Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pseudo-support for Pro-Pakistani feeling and open support for internal separatism – That is the day of order for today’s Government and society

Balsaheb Thakarey has started head-on-collision with each and every one; whom-ever he thinks are supporting Pakistan or Pakistanis.
The recent fight he has taken up with Sharukh Khan in the context of the movie My Name Is Khan (MNIK) has been well opposed by Media, Government, public to a greater extent. All of us are very happy that MNIK is released successfully and running in full house. Sharukh has praised the fans as real Heroes. Note the point that MNIK was a big success in Pakistan as well with packed houses – since Pakistanis found a messiah in the form of Sharukh.
So while someone in India is opposing Pakistanis – we put some guidelines and restrict to that hate – saying – you should not cross certain boundaries. In this case Thakerey crossed limits raising a point that Sharukh was supporting Pakistani cricketers – while the Pakistan as a nation sabotaging us.
What about the fate of the so called Tollywood in its own state?
There were 4 shootings attacked by Telangana rioters. The movies of Vishnu, Jr NTR, Mahesh Babu, Gopi Chand were attacked and disturbed. Crores of rupees were incurred as loss by the Producers.
The movies of Allu Arjun, Vishnu, Ram charan, Jr NTR were stopped.
What madness are we in?
If it is a crime to stop MNIK – is it not a crime by Telangana rioters’ to stop the Telugu movies.
has been opposed on patriotism ground – but everyone supported MNIK - CM, ministers - heavy police escorts was provided.
Does anyone looking into the Tollywood pains and sufferings in its own home land?
· Whether our pseudo secular UPA is worried for protection of Tollywood – they will provide protection only if someone fights for Pakistani inclusion in sports at the cost of our security.
· The so called patriotic BJP is more worried for highlighting external threats, they are least bothered for internal threats – infact they enjoy divide and separatism.
· The equal opportunistic Communists – who always look for negative thoughts – for them films are “Capitalist Games”.
· The sole authoritarian of Telugu Pride TDP – who absolutely flattered in the whole Telangana episode – is not able to decide how to react.
· For Media this issue is not at all genuine one – but MNIK issue is a nationalistic issue – National channels like NDTV, CNN-IBN, Times-Now made hue and cry for MNIK – they are least bothered to highlight the Terror in Telangana. Why to blame national channels – when the own regional channels are afraid to raise these issues (including ETV, Teja, Sakshi…)
No one is supporting for the free shooting, releasing of the Telugu movies in Telangana.
In Telanagana – Police left it to the rioters –they are allowing the students in OU, KU to do whatever they want, enter into streets damage the routine life. Both the university areas are looking like War zones or some border areas. .
Politicians like DS Srinivas warn Chiranjeevi and questions “What damage has been done to film Industry now?” – As if he is expecting for more damages to be done.
All Telangana agitators KCR, Kodandaram Reddy, Congress leaders are threatening to boycott and burn the films.
As long as this partiality exists like this – the Nation will not prosperous. Treat all regions equally with the same respect. Protect all the sections of people – do not have bias. Otherwise the hatred can spread in any form against any one at any time – that time it will be difficult to control.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The So-called HEROEs

Some aged people say “In our younger days – people used to be happy seeing students here and there whenever some wrong things happening – with a hope that they will fight for justice and argue with the other side’s”.
Now every-one’s opinion is the other way. Wherever, whenever wrong things are happening – students are being involved.
The politicians are praising them for everything and saying “You are the Gods, without you the society cannot run – you need to save the country?” Thus instigating violence and waste of valuable time among the students. This is making students to raise their collars and think that they are the Heroes.
By taking clue from Prafulla Mahntha a Student union leader of Assam agitation – every Student union leader now wants to follow the same footsteps and want to become a great politician. They also should know what the fate of Mahantha is now and how has he became corrupted and lost his charisma completely.
If you see across India – it has become fashion that students are participating in all sorts of agitations even if they are irrelevant. There were agitations done by students against reservations – this could be understood as it impacts them directly. But other agitations like State Borders related, political parties associated, attending politicians meetings (like colleges encouraging students attending Rahul’s discussions/meetings openly in the campuses) …. are just time waste, spoils even the good students.
A great Yogi preaches the following to the students. Though the preaching was way behind many decades – but still applies and relevant to the current generation of students.
1. Note that Studies are the number one goals while you are a student.
2. Rest of the activities are secondary – if you cannot excel in studies – no point in involving in sundry activities and wasting time.
3. Politics are not meant for you – they are meant for elders.
a. Let the elders decide as they have experience.
b. When you become elder – you can decide what is needed for the nation, society.
4. Do not get carried away by the politicians saying that the society is in the hands of the students.
a. They use you as pawns and dump you later after achieving their selfish goals.
b. Many suicidal deaths in any agitations are from student community and not from party volunteers or leaders – why for the sake of selfish politicians you should die and make your family cry.
c. People like Rahul invite you to join the politics in the student stage itself– but note that his past 4 generations are no.1 ranked in politics and he is assured of the PM post – but same is not the case with you. For you – you cannot get living out of politics.
5. Note that you do not have right to stop the earning of the poor and middle class families (ofcourse even that of the rich) – in the name of Rastha roko, human chains, shutdowns.
6. The so called politically affiliated student unions like NSUI, SFI, ABVP… are nothing but the party extensions and note their hidden agendas and how they change according to the Government in the power.
7. Politics can be a profession like any other (Engg/Medical…) – but that also needs proper education of politics/economics/law – not just agitations/strikes/burnings
8. Parents will be blamed equally for seeing such students on roads and causing damage to the public property like Buses, Trains and even to the private buildings, shops.
9. Note that the criminal charges which will be filed can haunt you till your retirement any time while joining in any further higher education, jobs or travelling to other countries.
10. Read your core subjects to deep, gain knowledge, excel, explore, master, be thorough and try new things and bring laurels to India, the society and Family – That is the only goal – Then only you become REAL HERO.