.
f.        Border Disputes
                                                               i.      Andhra – Orissa
1.       Parlakhemundi, Berhampur, Koraput – Andhra asked only Telugu Taluks – but the Language commission took this as the demand for the whole districts and said Telugus are only 15% and denied the regions to Andhra.
2.       Reversely Orissa demanded for Srikakulam.
                                                             ii.      Andhra-Karnataka
1.       Kolar district has 51% Telugu – but still they retained in Mysore
2.       Bellary again has majority Telugu and geo-wise just in Andhra – but still retained in Mysore
                                                            iii.      Andhra-TN
1.       Hosuru, Dharmapuri has lot of Telugu population – but geo-wise they are not adjacent to AP and hence could not be merged
g.       Thus Andhra lost many genuine areas from Chennai to small towns like Hosur…
27.   Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy was the first CM of AP
a.       GopalaReddy also contested. But the Telangana Congress under Konda Venkata Reddy  has been divided into 2 groups – one lead by Channa Reddy (supported Gopala reddy) and the other by Narasimha Rao (supported Neelam).
b.      Konda got 2nd position.
c.       The other ministers are – Kala Venkatarao, Peddireddy Thimma Reddy, Grandhi Venkata Reddy Naidu, Kasu Brahmananda Reddy, Damodaram Sanjeevaiah, S B P Pattabhirama rao (Andhra) – V V Raju, J V Narasinga Rao, Mehadi Navaz Jung, M Narasinga Rao – (Telangana). Andhra – 6, Telangana – 5, Rayalaseema – 3. Later Gopala Reddy also joined.
d.      Alluri Satyanarayana Raju – State Congress president.
e.      The state was formally launched at Fathe Maidan by Nehru. The speech was translated by Bhurgula
f.        Differences
                                                               i.      Tamil-Andhra Vs Mohammed Andhra.
                                                             ii.      Officers ICS vs HCS
                                                            iii.      No Dy CM was given to Telangana
                                                           iv.      No Regional Development board was established.
                                                             v.      Sanjeeva Reddy and S N Raju said they will take care of Telangana Development and not to worry for theses. They become very powerful
                                                           vi.      Praja Party and Krishikar Lokdal moved away from Congress.
g.       Soon two groups formed one with Sanjeeva Reddy, Alluri Gopala Reddy , Brahmananda Reddy Vs Channa Reddy, Chandramouli, Gouthulachanna
h.      The later 3 moved away from Congress and formed Democratic party in 12-Feb-1959
i.         Jun-1959 Swatantra party by N G Ranga
j.        Sanjeeva Reddy has become very powerful and posted his own members in all places. All are afraid of him. But he has been recorded as Honesty and straightforward.
k.       Nehru wanted him to lead the Congress at Nation. He became in 11-Jan-1960 at Bangalore.
l.         1958- Vidhanaparishad has been formed with 90 members – Madapati Hanumantha Rao was the first Chairman.
28.   Damodaram Sanjeeviah became the next CM and he was considered as puppet of Neelam.
a.       But he wanted to prove that his not.
b.      The candidates for the 1962 elections were selected so as to make Neelam again the CM.
c.       Because of infighting Congress got just only 176.
29.   Big Shots of Andhras between 1957 and 62 at Center are
a.       Governors
                                                               i.      Kerala – V V Giri
                                                             ii.      UP – Bhurgula
                                                            iii.      Gujarath – Mohidi Navaz Jung
                                                           iv.      Assam – General Nagesh
                                                             v.      West Bengal – Kumari Padmaja Naidu
b.      AICC President – Neelam
c.       All India Swatantra Party President – N G Ranga
d.      Bharathiya Jana Sangh President – Avasarala Rama Rao
e.      L S Speaker – Anantha Sayanam  Iyyengar.
30.   2nd Term CM of Neelam
a.       12-Mar-1962 (7 each from Telangana) and 2 from Rayalaseema ministers.
b.      AICC president – Sanjeeviah
c.       Neelam nationalized bus routes in Kurnool district and they went to court. Court objected to this decision. On moral grounds Neelam resigned
31.   Brahamananda Reddy – 3rd CM
a.       29-Feb-64
b.      27th May 64 Nehru died.
c.       Shastry became PM and Neelam joined his cabinet
d.      Neelam and Brahmananda Reddy differences started.
e.      Channa Reddy supported Brahmananda Reddy
f.        When Shastry died – Brahmananda Reddy supported Indira Gandhi as the PM without consulting
32.   1967 Assembly elections again KBR became CM
a.       Few seats only Congress got – as usual with defections got majority
b.      Neelam became the Speaker at central and resigned from Congress in 1969.
c.       Chenna Reddy became minister in Center – but later was forced to resign as court ordered that his election is not valid
d.      He became angry against KBR saying not supported and formed his own party democratic party.
e.      KBR has done lot of great things for Telangana – but still many were against him criticizing Telangana should have their own CM.
f.        24-Sep-71 he has resigned as CM.
33.   Separate Telangana Movement
a.       Courts have ruled out special protection of Telanganas saying 15 yrs must to get job in Telangana.
b.      Mulki agitation seeds started again (Localities should get the job)
c.       During the AP formation – many officers came from Kurnool.
                                                               i.      They have got double promotions as they were disturbed from  Madras to Kurnool to Hyderabad.
                                                             ii.      Whereas the Telangana people remained as usual and were forced to juniors.
                                                            iii.      Also they have shown laid back attitude and did not progress further.
d.      Infact the ratio of jobs were protected to Telangana – but still they made mess of it.
e.      Even Andhra rulers did not try to console or control.
f.        20-Jan-69 there was firing against students – that triggered unrest. Schools/colleges closed.
g.       Employees started agitating against Andhra employees.
h.       Prajasamithi (Headed by Channa Reddy and Mallikarjuna) spearheaded the agitation.
i.         PM supported KBR and J Chokka Rao has been the DY CM.
j.        Infact Telangana agitation was nullified , closed, prajasamithi was split.
k.       KBR resigned in Sep 71
34.   P V Narasimha Rao – 4th CM on 25-Sep-71
a.       First Telangana CM
b.      Land reforms, making Panchayath raj independent.
c.       Brought Mulki rules and said final victory of Telangana, which agitated Andhra.
d.      President rule in between 13th Jan 73 to 10th Dec 73 for 320 days (reason Andhra movement)
a.       Andhra people slowly started realizing the loss they are incurring in the AP.
b.      In the name of Mulki they did not get any Jobs in their own state capital of Hyderabad (the single most such a state in India).
c.       They were being treated as 2nd grade citizens in their own state
d.      PM said Mulki will be applicable up to 1977 in Hyderabad and up to 1980 in other Telangana agitating Andhra further.
e.      They started agitation – 31-Dec-72  300+ died. Violence erupted. The only powerful leader Kakani Venkata Rathnam died on 25th Dec 72 and thus no leader was there for the agitation.
f.        Then slowly courts gave controversial definitions
                                                               i.      Mulki is not originally born ones. Those who came and settled !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                             ii.      Mulki is not applicable for promotions, rotations, transfers.
36.   Thus both Telangana and Andhra found that it is of no use of the agitations and wanted to compromise with the following agreement.
a.       Developing the backward regions, capital with the resources available.
b.      Locals will be given importance for admission into educational institutions.
c.       Locals will be given job postings exemptions are
                                                               i.      NGOs , secretariat, other Government offices, Hyderabad Police.
                                                             ii.      Local bodies – corresponding posts.
                                                            iii.      Tahasildar, Jr Engineers, Civil engineers, surgeons
d.      Administrative tribunal to sort out the issues of 3rd point and state govt has to obey its decision.
e.      President of India empowered for the final decisions if any.
f.        Hence Mulki rules will not be applicable any more
Thus this solved the problem of Andhras ill-treatment in their own state by the government rulers.
37.   For ruling purpose – the zones were created as follows:
a.       Zone 1: Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakha
b.      Zone 2: EG , WG, Krishna
c.       Zone 3: Krishna, Prakasam, Nellore
d.      Zone 4: Rayalaseema – Kurnool, Cuddapa, Anantapur, Chittoor
e.      Zone5: Adilabad, Karimnagar, Warangal, Khammam
f.        Zone 6: Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Nizambad, Mahaboob Nagar, Nalgonda, Medak.
38.   Constraints and rules:
a.       80:20 should be the ratio for local and non-local for Telangana and Andhra – Vice-versa
b.      The appointments done against the rules for 5th and 6th to be restored.
39.   Jalagam Vengala Rao 5th CM – 13th Dec 73
a.       Able administrator, implemented 20 point program of Indira Gandhi, Naxalites have been attacked.
b.      10th Jun  1975 Emergency By Indira
c.       Janatha party has won 1977 LS elections (old Congress, Janasangh, BLD, Socialist Party)
d.      JP – 298 seats, Congress 153 Morarji became the PM.
40.   7th May 77 – KBR became Congress President and ignored Indira. Vengalarao remained with KBR
41.   Indira formed her own party in Feb 78
42.   1978 AP elections
a.       Congress (I) – 175, JP (60), Congress (30).
43.   Dr Marri Chenna Reddy – 6th CM – 6th March 78
a.       He resigned 10th Oct 80 as unable to control dissidence.
b.      Though he is able administrator – he has been impatient, ego and lot of corruption cases leveled against him.
c.       During his tenure Congress (I) got 41 out of 42 LS seats in 1980 and Indira became the PM again.
44.   T Anjiah – 7th CM – for 6 months –  He formed Jumbo cabinet. Rajiv Gandhi did not like him.
45.   Bhavanam Venkatarami reddy 8th CM – 6 months. He took NTR in his car during the swearing-in (they both were classmates). But when NTR formed TDP – high command wanted a more powerful leader to tackle and hence removed him again.
46.   Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy – 9th CM – He was an able administrator. But was ousted by public during 1983 TDP victory.
47.   N T Rama Rao – 10th CM –(1983 March to 1989 Dec)  with short time. 610 G O (protecting Telangana rights). But no one has implemented by any one even till today.
48.   N Bhaskar Rao –11th CM  in between 1 month by ditching NTR without having majority – but with the rude support of Indira Gandhi (Aug mid 1984 to Sep mid 1984)
49.   Channa Reddy again CM – 1 year
50.   Neduramalli Janardhana Reddy – 12th CM  - Dec 1990 – scandal of too many private Engg and Medical colleges.
51.   Again Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy as the CM in 1992 Oct – though he is able administrator, non-controversial – lost elections.
52.   NTR became CM in 1994
53.   N Chandra Babu Naidu – 13th CM in Aug 1995 – by ditching NTR – but having majority. He won again in 199 elections also with the support of BJP alliance.
54.   Dr Y S Raja sekhar Reddy became the 14th CM in 2004 May.
a.       He became the CM again in 2009
b.      He died in Sep 2009 in a Helicopter accident.
c.       Till his death the Telangana agitation was never in the forefront.
55.   Rosiah became CM in Sep 2009 as 15th CM after YSR’s death – though Jagan Mohan Reddy (son of YSR tried tooth and nail till the last minute) – but the high command showed a maturity and warned Jagan.
56.   Comparison of Development of Telangana w.r.t Andhra and Rayalaseema since the formation of AP
a.       Andhra has got additional 51,006 lac Hectares of irrigation, Telangana 50,639 lacs and Rayalaseema 19,013 lacs – thus T got almost equal to that of Andhra – while Rayalaseema was backward
b.      Industries in T 7,19,258 and rest 6,37,447 – again T is far far above
c.       Cement 80% from T (AP is 33.33%)
d.      Pharmaceuticals – 80% T – (50% from AP)
e.      IT – 90% from T
f.        Studios (all in T)
g.       Hotels (all in T)
h.      International Airport in T only
i.         Coastal
                                                               i.      Only Vizag developed to a bit
                                                             ii.      Other leading towns like Vijayawada, Guntur, Nellore which were very prominent before Independence became moderate towns with cloth business, medium hotels, small scale Industries and no where matching to Hyderabad.
j.        Education
                                                               i.      Schools - T – 42%
                                                             ii.      Students – T -48%
k.       Literacy
                                                               i.      1951-52  - T – 9.3%, A & R – 13.4%
                                                             ii.      2005-06 – 57% and 61.3%
l.         Higher education Institutions
                                                               i.      T – 877
                                                             ii.      A & R – 848
m.    Hospitals increased – 684% in A n R, T 569%, T excluding Hyderabad 711%
n.      Electrification
                                                               i.      1956  - 68.2% villages in A n R, 8.3% in T
                                                             ii.      2004 – both 100%
o.      After 1956 all 47 PSUs in Hyderabad and around of Telangana only
p.      As per Mohanthy a research done on development.
                                                               i.      By 1982-83 – A n R have been under-developed than Telangana.
                                                             ii.      By 1994 it has become much wider.
                                                            iii.      Highly Developed districts 3 in A, 2 in R, 5 in T
                                                           iv.      Moderately – 2 in A 2 in T
                                                             v.      Backward -  4 in A and 2 each in the 2 regions.
                                                           vi.      The expenditure for Telangana under “Jala Yagnam” is double that of Andhra n Rayalaseema – though both of them have almost equal irrigation land.
57.   Current Telangana Agitation
a.       KCR was not given the ministership in 199 cabinet by Chandra Babu – he was given Dy Speaker – thus KCR became dissatisfaction.
b.      From this dissatisfaction – he started thinking of Telangana – thus it is very clear that it is not from his blood – but it is from his power hungry – it started.
c.       Before him – BJP in 1999 wanted Telangana – but kept quite as it is in alliance with TDP.
                                                               i.      One vote 2 states (Kakinada resolution).
58.   KCR   - 2001 – started TRS along with Prof Jayashankar.
a.       610 GO’s non-implementation
b.      Violation of elders agreement
c.       Naxalites and ex-naxalites joined him.
d.      This forced Congress to start Telangana forum by YSR – under the leadership his disciple.
e.      In 2004 4lctions congress was clear that it will appoint 2nd SRC and no direct state formation.
f.        TRS got 26 Assembly and 5 valuable MP seats.
g.       Naxalites were called for discussions by YSR – but failed. In protest TRS ministers in assembly resigned.
h.      Gradually TRS lost its identify. It separated from congress
i.         Lost local body elections
j.        KCR resigned and contested from Karimnagar as a challenge posed by M Satyanarayana (foolish person).
k.       He won with 2 lac majority and again TRS became limelight.
l.         10 TRS legislators were defected to congress – manipulated by YSR
m.    In 2007 16 assembly and 1 LS seta by elections – vacated by TRS. It suffered again a lot – KCR won with just 15,000 votes. Won just 7 assembly.
n.      It was written off.
o.      But in 2009 elections TDP gave life to it – but still they won 2 LS seats and 10 assembly only
p.      Thus TRS was a closed chapter after 2009 assembly elections. YSR made very  clear that he will not allow state formation just like that.
q.      TRS was afraid to contest even Greater Hyderabad Elections
59.   Rosiah committee – before 2009 elections – was formed by YSR to look into the aspects of Telangana as an eye-wash to get telangana votes and it yielded also.
60.   PRP which was formed before elections supported Telangana – but later it ditched and opposed.
61.   Face saving Fast – since all attempts to revive TRS failed, 610 G O, Unassigned lands, he started “Andhra vala Bhago” – but back fired. Hence decided to provoke students and start Fast-unto-Death
62.   Fasting process
a.       KCR toured a week before 30th Nov 2009 to all universities and provoked every one. Used very rubbish language against Andhra. Govt kept quite seeing like a drama.
b.      But they over exaggerated the crowd for Siddipet where the fasting planned.
c.       KCR was arrested on the way and he started the whole drama along with his supporters – thus the TV sympathy gained for him a lot. He was sent to Khammam jail.
d.      The agitators started acting against Andhra.
e.      Few committed suicide – for this reason? Or for something else?
f.        From Jail  he was shifted to Hospital
g.       He took tablets and fruit juice and looked like he withdrew the fasting – then Gaddar criticized him.
h.      Then KCR realized his mistake and said that he was in drowsy because of Drs medicines and he does not know what they have given is.
i.         Thus as usual he has lied openly and foolish public beloved.
j.        Later he was shifted to NIMS, Hyderabad.
k.       On 8th Day i.e. 6th Dec  Drs at NIMS (forced by state authorities)  gave a death warrant of KCR – officials thought that will make KCR withdraw fast.
l.         2 days of severe agitation in Telangana.
m.    7th Dec – 9th day – High command wanted to take the opinion of all parties in state. All parties except MIM , LP supported Telangana.
n.      10th Dec – the assembly was planned to be attacked. The selfish people in Congress converted this as a big danger and cited that there could be 2 to 5 thousand deaths.
o.      State Government could not assure the center that they can tackle.
p.      The main problem was with the Andhra and Rayalaseema leaders – who kept quite all through the agitation – giving an indication that they are indifferent to the Telangana formation.
q.      10th Dec 2010 – Chidambaram announced that the process for Telangana formation will be started soon.
r.        All parties in Andhra and Rayalaseema including congress got stunned.
63.   United Andhra Movement
a.       Now the scene shifted from telangana to Seemandhra
b.      56 MLAs from Congress,  29 from TDP, 12 from PRP resigned and called for Bandh.
c.       KCR withdrew the fasting and the resignations reached to 135
d.      MPs from A n R reached Delhi – started lobbying and putforth the points – describing TRS is a weak party.
e.      Lagadapati was arrested in Hyderabad and he was the single MP resigned (later withdrew back)
f.        Separate state movements started in Ghorkha land (WB), Bhundhelkhand, Harithapradesh (UP), Midhilanchal (Bihar), Coorg and North Karnataka  (Karnataka), Saurashtra (Gujarath), Vidarbha (MR), Bhojpur (Bihar n UP), Tamilnadu (South TN), Greater Kutch Bihar (Assam n Bengal).
g.       TDP n Congress split into 2 regions, while PRP was united for AP.
h.      Lagadapati  started fasting in VJY – 5 days he did – last day did in NIMS by escaping in a dramatic way – thus exposed KCR saying anybody can do fast for years together if one does take fluids.
i.         Telangana people started taking revenge in the form of violence.
j.        Hyderabad congress leaders wanted Greater Hyderabad.
k.       Thus finally on 23rd Dec 2009 – Chidambaram did U-Turn and said the Telangana needs wider discussions.
64.   Confrontation
a.       Political JAC in telangana formed with political unemployed like Jana Reddy, KCR making Prof Kodanda Rama reddy as the forum chairman. All parties joined.
b.      All ministers submitted their resignation in one page to Sonia.
c.       AP new governor Narasimhan  came in the last week of Dec
d.      30th Dec 2009 – Chidambaram announces peace process by inviting all to Delhi and assuring a problem resolution.
e.      5th Dec – HM requested all to maintain peace – so that he can start establishing a commission to look into the issues.
f.        Congress put pressure on D S Srinivas to ensure that all Andhra MLAs withdraw their resignation and as well that telangana MLAs do not submit their resignations to speaker.
g.       Congress was forced to move out of JAC
65.   Justice Srikrishna Committee
a.       This was covered as a separate article by me in the blog and document refer the embedded one below
66.   AP should be  1 or 2 or 3
a.       Out of the total 2200 years of known Telugu existence – Telugus were united for 500 years (250-300 during Sathavahana, 100 during Kakatheeya, Nizam (100 years). Rest 1700 – they are separated.
b.      150 years prior to 1956 – both were separated.
c.       Like  Telugu people were ill-treated by Tamilinas during 50s – Telanagana is being ill treated by settlers.
d.      Except KBR and NTR all CMs are either from Rayalaseema or Telangana – but still Andhra has been developed culturally – if not financially.
e.      The whole history if revisited again from the above pages – there were many instances where separate agitations have happened within Telangana and Rayalaseema
                                                               i.      Mulki vs non-mulki
                                                             ii.      Kannadigas, Marathis Vs Telugu
                                                            iii.      Razakars vs Telangana
                                                           iv.      Rayalaseema Vs Andhra (agreement level if not agitation level)
67.   KCR –
a.       Though he started with a selfish reason – but he was successful in maintaining the agitation live for 7 years which never happened in Telangana agitation history
b.      But he was very awkward in his speeches , arrogance, culture – which made the agitation and himself as jokers.
c.       He may not be serious in his language – but doing intentionally as fashion and also he knows there is no point asking Andhrites to go away from telangana
                                                               i.      Hyderabad was developed only because of them.
                                                             ii.      Even there are many Telanganites in US who are helping TRS – so no meaning for local vs non-local.
                                                            iii.      In TN still 2 to 3 ministers are from Telugu community (the no: 2 Arcot Veeraswamy is Telugu and even Karunanidhi was originated from Andhra). For that matter the  DMK establisher Periyar is a Telugu man. MDMK president Vigo is Telugu and whole Coimbatore Industries are in the hands of Telugus.
                                                           iv.      In Karnataka – now in BJP govt – the full control is from Telugus (Gali brothers + Katta)
                                                             v.      But knowing pretty well KCR created a feeling among Telanganites that by throwing Andhrites – they can get their land, jobs and property.
d.      Cunningness of KCR made
                                                               i.      Students lose their valuable lives and education.
                                                             ii.      Congress foolishly supported Telangana by forming forum by YSR
                                                            iii.      Supported TRS
                                                           iv.      Made ministers.
                                                             v.      Later TDP supported them
                                                           vi.      Thus every time TRS was dying some one or the other helped them.
                                                          vii.      At last when it reached a stage it cannot contest Hyderabad elections KCR resorted to fasting.
e.      Hyderabad population
                                                               i.      22 -23 lacs Andhra, same Muslims, 20 lacs Telanganas, 10 to 12 lacs other states.
68.   What is the loss now for Telangana?
a.       IT industries stopped expanding
b.      No new Industries as per CII
c.       America warned its citizens to go to Hyderabad
d.      IPL moved away from Hyderabad.
e.      In an era where countries are uniting, geos are merging, mncs are combining – no meaning for separate state just based on political reasons to get more employment.
f.        Public should be aware of the real issues.
g.       Now is the agitation under the control of KCR/TRS/JAC/Students/Naxalites?
69.   So better be united and develop together . If you are big you can demand more.